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論文名稱(外文):Towards an AI-driven Product Development Process
外文關鍵詞:Product DesignProduct DevelopmentDesign ProcessArtificial IntelligenceData MiningNatural Language ProcessingGenerative DesignAI-driven Design
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In an era of rapid advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) technology, its scope of application continues to expand. However, research on systematically integrating AI into product design and development processes remains insufficient. This study aims to explore how to effectively utilize AI technology at various stages of product development and to construct an AI-driven product development process. Initially, the study examines and deconstructs existing product development processes, including key aspects such as market demand analysis, design style, and design scheme generation, to conduct a comprehensive assessment and identify commonalities in the development process.
In terms of research methodology, this study employs various AI technologies, including natural language processing (NLP), image generation, and data mining, to evaluate their potential applications at different stages of product development. Based on these technologies, we developed a system named AIVY, which integrates multiple AI technologies to enhance product development efficiency and reduce communication costs within organizations. To validate the practicality of the AIVY system, we selected the Optoma PK301 projector as a demonstration case, simulating the product development process to showcase the application of AI technology in actual design work. Finally, the study conducted a comprehensive evaluation of the system's usability, design efficiency, and innovation through questionnaires. The results indicate that the AIVY system significantly improves design efficiency, reduces communication costs, and promotes cross-disciplinary collaboration.
This study demonstrates the immense potential of AI technology in product development, providing detailed technical implementation and innovative theories that hold significant reference value for contemporary researchers, enterprises, and designers. Additionally, the study showcases the potential for innovative applications of AI technology in cross-disciplinary collaboration, achieving a deep integration of design and technology. These findings lay a solid theoretical and practical foundation for future research and applications. It is hoped that this study will promote further integration of product design and AI, providing new momentum for the intelligent and efficient development of related fields.

第一章 緒論..........1
1.1 研究動機與背景..........1
1.2 研究目的..........3
1.3 研究範圍及限制..........4
1.4 研究架構..........5
第二章 文獻探討..........6
2.1 產品開發流程理論探討..........6
2.1.1 工業設計與產品開發..........6
2.1.2 雙鑽石模型(Double Diamond)..........8
2.1.3 D.school / IDEO設計思考五步驟..........9
2.1.4 國際設計管理協會產品開發流程..........10
2.1.5 小結..........11
2.2 人工智慧與技術..........12
2.2.1 人工智慧的古與今..........12
2.2.2 NLP與ChatGPT..........12
2.2.3 小結..........15
2.3 AIGC與Stable Diffusion..........17
2.3.1 LoRA..........19
2.3.2 ControlNet..........20
2.4 小結..........22
第三章 研究方法..........25
3.1 實驗架構..........26
3.2 實驗說明..........28
3.2.1 實驗樣本與品牌設定..........28
3.2.2 實驗環境與設備..........30
3.3 實驗研究參與者規劃..........31
3.4 問卷設計..........31
3.4.1 問卷設計-研究說明..........32
3.4.2 問卷設計-基本資料..........32
3.4.3 問卷設計-SUS系統易用性問卷..........32
3.4.4 問卷設計-李克特量表問卷..........33
3.4.5 問卷設計-綜合評估問卷..........33
3.4.6 問卷設計-研究結語..........34
3.5 SUS系統易用性量表(System Usability Scale)..........35
3.5.1 SUS系統易用性-信度分析(Reliability Analysis)..........37
3.6 李克特量表(Likert Scale)..........39
3.6.1 李克特量表-信度分析(Reliability Analysis)..........40
3.6.2 李克特量表-平均分數和標準差σ..........40
3.6.3 李克特量表-獨立樣本t檢定..........41
第四章 AI驅動產品開發流程開發階段性驗證..........43
4.1 開發流程之驗證任務..........43
4.2 消費者評價資料探勘..........43
4.2.1 示範產品與消費者評價..........44
4.2.2 評價蒐集方法..........44
4.3 消費者評價與自然語言處理..........48
4.3.1 消費者評價處理結果與分析..........51
4.4 品牌產品風格模型訓練..........55
4.4.1 品牌產品圖像資料..........56
4.4.2 訓練圖像預處理..........56
4.4.3 LoRA模型..........64 LoRA模型訓練..........64 LoRA模型篩檢..........68 LoRA模型挑選..........73
4.5 生成目標語意控制與圖像控制..........75
4.5.1 語意與圖像控制-權重..........76
4.5.2 語意控制-提詞(Prompt)..........78
4.5.3 圖像控制-採樣器(Sampler)..........83
4.5.4 採樣器(Sampler)..........83 老派採樣器(Old-school solvers)..........84 新世代採樣器(New-generation sampler)..........86 祖先採樣器(Ancestor sampler)..........88 DPM採樣器 (Diffusion Probabilistic Model, DPM)..........91 Karras採樣器(Karras sampler)..........94 小結..........96
4.5.5 圖像控制-ControlNet..........97
4.6 圖像生成..........100
4.6.1 Optoma PK301投影機的繼任機種-保守方案..........102
4.6.2 Optoma PK301投影機的繼任機種-平衡方案..........103
4.6.3 Optoma奧圖碼PK301投影機的繼任機種-前衛方案..........104
4.6.4 小結..........105
第五章 以AI驅動產品開發系統之建立與展示..........106
5.1 示範任務..........106
5.2 模擬示範流程展示架構..........107
5.3 人工智慧驅動產品開發系統-AIVY..........108
5.3.1 AIVY-視覺設定..........108
5.3.2 AIVY-系統展示流程..........110 系統登入與使用者分組..........110 市場端工作流程..........112 設計端工作流程..........121
第六章 研究結果與分析..........126
6.1 研究參與者結構分析..........126
6.2 SUS系統易用性調查與使用者反饋..........128
6.2.1 SUS系統易用性量表-信度分析(Reliability Analysis)..........28
6.2.2 SUS系統易用性量表分析..........129 SUS系統易用性量表-整體分析..........130 SUS系統易用性量表-市場端分析..........132 SUS系統易用性量表-設計端分析..........134 小結..........135
6.3 李克特量表-AIVY系統使用後調查..........136
6.3.1 李克特量表-信度分析(Reliability Analysis)..........136
6.3.2 李克特量表-平均分數和標準差σ..........137
6.3.3 李克特量表-市場端平均分數和標準差σ..........137
6.3.4 李克特量表-設計端平均分數和標準差σ..........138
6.3.5 李克特量表-整體平均分數和標準差σ..........140
6.4 小結..........141
6.4.1 李克特量表-獨立樣本t檢定..........143
6.5 綜合評估問卷結果解析..........144
6.5.1 綜合評估問卷-多重選擇題..........144
6.5.2 綜合評估問卷-評分問題..........147
第七章 結論..........148
7.1 研究目的回顧..........148
7.2 主要發現..........148
7.3 創新成就..........149
7.3.1 瞭解市場-市場調查與分析..........150
7.3.2 瞭解設計-學習設計風格..........151
7.3.3 創造設計-產品設計..........152
7.3.4 小結..........153
7.4 研究限制..........154
7.5 總結..........154
第八章 討論與展望..........156
參考文獻 ..........159
附錄 ..........168
附錄A  採樣器對比..........168
附錄B  SUS易用性量表-問卷設計..........171
附錄C SUS易用性量表-原始分數彙整..........176
附錄D SUS易用性量表-逆處理分數彙整..........178

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