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研究生(外文):CHEN, Ting-an
論文名稱(外文):An Analysis and Interpretation of Concerto in E-flat Major, Hob. Vlle: 1 for Trumpet and Orchestra by Franz Joseph Haydn
指導教授(外文):LIN, Li-wenCHEN, Min-hua
口試委員(外文):LIN, Li-wenCHEN, Min-huaHou, Zhi-zhengTIAN, Zhi-sheng
外文關鍵詞:Franz Joseph HaydnTrumpet Concerto in E-flat MajorTrumpet ConcertoKeyed Trumpet
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弗朗茲·約瑟夫·海頓(Franz Joseph Haydn, 1732-1809)的《降E大調小號協奏曲》,作品編號為Hob. VIIe: 1(Trumpet Concerto in E-flat Major, Hob. VIIe: 1),創作於1796年,是古典音樂中具有重要地位的作品之一。這首協奏曲象徵著小號作為獨奏樂器的技術革新和藝術突破。本報告旨在通過分析此作品的歷史背景、音樂結構,呈現其在音樂史上的重要性和影響,並在演奏詮釋上提供些許方向與建議。

首先,本報告回顧了1796年的音樂環境和海頓當時的創作背景,特別聚焦在按鍵式小號(Keyed Trumpet)的出現對作品創作的影響。接著通過對作品形式、節奏、旋律和和聲的分析,探討了海頓如何運用當時小號(Natural Trumpet)這項樂器既有的音色與演奏法,搭配按鍵式小號的技術特點,再加上自己嫺熟的作曲手法,創作出一首旋律優美且結構嚴謹的作品。


Franz Joseph Haydn's (1732-1809) “Trumpet Concerto in E-flat Major, Hob. VIIe: 1,” composed in 1796, holds a significant place in classical music. This concerto symbolizes both the technical innovation and artistic breakthrough of the trumpet as a solo instrument. This report aims to explore the historical context and musical structure of this work, highlighting its importance and influence in music history, while also providing interpretative insights and suggestions for performance.

Firstly, this report reviews the musical environment of 1796 and Haydn's compositional context at the time, with a particular focus on the impact of the keyed trumpet's emergence on the composition of this work. Through an analysis of the form, rhythm, melody, and harmony of the concerto, it examines how Haydn skillfully utilized the existing tonal qualities and playing techniques of the natural trumpet, combined with the technical characteristics of the keyed trumpet, to create a composition that is both melodically beautiful and structurally rigorous.

This report analyzes the formal structure of the “Trumpet Concerto in E-flat Major” and presents key points for interpretation. The report is divided into five sections: the first section is the introduction, which includes the research motivation and objectives, scope, and methods; the second section provides an overview of Haydn's life and the compositional background of this piece; the third section is a musical analysis, detailing the segmentation and tonalities of the concerto; the fourth section offers interpretative directions and key points for performance; and the fifth section is the conclusion, summarizing the research presented in the previous sections.

摘要 i
Abstract ii
目次 iii
圖目錄 v
譜例目錄 vi
表目錄 ix
第一章、前言 1
第一節、研究動機與目的 1
第二節、研究範圍與方法 2
第二章、作曲家生平與創作背景 3
第一節、作曲家生平 3
第二節、海頓對於創作體裁的貢獻 5
第三節、《降E大調小號協奏曲》創作背景 6
第三章、樂曲分析 10
第一節、第一樂章 10
1. 第一樂章曲式結構表 10
2. 第一樂章曲式分析 11
第二節、第二樂章 29
1. 第二樂章曲式結構表 29
2. 第二樂章曲式分析 30
第三節、第三樂章 36
1. 第三樂章曲式結構表 36
2. 第三樂章曲式分析 37
第四章、演奏詮釋 54
第一節、第一樂章 56
第二節、第一樂章裝飾段落(Cadenza) 68
第三節、第二樂章 70
第四節、第三樂章 75
第五章、結論 82
參考文獻 83
附錄 第一樂章裝飾段落 86
Wynton Marsalis ( Eb Trumpet ) 86
Adolph Herseth ( Eb Trumpet ) 87
Hakan Hardenberg ( Eb Trumpet ) 88
Reinhold Friedrich ( Eb Trumpet ) 89
Philip Smith ( Eb Trumpet ) 90
Guy Touvron ( Eb Trumpet ) 91
Wynton Marsalis ( Bb Trumpet ) 92
Adolph Herseth ( Bb Trumpet ) 93
Hakan Hardenberg ( Bb Trumpet ) 94
Reinhold Friedrich ( Bb Trumpet ) 95
Philip Smith ( Bb Trumpet ) 96
Guy Touvron ( Bb Trumpet ) 97
附件一(第二場音樂會節目單) 98
附件二(第二場音樂會中文節目單) 99
附件三(第一場音樂會節目單) 100
劉志明。《曲式學》。臺北市:大陸書店,1981 ( 民70 )。

Baines, Anthony. Brass Instruments: Their History and Development. London: Faber &
Faber, 1976.
Grave, Floyd K., and Margaret G. Grave. The String Quartets of Joseph Haydn. New York:
Oxford University Press, 2006.
Sadie, Stanley, and John Tyrrell, editors. “Haydn ( Franz ) Joseph.” The New Grove
Dictionary of Music and Musicians. Vol. 8, Macmillan Publishers, 2001.
Sadie, Stanley, and John Tyrrell, editors. “Trumpet.” The New Grove Dictionary of Music and
Musicians. Vol. 19, Macmillan Publishers, 2001.

Haydn, Franz Joseph. Trumpet Concerto in E-flat Major, Hob. VIIe:1. Edited by Harold Perry
and Ernest Hall. London: Boosey & Hawkes, 1992.
Haydn, Franz Joseph. Trumpet Concerto in E-flat Major, Hob. VIIe:1. Edited by Hans
Ferdinand Redlich. London: Eulenburg, n.d.

“A Brief History of the Trumpet.” Vibe Music Academy. Accessed June 12, 2024.
“ Haydn's Trumpet Concerto.” Musika Lessons. Accessed June 10, 2024.
“ Heinrich Stölzel.” Britannica. Accessed April 13, 2024.
“ Joseph Haydn.” Encyclopaedia Britannica. Last modified May 27, 2024.
“ Joseph Haydn.” World History Encyclopedia. Accessed May 16, 2024.
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July 16, 2024.
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July 16, 2024.

Adolph Herseth with Chicago Symphony Orchestra. Haydn: Trumpet Concerto. Deutsche
Grammophon, January 1, 2009.
Guy Touvron with Prague Chamber Orchestra. J. Haydn, Hummel, Neruda, M. Haydn
Classic Trumpet. RCA Victor Red Seal - RD 60858, 1991.
Hakan Hardenberger with Academy of St. Martin in the Fields. Haydn, Hertel, Hummel,
Stamitz: Trumpet Concertos. PHILIPS, October 1986.
Philip Smith with New York Philharmonic. New York Philharmonic Presents: THE PHILIP
SMITH COLLECTION. New York Philharmonic, 2015.
Reinhold Friedrich with Vienna Academy Orchestra. Trumpet Recital: Friedrich, Reinhold -
HAYDN, J. / HUMMEL, J.N. / PUCCINI, M. Capriccio, January 1995.
Wynton Marsalis with Kathleen Battle and Orchestra of St. Luke’s. Baroque Duet. Sony
Classical, April 21, 1992.
Wynton Marsalis with London Philharmonia Orchestra. Tomasi, Jolivet: Trumpet
Concertos. CBS Masterworks, June 27, 1986.
Wynton Marsalis with The English Chamber Orchestra. The London Concert. Sony Classical,
November 8, 1994.
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