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研究生(外文):WU,RUO CHI
論文名稱(外文):A Study on the Psychological and Motivational Institution Supporting Self-disciplined Work Teams in Lean Transformation Process.
指導教授(外文):LIU, REN-JYE
外文關鍵詞:Self-directed Work TeamTeam PsychologyCollective ConsciousnessMotivational Institution
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精實生產系統(Lean Production System)對現今台灣產業而言已極為熟悉,不少企業積極尋求專業諮詢,以提升生產效率。然而,在實際導入的過程中,大多數企業面臨意想不到的艱難與挑戰,導致許多失敗案例。本研究發現許多研究曾運用自律型工作團隊(Self-directed work team;簡稱 SDWT)來克服導入過程中的障礙,但經許多文獻詳細探討後,SDWT在變革過程中是否為適合的團隊形式,以及如何保持持續改善的動力,過往研究未予以探討。因此,本研究試圖透過理論性及實際訪談,釐清精實變革下SDWT所需具備的制度層面,及團隊需佐以哪些心理層面的因素,藉此達到有活力的工作團隊,並探討成功導入精實模式企業之團隊,如何擁有持續改善的動力。

The Lean Production System has become well-known in today's Taiwanese industry, and many companies actively seek professional consultation to enhance their production efficiency. However, during the actual implementation process, most companies face unexpected difficulties and challenges, resulting in numerous cases of failure. This study has found that many researchers have utilized Self-directed Work Teams (SDWT) to overcome barriers in the implementation process. However, previous studies have not thoroughly explored whether SDWT is a suitable team form during the transformation process and how to maintain the motivation for continuous improvement. Therefore, this study aims to clarify the institutional aspects required for SDWT in the context of lean transformation and identify the psychological factors that need to be combined with the team, in order to achieve a vibrant work team. Furthermore, the study explores how teams in successfully implemented lean enterprises maintain the motivation for continuous improvement.
This research will elucidate the characteristics and definitions of lean transformation and SDWT while addressing the limitations of existing studies. It will explore the difficulties in forming work teams in the past and seek to compensate for the previous research shortcomings by formulating a lean team model and theoretical framework for sustainable improvement. Finally, four companies that have implemented lean production for several years will be selected as empirical subjects to validate and complement the theoretical analysis framework.
Based on the empirical findings of this study, it was discovered that work teams in different companies undergoing lean transformation reflect three distinct team types. For those unable to successfully transition into SDWT, they face numerous challenges in the mid-term of the transformation process. Therefore, it is crucial to emphasize a diverse incentive system that combines psychological and material aspects to create an exhilarating effect. Such a system should be able to flexibly adapt to the differentiated needs of team members, elicit their intrinsic motivation, and inspire a high level of commitment to their work. Additionally, this study also discovered that the vision has a dual nature. It can serve as a powerful driving force for the team, but it can also make the team feel that it is unattainable and weaken their motivation. Thus, appropriate adjustments must be made based on the team's situation to ensure that the vision has a positive impact on motivating the team.

第一章 緒論
第二章 文獻探討
2.2 精實變革(Lean Revolution)
2.3 自律型工作團隊(Self-Directed Work Team)
2.4 團隊心理相關研究
第三章 自律型工作團隊心理與激勵制度建構
3.2 精實變革下自律型工作團隊相關研究
3.2.1 集體意識(collective consciousness)
3.2.2 願景(vision)
3.2.3 SDWT理念基礎1-願景增強集體意識
3.2.4 激勵(Motivational)制度
3.2.5 SDWT理念基礎2-集體意識與激勵制度相輔相成
3.3 支持可持續改善的精實團隊模型
第四章 實證研究
4.1 實證研究目的、對象與方法
4.2 S企業個案
4.3 K企業個案
4.4 H企業個案
4.5 O企業個案
4.6.1 彙整
4.6.2 工作團隊類型
4.6.3 其他發現
第五章 結論與未來課題
5.1 結論
5.1.1 支援精實變革的自律型工作團隊
5.1.2 工作團隊的三個類型與理論性意涵
5.2 實踐性意涵
5.3 未來課題
一、 中文部分
二、 英文部分
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