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研究生(外文):CHOU, TING-YU
論文名稱(外文):High-power Thulium-doped mode-locked fiber laser based on Mamyshev oscillator
指導教授(外文):LEE, YIN-WEN
外文關鍵詞:Mode-locked fiber laserMamyshev oscillatorHigh power laserLaser assisted photoporation
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研究旨在開發基於馬米雪夫振盪器(Mamyshev oscillator, MO)的高功率摻銩鎖模光纖雷射,並探討其在雷射輔助穿孔技術中的應用。2微米波段的摻銩雷射因其在醫療、環境監測和材料加工領域的應用潛力而受到廣泛關注,特別是由於水在此波段具有高吸收特性。首先,我們使用現有鎖模雷射對黃皮洋蔥(Allium cepa L.)鱗葉表皮細胞膜進行雷射穿孔實驗,但結果顯示脈衝能量不足,無法達到預期效果。為了解決這一問題,我們引入了一種新型的光纖雷射系統,即馬米雪夫振盪器(MO),其能夠產生高峰值功率的脈衝。我們首先重複了文獻中的設計理念,並進行了校準以擬合出文獻的結果。接著,我們利用數值模擬軟體 Fiberdesk 對系統進行優化,模擬結果顯示,在特定條件下,可以得到最高9.6 nJ的輸出脈衝能量,145mW的輸出功率以及1.4 kW的峰值功率。此模擬結果不僅優於參考文獻的實驗結果,更顯示出此系統在雷射應用於光穿孔的潛在價值。儘管尚未實驗證實,但數值模擬顯示了此系統的潛在應用價值。未來,我們計劃在實驗端建立此雷射系統,並進行實驗以驗證其在實際應用中的可行性。
The research aims to develop a high-power thulium-doped mode-locked fiber laser based on the Mamyshev oscillator (MO) and explore its application in laser-assisted perforation technology. Thulium-doped lasers in the 2-micron band have garnered widespread attention for their potential applications in medical, environmental monitoring, and materials processing, especially due to water's high absorption characteristics in this wavelength band. Initially, we use an existing mode-locked laser to conduct laser perforation experiments on the epidermal cell membranes of yellow onions (Allium cepa L.), but the results show insufficient pulse energy to achieve the desired effect. To address this issue, we introduce a novel mode-locked fiber laser system, the Mamyshev oscillator (MO), capable of generating high peak power pulses. We first replicate the design concepts from the literatures and calibrate them to fit the literature's results. Next, we utilize numerical simulation software, Fiberdesk, to optimize the system. Simulation results show that under the best conditions, the system could achieve a maximum output pulse energy of 9.6 nJ, an average power of 145mW, and a peak power of 1.4 kW. These simulation results not only surpass the published experimental results but also demonstrate the potential value of this system for laser-assisted perforation applications. Although experimental validation is still pending, the numerical simulation results verify the potential application value of this system. In the future, we plan to establish this laser system experimentally and conduct experiments to verify its feasibility in practical applications. 
摘要 i
Abstract ii
誌謝 iv
目錄 v
表目錄 vii
圖目錄 viii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 論文內容與章節概要 2
第二章 光纖雷射之導論 3
2.1 雷射簡介 3
2.2 光纖雷射架構 4
2.2.1 幫浦光源 (Pumping source) 4
2.2.2 增益介質 (Gain medium) 6
2.2.3 共振腔 (Cavity) 7
第三章 鎖模雷射之廣論 9
3.1 鎖模雷射基本原理 9
3.2 不同種類的脈衝演化 12
3.2.1 光孤子 (Soliton) 12
3.2.2 展波光孤子 (Stretched pulse soliton) 13
3.2.3 耗散光孤子 (Dissipative soliton) 14
3.2.4 自相似 (Self-similar) 15
3.2.5 馬米雪夫振盪器 (Mamyshev oscillator) 16
3.3 超短脈衝量測技術 18
第四章 光纖雷射應用實驗 21
4.1 商用鎖模光纖雷射 23
4.2 雷射實驗結果與分析 24
4.2.1 樣品準備 24
4.2.2 雷射實驗架構 24
4.2.3 雷射實驗結果 25
第五章 光纖鎖模雷射之數值模擬 28
5.1 文獻回顧 28
5.2 基於馬米雪夫之摻銩鎖模光纖雷射數值模擬結果 31
5.2.1 馬米雪夫振盪器之工作原理 32
5.2.2 數值模擬 架構建立 34
5.2.3 重複參考文獻數值模擬與之擬合比較結果 37
5.3 模擬參數調整之結果與分析 41
5.3.1 光纖非線性折射率係數之影響分析 41
5.3.2 腔體輸出穿透率之影響分析 46
5.3.3 光纖增益飽和能量之影響分析 49
5.3.4 光纖總增益之影響分析 52
5.3.5 光譜濾波器中心波長之影響分析 55
5.3.6 種子脈衝寬度之影響分析 59
5.3.7 種子脈衝 能量之影響分析 62
5.4 種子光源的選擇與模擬分析 64
第六章 結論與未來展望 67
6.1 研究結果統整 67
6.2 未來展望 68
參考文獻 69
附錄A 74
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