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研究生(外文):LIU, YU-CHIH
論文名稱(外文):Based on the Discussion of Derailment of Railway Vehicle Traveling on Small Radius Curve
外文關鍵詞:CurveMultiple carsCouplerSIMPACKChange the angle
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鐵路系統中多節車廂對於彎道而言動態行為較為複雜,連結器對於車廂間的連接與轉向極為重要,也是車廂間連接的必要組件,連結器必須運行條件下保持車輛間整體的靈活性,不適合的連結器設計或不當養護因連結器有不同連接方式與自由度,皆會影響車輛行進間的行為表現;SIMPACK為一款多體動力學分析軟體,本研究以SIMPACK RAIL多體動力學分析軟體建立四節車廂之車輛模型,在車廂間分別建立簡易連結器模型與設定連結器與轉向架自由度與角度連接車廂,透過改變連結器之角度探討連結器自由度對於車輛行經彎道之影響和轉向架與連結器角度間之關係,並減少各組件轉動角度找到對出軌角度組件影響比例大小與將相鄰連結組件個別改變角度並探討各組件間的關係,最後得知各組件間角度影響關係與轉向架對於過彎角度而言是最重要的,而組件影響下較有可能因現為關係出軌為前轉向架與後轉向架。
The dynamic behavior of multiple coach in a railroad system is more complicated for curved area. Couplers are extremely important for the connection and steering between coach, and they are also a necessary components for the connection between coach, and the couplers must be operated under the conditions to maintain the overall flexibility of the vehicles, and the behavior of the vehicles will be affected by unsuitable coupler design or improper maintenance due to the different connecting ways and degrees of freedom of the couplers. SIMPACK is a multibody systems analysis software. In this study, we use SIMPACK RAIL multibody dynamics analysis software to build a four coaches vehicle model, then build a simple coupler model and set the degrees of freedom and angles of the coupler and bogie to connect the cars, so that we can investigate the influence of the degrees of freedom of the coupler on the vehicle's traveling through the curved roadway, and the relationship between the angles of the bogie and the coupler through the change of coupler angles. Reduce the angle of rotation of each component to find out the proportion of the influence on the angle of the track component and change the angle of the relative connecting components individually and explore the relationship between the components, finally, learned that the relationship between the angle of influence of each component and the bogie is the most important for the angle of the cornering.
摘 要 i
誌 謝 iii
目 錄 iv
表目錄 vi
圖目錄 viii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 研究動機 2
1.3 論文架構 2
第二章 文獻回顧 3
2.1 車輛系統 3
2.2 連結器系統 5
第三章 研究方法 11
3.1 模擬流程 11
3.2 軟體介紹 12
3.3 車輛系統 13
3.3.1 車輛系統介紹 13
3.3.2 車輛模型建立流程圖 14
3.3.3 車輛模型設定方法 15
3.4 連結器系統 30
3.4.1 連結器系統介紹 30
3.4.2 連結器模型設定方法 31
3.5 連結器整車系統 39
3.5.1 連結器自由度與角度介紹 39
3.5.2 連結器自由度與角度設定方法 40
3.6 分析設定方法 47
第四章 分析結果與討論 48
4.1 連結器與轉向架之關係與影響 48
4.2 限縮轉向架之角度 49
4.2.1 限縮三車前轉向架 49
4.2.2 限縮三車後轉向架 56
4.3 限縮連結器之角度 61
4.3.1 限縮三車前連結器 61
4.3.2 限縮三車後連結器 68
4.3.3 限縮二車後連結器 73
4.3.4 限縮四車前連結器 81
4.4 出軌之探討 90
4.5 模擬總結 96
第五章 結論與未來展望 97
參考文獻 98

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