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研究生(外文):LIAO, YING-KAI
論文名稱(外文):A Mathematical Programming Technique for Biomass Supply Chain
外文關鍵詞:Renewable energyBioenergyBiomass supply chainMathematical programming techniqueUncertainty
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Since the Industrial Revolution, the extensive burning of fossil fuels such as coal and oil has led to an increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations, which is widely recognized as a primary cause of global warming and climate change. Therefore, reducing the use of fossil fuels and increasing the application of renewable energy to lower greenhouse gas emissions has become crucial. This paper focuses on bioenergy as a renewable energy source. However, the costs associated with bioenergy are considerable, including the types of biomass, transportation of biomass, and capital expenditures for constructing new biomass power plants. Additionally, the supply of biomass is unstable. Thus, this paper aims to evaluate the optimization of the biomass supply chain through mathematical programming technique, taking uncertainty into account. The research findings indicate that biomass factories and power plants located closer together are preferred due to lower transportation costs. When considering the construction of new power plants, boiler system power generation equipment is favored for its highest power conversion efficiency. Methods to account for uncertainty will include stochastic programming and fuzzy optimization to define uncertain parameters. The results show that as the uncertainty in biomass supply increases, more biomass tends to flow into newly constructed power plants, leading to higher overall supply chain costs. The proposed model will be demonstrated and illustrated through two literature cases.
摘要 i
誌謝 iv
目錄 v
表目錄 vii
圖目錄 ix
1 第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究目的 2
1.3 論文架構 2
2 第二章 文獻回顧 4
2.1 生質能源 4
2.2 生質物供應鏈 4
2.3 程序整合 5
2.3.1 狹點分析 6
2.3.2 數學規劃法 7
2.4 隨機規劃 8
2.5 模糊最適化 9
3 第三章 數學模型 10
3.1 問題陳述 10
3.2 符號定義 12
3.3 數學模型 14
3.3.1 生質物供應不確定性 17 隨機規劃法 17 模糊最適化 17
3.3.2 目標函數 18 昂貴生質物最小化 18 生質物運輸與消耗之成本最小化 18 生質物供應鏈總成本最小化 18 生質物供應鏈不確定性 19
4 第四章 案例研究 20
4.1 案例一 20
4.1.1 昂貴生質物最小化 21
4.1.2 生質物運輸與消耗之成本最小化 22
4.1.3 結果分析與討論 27
4.2 案例二 28
4.2.1 生質物供應鏈總成本最小化 32
4.2.2 生質物供應鏈不確定性 39 隨機規劃法 39 模糊最適化 45
4.2.3 結果分析與討論 49
5 第五章 結論 50
參考文獻 52
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