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研究生(外文):PEI, PING-HAO
論文名稱(外文):Analysis of the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Travel-Related Consumption from the Perspective of a Card Issuer: A Case Study of Bank A
指導教授(外文):LIU, HSIU-WEN
外文關鍵詞:Customer segmentationFamily life cycleInterrupted time series
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通過分析COVID-19疫情對銀行旅遊類交易的影響,運用中斷時間序列分析(Interrupted Time Series Analysis, ITSA),分析疫情對信用卡旅遊交易的影響。而透過ITSA能夠在發生重大事件(如疫情)前後,分析時間序列數據的變化趨勢和影響程度,識別異常事件對信用卡交易的影響,從而提供更及時的分析結果。

Travel holds significant importance for human life, as it not only helps promote physical and mental well-being and enhance cultural exchange but also drives global economic development. Travel activities typically involve substantial spending, making credit cards a primary tool for travel payments. Therefore, the spending amounts and related information from travel credit card transactions are crucial for understanding travel consumption behaviors and patterns, especially for banks and financial institutions' marketing strategies. However, the travel industry is highly susceptible to various abnormal events, such as natural disasters, geopolitical risks, and global pandemics, which can severely negatively impact travel spending.
By analyzing the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on bank travel-related transactions and using Interrupted Time Series Analysis (ITSA), this study examines the effects of the pandemic on credit card travel transactions. ITSA allows for the analysis of changes in time series data trends and impact levels before and after major events (such as pandemics), enabling the identification of abnormal events' effects on credit card transactions and providing more timely analytical results.
The results indicate that large-scale infectious disease outbreaks can change people's work patterns and even lead to unemployment. Such uncertainties further impact individual or entire family travel consumption patterns. The study found that high-asset groups and married individuals experienced a more significant decline in total travel credit card spending. In contrast, groups such as military and police personnel and individuals in the 20-29 and 30-39 age ranges were less affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Through this study, financial institutions can quickly identify suitable target groups for marketing after large-scale negative impacts and quickly understand which consumer groups have a certain level of resilience to negative shocks.

目 錄
中文摘要 i
目 錄 iii
表目錄 v
圖目錄 vi
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 背景動機 1
1.2 研究目的 3
1.3 研究流程 4
第二章 文獻回顧 5
2.1顧客分群 5
2.2家庭生命週期 6
2.2.1 家庭生命週之定義 6
2.2.2 家庭生命週期階段之劃分 7
2.3中斷時間序列分析之相關文獻 7
第三章 研究方法 9
3.1 研究資料來源 9
3.1.1 資料蒐集區間 9
3.1.2 其他公開統計資料 9
3.2 旅遊相關交易界定與顧客分群 10
3.2.1 商家類別代碼 (Merchant Category Codes) 10
3.2.2 A銀行之旅遊相關交易MCC認定 11
3.2.3 顧客分群方式 11
3.3 新冠疫情異常事件 12
3.3.1 事件起訖日 12
3.3.2 疫情期間發生之異常事件 13
3.4 中斷時間序列分析 (Interrupted Time Series Analysis) 21
第四章 研究結果 23
4.1 回撤 (Drawdown) 23
4.2 中斷時間序列分析 (Interrupted Time Series Analysisn) 30
4.2.1實證迴歸之敘述性統計結果 30
4.2.2 實證迴歸圖形結果解釋 35
4.2.3 各旅遊消費族群(group)的ITSA 模型實證迴歸分析 40
第五章 結論與建議 45
5.1 結論 45
5.2 研究建議 46
參考文獻 48

表2.1 顧客分群變數類別 5
表3.1 其他公開統計資料 9
表3.2 A銀行旅遊相關回饋之MCC 11
表3.3 人口統計變數基本分群 11
表3.4 生命週期與家庭生命週期分群 12
表3.5 COVID-19疫情爆發初期(2020/1-2020/6) 13
表3.6 國內首次社區傳染期(2021/4-2021/9) 16
表3.7 國內Omicron疫情爆發時期 (2022/3-2022/8) 19
表4.1 各類型的 Drawdown數值 28
表4.2 Total Amount的ITSA 模型實證迴歸 30
表4.3 Total Transactions的ITSA 模型實證迴歸 31
表4.4 Married Amount的ITSA 模型實證迴歸 32
表4.5 Unmarried Amount的ITSA 模型實證迴歸 32
表4.6 Married Female Amount-年齡分類的ITSA 模型實證迴歸 33
表4.7 各旅遊消費族群(group)的總旅遊刷卡金額ITSA模型實證迴歸 41
表4.8 各旅遊消費族群(group)的總旅遊刷卡筆數 ITSA模型實證迴歸 43

圖1.2 每月新增本土病例數 2
圖1.3 本研究之流程 4
圖3.1 COVID-19疫情爆發初期(2020/1-2020/6) 13
圖3.2 國內首次社區傳染期(2021/4-2021/9) 16
圖3.3 國內Omicron疫情爆發時期 (2022/3-2022/8) 19
圖3.4 ITSA分析圖例 21
圖4.1 Total Amount與Total Transactions的Drawdown 23
圖4.2 各年齡層分布旅遊刷卡交易金額(Age Amount)的Drawdown 24
圖4.3 年薪分布旅遊刷卡交易金額(Income Amount)的Drawdown 25
圖4.4 已婚/未婚旅遊刷卡交易金額(Married/Unmarried Amount) 的Drawdown 26
圖4.5 已婚女性旅遊刷卡交易金額(Married Female Age Amount)-年齡分類的Drawdown 27
圖4.6 Total Amount (總旅遊刷卡金額)的ITSA 模型實證迴歸圖 35
圖4.7 Total Transactions (總旅遊刷卡筆數)的ITSA 模型實證迴歸圖 36
圖4.8 Married Amount的ITSA 模型實證迴歸圖 37
圖4.9 Unmarried Amount的ITSA 模型實證迴歸圖 37
圖4.10 Married Female Amount-年齡分類的ITSA 模型實證迴歸圖 39

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