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研究生(外文):Chang, Jia-Shiuan
論文名稱(外文):Enhancing EFL Learning with Peer Feedback-Supported Mind Mapping: Digital Storytelling, Collaboration, Motivation, and Perception
指導教授(外文):Chen, Shu-ChuanChen, Hsieh-Jun
口試委員(外文):Lin, Meng-YingCheng, Ya-WenChen, Shu-ChuanChen, Hsieh-Jun
外文關鍵詞:peer feedbackmind mappingcollaborative tendencylearning motivationsocial constructivist learningdigital storytelling
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心智地圖和數位故事書之結合已成為英語作為外語(EFL)學習領域中一個具有潛力的途徑。然而,一個相對未被探索的領域是將同儕反饋整合到數位故事努力中的心智地圖過程中。鑒於這一研究缺口,此研究主要探討參與數位故事的EFL學習者之間的合作和動機之動態,特別關注如何利用同儕反饋豐富心智圖體驗。我們的研究在臺灣中部的一所私立大學進行,共有六十名大學生參與了一個利用 Book Creator平台製作數位故事書計畫,共為期八週。這些學生分組合作,開展了涵蓋其敘事努力等各方面的心智圖創作。通過分析其表現指標,再加上問卷調查所得的見解,研究發現了引人入勝的結果。研究觀察顯示,將同儕回饋輔助心智圖應用於數位故事書的創作和敘事,高、低成就者的結果均有顯著成長。值得注意的是,雖然兩組學生皆有顯著成長,但高成就者的成果明顯優於其他,這突顯了此教學模式對於高成就學生特別有效。此外,高成就者展現出更高的合作學習傾向,積極參與反饋的提供和接收;在低成就者中此傾向則不太明顯。學生對於在數位故事中整合同儕反饋支持的心智地圖的正向態度是顯著的。他們的反饋強調了一系列好處,從增強溝通技巧到同儕互動中獲得新的靈感,以及增強對故事書創作過程的創作敏感度。隨著本研究的結束,協作數位故事書之未來引人深思。前進的道路上,同儕回饋輔助心智圖在促進EFL學習上的思想表達和溝通中的關鍵作用變得至關重要。此研究結果建議,將同儕回饋輔助心智圖融入到未來的教學框架中,進而在學習者中營造一个有利於全面技能發展的環境。
The fusion of mind mapping and digital storytelling has emerged as a promising avenue in the realm of English-as-a-foreign-language (EFL) learning. However, one area that has remained relatively unexplored is the integration of peer feedback into the mind mapping process within digital storytelling endeavors. Recognizing this gap, our research endeavors to delve into the dynamics of collaboration and motivation among EFL learners engaged in digital storytelling, with a specific focus on leveraging peer feedback to enrich the mind mapping experience. Conducted at a private university in central Taiwan, our study involved sixty sophomore students embarking on an 8-week digital storytelling project utilizing the platform Book Creator. Paired up, these students embarked on the creation of mind maps that encapsulated various dimensions of their narrative endeavors. Through meticulous analysis of their performance metrics, coupled with insights gleaned from questionnaire responses, our investigation unearthed compelling findings. Our observations revealed a marked improvement in the outcomes of both high and low achievers when incorporating peer feedback-supported mind mapping into their subsequent project – the creation and storytelling of digital storybooks. Notably, while both cohorts exhibited progress, it was the cohort of high achievers that showcased notably superior outcomes, underscoring the efficacy of this approach particularly for students with a robust academic track record. Moreover, high achievers exhibited a heightened propensity towards collaborative learning, readily engaging in the provision and reception of feedback, a tendency less pronounced among their lower-achieving counterparts. The affirmative stance of students towards the integration of peer feedback-supported mind mapping in digital storytelling was palpable. Their feedback underscored a plethora of benefits, ranging from enhanced communication skills to newfound inspiration drawn from peer interactions, and an enhanced sense of authorship over the storybook creation process. As we draw the curtains on this study, it prompts contemplation on the future trajectory of collaborative digital storytelling endeavors. Moving forward, it becomes imperative to accentuate the pivotal role of peer feedback-supported mind mapping in fostering idea articulation and communication within EFL learning contexts. This entails a concerted effort towards the integration of such methodologies into pedagogical frameworks, thereby fostering an environment conducive to holistic skill development among learners.
Table of Contents
摘要 iii
List of Figure vii
List of Table viii
1.1. General background 1
1.1.1. Importance of English 1
1.1.2. Difficulty in teaching English 3
1.1.3. Digital storytelling 7
1.1.4. Social constructivist theory and peer feedback 8
1.1.5. Mind mapping 9
1.2. Problem Statement 10
1.3. Purposes of the Study 11
1.4. Research Questions 11
1.5. Significance of the Study 12
2.1. Social Constructivist Learning 15
2.2. Collaborative learning 16
2.3. Learning Motivation (Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation) 17
2.4. Peer Feedback 19
2.5. Mind Mapping 21
2.6. Digital Storytelling 22
2.7. Interconnectedness of the issues addressed in this study 24
3.1. Participants 26
3.2. Instructional Design 27
3.3. Instruments 36
3.3.1. Baseline, book review 36
3.3.2. Final performance, digital picture book creating 40
3.3.3. Questionnaire 42
3.4. Data Collection and Analysis 43
3.4.1. Data Collection 43
3.4.2. Data Analysis 43
4.1. RQ1. To what extent did peer feedback-supported mind mapping affect high and low achievers in digital storytelling performance? 45
4.1.1. Quantitative Results 45
4.2. RQ2. How did the two groups differ in intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation, and collaborative tendency in digital picture book creation? 48
4.2.1. Learning Motivation (Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation) 48
4.2.2. Collaborative Learning 50
4.3. RQ3. How did the students perceive peer feedback-supported mind mapping in digital picture book creation? 52
4.3.1. Satisfaction with the peer feedback-supported mind mapping 52
4.3.2. Applications and suggestions for peer feedback-supported mind mapping in the course 54
4.3.3. Future integration of peer feedback-supported mind mapping in learning among students 55
4.3.4. Suggestions for teachers to integrate peer feedback-supported mind mapping in teaching 57
5.1. Students’ Speaking Performance under Peer Feedback-Supported Mind Mapping Setting 59
5.2. Learning Motivation (Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation) toward Peer Feedback-Supported Mind Mapping 63
5.3. Collaborative Learning Toward Peer Feedback-Supported Mind Mapping 66
6.1. Major finding 70
6.2. Contribution of the study 71
6.3. Limitation of the study 72
Reference 74
Appendix A. 86
Appendix B. 87
Appendix C. 88

List of Figure

Figure 1.The folder “Teaching Theories and Material Design in Children's English” is set in Google Drive. 29
Figure 2. The sample of mind map and peer feedback. 30
Figure 3. The text of the project guideline, English edition. 30
Figure 4. The text of the project guideline, Mandarin edition. 31
Figure 5. The weekly schedule. 32
Figure 6. The weekly schedule. 33
Figure 7. The link and QR code of the folder “Teaching Theories and Material Design in Children's English” 33
Figure 8. The guideline for using Jamboard. 34
Figure 9. The entrance of Book Creator. 34
Figure 10. The sign-up page of Book Creator. 35
Figure 11. The library code of Book Creator. 35
Figure 12. The digital picture book sample in the library of Book Creator. 36
Figure 13. The storyboard that the student handed in. 38
Figure 14. The PPT file that the student handed in. 39
Figure 15. The video that the student handed in. 39
Figure 16. The video that the students storytelling with puppets. 40
Figure 17. Edited mind map after receiving feedback. 52
Figure 18. Edited mind map after receiving feedback. 53
Figure 19. A page of Group 4’s digital storybook. 60
Figure 20. A page of Group 21’s digital storybook 60
Figure 21. A group work assignment table. 67

List of Table

Table 1. 41
Table 2. 44
Table 3. Description statistics of speaking performance. 46
Table 4. Paired-samples t-Test of speaking performance. 47
Table 5. Description statistics of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation questionnaire 49
Table 6. Paired-samples t-Test of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. 49
Table 7. Description statistics of collaborative learning. 50
Table 8. Paired-samples t-Test of collaborative tendency. 51


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