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論文名稱(外文):A Study on Using the Job Demands-Resources Model to Evaluate the Food Service Satisfaction of Long-Term Care Service Staff
外文關鍵詞:Job Demands-Resources modelworkplace burnoutcare workersFood service satisfaction
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故本研究旨在運用「工作要求–資源模型」為理論基礎架構,主要探討職場倦怠對長期照顧服務人員之工作要求(工作負荷、情緒要求)、工作資源(主管支持、同事支持)與餐飲服務滿意度之中介效果,調查對象以工作於臺南地區之長期照顧機構之照顧服務人員為問卷調查對象,共發放問卷200份,有效回收樣本186份,回收率為93%,調查問卷資料使用 SPSS 27 統計軟體,並且以敘述性統計、獨立樣本T檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關及多元迴歸分析法等,進行資料分析與判讀推論。

Long-term care service providers play a crucial role in directly engaging with care recipients. Their job satisfaction not only affects their personal well-being but also directly impacts the quality of life and care received by those they serve. As part of long-term care services, dining services are essential for the health and happiness of care recipients. However, past research has mainly focused on the general job satisfaction of long-term care service providers, with insufficient studies on specific areas such as dining services. Although the Job Demands-Resources (JD-R) model has been widely applied in job satisfaction research, its application to dining service satisfaction among long-term care service providers has yet to be fully explored. The JD-R model emphasizes the dual impact of job demands and resources on job satisfaction and provides a theoretical framework for explaining changes in job satisfaction. Therefore, applying the JD-R model to explore dining service satisfaction among long-term care service providers can help deepen the understanding of the formation process of dining service satisfaction, filling theoretical and practical gaps in previous research.

This study aims to use the JD-R model as the theoretical framework to mainly investigate the mediating effects of job burnout on the relationship between job demands (workload, emotional demands), job resources (supervisor support, colleague support), and dining service satisfaction among long-term care service providers. The survey targets care service providers working in long-term care institutions in the Tainan area, with 200 questionnaires distributed and 186 valid samples recovered, achieving a recovery rate of 93%. The survey data were analyzed using SPSS 27 statistical software, employing descriptive statistics, independent samples T-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson correlation, and multiple regression analysis for data interpretation and inference.
The results of this study are as follows:
1. Long-term care service providers in residential institutions exhibit significantly higher workload and job burnout, and significantly lower dining service satisfaction during meal times. Unmarried individuals show significantly higher personal burnout and significantly lower dining service satisfaction. Those aged 30-39 show significantly higher client-related burnout and significantly lower dining time satisfaction. Those with seven or more years of service show significantly higher emotional demands.
2. Job resources among long-term care service providers are significantly negatively correlated with job burnout and significantly positively correlated with dining service satisfaction. Job demands are significantly positively correlated with job burnout and significantly negatively correlated with dining service satisfaction. Job burnout is significantly negatively correlated with dining service satisfaction.
3. Job demands, job resources, and job burnout have significant predictive power for dining service satisfaction among long-term care service providers, with supervisor support having a notably significant positive impact.
4. Job demands and job burnout have a sequential mediating effect on the relationship between job resources and dining service satisfaction among long-term care service providers.

摘要 i
謝誌 v
目次 vi
表目次 vii
圖目次 ix
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 3
第三節 研究步驟及流程 4
第四節 研究範圍與限制 6
第五節 名詞釋義 8
第二章 文獻探討 11
第一節 長期照顧之推動與發展 11
第二節 長照服務餐飲服務滿意度及其相關研究 14
第三節 工作要求-資源模式及其相關研究 19
第三章 研究設計與實施 25
第一節 研究架構 25
第二節 研究假設 27
第三節 研究對象 29
第四節 研究工具 30
第五節 資料處理與分析方法 43
第四章 資料分析與結果 47
第一節 研究樣本背景描述分析 47
第二節 工作要求、工作資源、職場倦怠、餐飲服務滿意度之差異分析 53
第三節 探討工作要求、工作資源、職場倦怠、餐飲服務滿意度之
相關分析 67
第四節 探討工作要求、工作資源與職場倦怠、餐飲服務滿意度之
預測分析 70
第五節 序列式中介效果分析 75
第六節 假設驗證 78
第五章 結論與建議 81
第一節 研究結論 81
第二節 研究建議 90
參考文獻 95
一、中文文獻 95
二、英文文獻 96
附錄、本研究之調查問卷 103

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