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論文名稱(外文):Analysis of Radio Broadcasting Company's Core Competencies and Management Opportunity Grid Structure From the Customer's Viewpoint-5 Factors Influencing the Audience
指導教授(外文):Keng-Hsiang, Cheng
口試委員(外文):Yi-Sian, Wang
外文關鍵詞:mass mediaradio broadcastingcore competenciesbusiness strategymanagement opportunity grid
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本研究主要探討無線廣播電台及其行銷方式與核心能耐,並 建立廣播電台的機會管理方格。此研究參考新型媒體、大眾傳播 媒體之核心能耐。傳統媒體因數位崛起、受眾市場分散和閱聽人 需求改變面臨困境,傳播意為溝通和傳播,其本質不變,但方式 則隨時代演進改變。依據國內外文獻及學者建議,本研究整理出 外部行銷與公共關係、節目內容、情感連結、使用方便性與科技 應用、業務推廣5項核心構面,並發展延伸出二十項能耐問題, 對有收聽廣播習慣的閱聽人,進行問卷調查。研究範圍鎖定於習 慣收聽中廣流行網、好事連播網或飛碟聯播網之閱聽人以聽眾角 度出發透過問卷調查方式,取得聽眾對電台提供之內容和服務的 實際滿意度,依照機會管理方格提出的優先、次要順序,得出最 有價值和急需改善的項目,並發現未被重視的問題,對廣播電台 提出建議,進而提升傳統媒體和電台的競爭力。
This comprehensive research study is dedicated to a profound exploration of the fundamental elements and core capabilities within the domain of wireless broadcasting stations and their corresponding marketing strategies. The central objective is to formulate a comprehensive opportunities management opportunity grid, that is meticulously tailored to enhance the marketing strategy. Through extensive academic research, changes in marketing patterns are closely related to Maslow's hierarchy of needs. The study aims to learn from new and self-media's innovative marketing techniques and combine them with traditional mass media's strengths. A structured questionnaire survey will be conducted to propose strategic improvements for the Top 3 Broadcasting Networks. Traditional media face challenges such as the rise of digital media platforms, audience fragmentation, and changing audience preferences. While the purpose of communication and broadcasting remains to share information and foster communication, the methods of content delivery have evolved significantly to meet complex consumer needs. Insights from various domestic and international literature help understand these marketing shifts.
This study categorizes and refines five key radio marketing strategies: radio promotion, public relations, audience engagement, business promotion, and digital media integration. It develops a questionnaire with 20 competency-related questions. expecting to gather 121 valid responses from radio listeners. This data will form the basis for assessing listener satisfaction with the broadcast content and services.
The research aims to gain genuine insights into listener satisfaction and systematically prioritize data based on the management opportunity grid. This approach helps identify the most valuable areas for improvement and those that may be overlooked.
The findings will inform strategic recommendations to refine marketing models and service delivery, ultimately strengthening the competitive position of traditional media and radio broadcasters.
In summary, this research guides the future evolution of the broadcasting field. By focusing on adaptability and innovation, it aims to offer comprehensive suggestions for traditional media navigating the digital age.

中文摘要 iii
英文摘要 iv
致謝辭 vi
內容目錄 vii
表目錄 ix
圖目錄 x
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 6
第三節 研究對象 6
第四節 研究章節與安排 7
第二章 文獻探討 8
第一節 媒體的核心價值 8
第二節 電台的核心能力 11
第三節 滿足與需求理論 14
第四節 管理機會方格 18
第三章 研究方法 21
第一節 問卷構面分析與設計 21
第二節 結果統計分析與方法 28
第四章 實證結果與分析 30
第一節 問卷前測 30
第二節 正式問卷 31
第三節 管理機會方格與矩陣分析 33
第四節 三台總結分析 57
第五章 結論 60
第一節 管理機會方格理論應用 60
第二節 理論應用與實務意涵 67
參考文獻 71
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