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研究生(外文):Lin, Han-Yi
論文名稱(外文):Association between Employer Branding and Sustainable Growth
指導教授(外文):Hsu, En-Te
口試委員(外文):Hsu, Yung-ShengTsai, Yi-Cheng
外文關鍵詞:employer Brandingsustainable growth rateTaiwan manufacturing
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本研究探討新冠疫情後雇主品牌在台灣製造業的重要性,並分析其對企 業可維持成長的影響。隨著疫情促使企業加速數位轉型,遠距工作模式的普 及對雇主品牌帶來深遠的變革。亞洲員工,尤其是台灣的員工,開始更加重 視工作與生活的平衡,這一變化使企業在制定雇主品牌策略時需重新審視其 定位。本研究以台灣製造業為例,探討雇主品牌與企業可維持成長之間的相 關性。實證結果顯示,強化雇主品牌能夠顯著促進企業的可維持成長,因此 雇主品牌對吸引和留任優秀人才具有關鍵作用。本研究的結果不僅為台灣製 造業提供了具體建議,也為亞洲地區的企業在後疫情時代如何應對雇主品牌 挑戰提供了理論支持。
This study explores the significance of employer branding in Taiwan's manufacturing industry following the COVID-19 pandemic and examines its influence on companies' sustainable development. With the pandemic prompting companies to expedite digital transformation, the rise of remote work models has brought about profound changes to employer brands. Asian employees, particularly those in Taiwan, are increasingly focusing on achieving a better work-life balance. This shift necessitates companies to reassess their positioning when devising employer brand strategies. Using Taiwan's manufacturing industry as a case study, this research delves into the relationship between employer branding and sustainable corporate growth. The empirical findings indicate that enhancing the employer brand can notably boost the sustainable growth of the enterprise, underscoring the pivotal role of employer branding in attracting and retaining top talents. The study results not only offer specific recommendations for Taiwan's manufacturing sector but also furnish theoretical backing on how Asian companies can address employer branding challenges in the post-Covid-19 pandemic era.

謝辭 ................................................................................. I
摘要 .................................................................................II
ABSTRACT ......................................................................III
目錄 ................................................................................ IV
第壹章 前言 ...................................................................... 1
第一節 研究背景.................................................................1
第二節 研究目的.................................................................2
第三節 觀念架構.................................................................3
第貳章 文獻探討 ................................................................5
第一節 雇主品牌................................................................ 5
第二節 組織文化................................................................10
第三節 文化與世代差異......................................................11
第四節 台灣製造業.............................................................14
第五節 可維持成長.............................................................15
第參章 研究設計 ................................................................17
第一節 假說發展.................................................................17
第二節 實證模型.................................................................18
第三節 樣本選取.................................................................20
第肆章 實證結果 ................................................................21
第一節 基本資料分析......................................................... 21
第二節 基本迴歸結果..........................................................23
第伍章 結論與建議 ............................................................24
第一節 結論....................................................................... 24
第二節 建議....................................................................... 25
參考文獻 .......................................................................... 26

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