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論文名稱:媒體對台灣民眾COVID-19疫苗廠牌選擇之影響 :語料庫分析
論文名稱(外文):The Influence of Media on Taiwanese Citizens' COVID-19 Vaccine Brand Choices: A Corpus Analysis
口試委員(外文):Fang,Perng-CherngHsieh, Chi-Jen
外文關鍵詞:COVID-19 vaccinesinfodemicsocial mediaonline newsvaccine acceptance
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本研究採用語料庫驅動分析法 ( Corpus-Driven Analysis ) 對網路新聞和社群媒體文本進行系統性分析,並輔以半結構式訪談作為研究方法。本研究主要聚焦於四個方面:( 1 ) COVID-19疫苗相關報導的議題框架;( 2 ) 不同媒體平台對疫苗的立場和輿論取向;( 3 ) 網路新聞在風險傳播方面的準確性;( 4 ) 社群媒體上反映的資訊真實性問題。研究者蒐集了2021年1月至6月期間的相關報導,共分析了網路新聞476篇和社群媒體貼文5,723則。

At the end of 2019, the COVID-19 pandemic began spreading globally, evolving into a severe public health crisis by early 2020. This crisis has significantly impacted individual lives, altering daily routines, work methods, and social interactions. It has also had a profound effect on the overall social structure, becoming a global focal point. In this context, COVID-19 vaccination has been regarded as a critical strategy for controlling the pandemic, influencing not only individual health but also the potential for society to return to normalcy. This study aims to explore the influence of Taiwan's online news media and social media on the public's choice of COVID-19 vaccine brands. It analyzes the framing of issues, stance tendencies, and characteristics of risk communication and crisis dissemination in vaccine-related reports on these media platforms.

This research adopts a Corpus-Driven Analysis approach for a systematic examination of online news and social media texts, complemented by semi-structured interviews as a research method. The study focuses on four main aspects:( 1 ) the framing of issues in COVID-19 vaccine-related reports; ( 2 ) the stance and public opinion orientation of different media platforms regarding vaccines; ( 3 ) the accuracy of risk communication in online news; and ( 4 ) the authenticity of information reflected on social media. The researcher collected relevant reports from January to June 2021, analyzing a total of 476 online news articles and 5,723 social media posts.

The results show distinct differences among age groups in accessing COVID-19-related information. The younger generation tends to rely more on social media platforms, the middle-aged group combines traditional and new media, while the older generation relies more on traditional media channels. Media reports and social discussions significantly influence public perceptions of vaccines, with different age groups reacting differently. Vaccination decisions are influenced by various factors, including occupational responsibilities, personal health conditions, the credibility of scientific data, and media reports. Notably, the authenticity of information has become a widely concerned issue. The study finds that online news media tend to adopt a more neutral and authoritative stance in reporting COVID-19 vaccine-related issues, though there is still room for improvement in the accuracy of risk communication. Social media platforms present a more diverse range of views, but they also increase the difficulty for the public to discern the authenticity of information. This phenomenon underscores the importance of enhancing public media literacy and critical thinking in the current information environment.

第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的與方法 7
第二章 文獻探討 9
第一節 COVID-19疫情下的風險認知與決策行為 9
第二節 媒體傳播於疫苗態度形塑之角色 13
第三節 研究問題 18
第三章 研究方法 20
第一節 研究方法概述 20
第二節 內容分析與語料庫分析法的比較 21
第三節 語料庫語言學分析 23
第四節 半結構深度訪談法 27
第四章 研究分析與發現 30
第一節 庫柏中文語料庫研究分析 30
第二節 COVID-19疫苗接種態度研究訪談 48
第三節 研究問題回應與論述 55
第五章 結論 59
第一節 研究發現 59
第二節 研究展望 61
參考文獻 63

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