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研究生(外文):SHI, BO-HUI
論文名稱(外文):Research on the Design of a Badminton Machine Training System Based on Neural Network Algorithms
外文關鍵詞:Neural NetworkPose EstimationInternet of ThingsSports Technology
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In recent years, the rapid development of artificial intelligence (AI) has led to various applications across numerous industries, reducing costs and enhancing efficiency and accuracy. Integrating AI into the sports industry is a future trend, as it can analyze athletes' training data to provide personalized training programs and assist referees to improve fairness and accuracy in competitions. These applications enhance athletic performance and create new business opportunities for the sports industry. According to the Sports Administration of the Ministry of Education in Taiwan, badminton is the most popular ball sport among the public. This popularity indicates a broad market and demand for sports technology applications in badminton.
This research aims to design an individual-use badminton training system. The system collects player data, analyzes it, and evaluates training effectiveness. It identifies badminton court boundaries using a camera, divides the court into nine zones for real-time player positioning, and controls the shuttlecock machine to determine the serve point. To increase training enjoyment, different difficulty levels for serve points are designed, allowing players to choose the appropriate method based on their skill level. Player data is collected using a pose estimation algorithm to calculate body keypoints and analyze movements. This data helps design flexible serve point methods and provides feedback on posture correctness. Finally, the paper evaluates the performance of the neural network algorithms used and simulates the system with Badminton World Federation (BWF) match videos. The system is deployed for real-world testing, recording player responses under different difficulty levels and analyzing skill improvement after training sessions. Pose estimation identifies areas for improvement, demonstrating that the system provides significant benefits.

第一章 緒論...1
1.1 研究動機與目的...1
1.2 相關研究...2
1.3 章節安排...4
第二章 文獻回顧...5
2.1 影像處理...6
2.1.1 邊緣檢測...6
2.1.2 霍夫變換...7
2.1.3 Point in Polygon...9
2.1.4 單應性矩陣...10
2.2 機器學習和深度學習...11
2.2.1 神經網路...12
2.2.2 卷積神經網路...15
2.2.3 遞迴神經網路...16
2.2.4 長短期記憶...16
2.3 You Only Look Once(YOLO)...17
2.3.1 YOLOv9...19
2.4 姿態估計...20
2.4.1 MediaPipe...21
2.4.2 OpenPose...23
2.5 物聯網...25
第三章 系統設計...27
3.1 系統架構...27
3.1.1 硬體架構...27
3.1.2 軟體架構...28
3.2 系統流程...29
3.2.1 啟動系統...30
3.2.2 APP端連接系統...30
3.2.3 APP其他頁面流程...31
3.3 實驗方法...33
3.3.1 場地辨識...33
3.3.2 場地分割...33
3.3.3 定位球員演算法...38
3.3.4 難易度設計...38
3.3.5 姿態估計分析...40
第四章 實驗與結果...42
4.1 場地辨識與分割結果...42
4.2 模型訓練結果...43
4.2.1 模型評估方法...43
4.2.2 K-Fold交叉驗證...45
4.2.3 YOLO...46
4.2.4 LSTM...49
4.3 演算法模擬...53
4.4 軟體介面...55
4.4.1 首頁...56
4.4.2 訓練頁面...58
4.4.3 歷史紀錄頁面...59
4.4.4 姿態分析頁面...60
4.5 實驗結果...62
4.5.1 硬體佈署...62
4.5.2 測試結果...62
第五章 結論與未來展望...64
Extended Abstract...68
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