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論文名稱(外文):Odor Intensity Classification in Pet Food Using Machine Learning Algorithms
指導教授(外文):LIN, CHIH-JER
外文關鍵詞:E-NoseOdor predictionOdor managementSmall datasetData balancing
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寵物飼料在蒸煮與烘乾過程會產生大量含氮化合物、含硫化合物廢氣,若無妥善處理,將造成異味與空氣污染等嚴重問題。生產廠通常以設定化學洗滌塔內的水電導度閥值來添加藥劑來除去異味,但這種自動化方式往往無法有效應對因生產變化導致的異味波動。為有效改善此問題並提升周圍居民的生活品質,本研究建立一套自動數據收集系統,透過收集電子鼻數值、洗滌塔水電導度與氣象數據進行即時監測。結合廠區內人員於設定在廠區內的四個方位點配合自動化數據收集系統進行異味強度的評估,做為數據標籤值。利用視覺化圖表進行數據分析,再依各點位之異味影響因素執行特徵工程與挑選,應用五種機器學習演算法來進行異味強度值的分類比較,同時以One-Class Support Vector Machine進行數據異常檢測。由於高異味之數據量少,導致數據不平衡,本研究透過過採樣(Over-sampling)和欠採樣(Under-sampling)技術平衡原始數據。最終達到有效預測異味強度,並減少在少量數據情況下發生過擬合的情形,廠區內邊界點位之異味強度分類準確率皆高於85%,主要點位之準確率達到87.98%。
The cooking and drying processes in pet food manufacturing emit significant amounts of nitrogen and sulfur compounds as exhaust gases, leading to serious odor issues and air pollution if not properly treated. Traditionally, manufacturers have controlled odors by setting conductivity thresholds in chemical scrubbers to regulate chemical additions. However, this automated system often fails to adequately adjust to production changes, impacting its effectiveness in odor management. To address this issue and enhance the living quality of nearby residents, this study establishes an automatic data collection system. It gathers real-time data from electronic noses, water conductivity sensors in scrubbing towers, and meteorological sensors. The system integrates these data with odor intensity assessments conducted at four strategic plant locations by staff members, using these assessments as labels for data analysis.
The study employs visual charts for data analysis and performs feature engineering and selection based on the odor impact factors at each location. Five types of machine learning algorithms are applied to compare predictions of odor intensity, and One-Class Support Vector Machine for anomaly detection. Due to the low volume of high-odor data, which leads to data imbalance, this research utilizes Over-sampling and Under-sampling techniques to balance the original dataset. The results demonstrate effective prediction of odor intensities while reducing the risk of overfitting, despite the small data volume. The classification accuracy for odor intensity at the plant boundary exceeds 85%, with the main classify point achieving an accuracy of 87.98%.

摘要 i
誌謝 iv
表目錄 viii
圖目錄 x
1 第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機與背景 1
1.2 執行步驟 1
1.3 論文架構 2
2 第二章 文獻回顧與技術探討 3
2.1 異味處理與表示 3
2.2 電子鼻飄移現象 7
2.3 數據類別平衡 8
3 第三章 實驗系統架構與數據收集 10
3.1 工廠環境與洗滌塔介紹 10
3.2 電子鼻介紹與選擇 12
3.3 自動化數據系統設置 15
3.3.1 感測器數位化與自動化收集 18
3.3.2 異味表示與評估 20
3.3.3 原始數據介紹 21
4 第四章 數據預處理與機器學習 24
4.1 電子鼻數據飄移計算 24
4.2 數據分析與特徵工程 26
4.3 標準化(Standardization) 30
4.4 降維(Dimensionality Reduction) 31
4.4.1 Principal Component Analysis (PCA) 31
4.4.2 Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection (UMAP) 32
4.5 數據平衡(Data Balancing) 33
4.5.1 Synthetic Minority Over-sampling Technique (SMOTE) 34
4.5.2 Borderline-SMOTE 35
4.5.3 Adaptive Synthetic (ADASYN) 36
4.5.4 Tomek-links 37
4.6 監督式機器學習(Supervised Learning) 38
4.6.1 Random Forest (RF) 39
4.6.2 Support Vector Machine (SVM) 39
4.6.3 K Nearest Neighbor (KNN) 40
4.7 非監督式機器學習(Unsupervised Learning) 41
4.7.1 K-means Clustering 42
4.7.2 Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) 42
4.7.3 One-Class Support Vector Machine 43
5 第五章 實驗結果與分析 45
5.1 預處理與特徵挑選 45
5.1.1 電子鼻飄移數據處理結果 45
5.1.2 溫溼度特徵調整結果 46
5.1.3 特徵選擇 47
5.2 異味預測結果評估 56
5.2.1 數據平衡結果分析 56
5.2.2 分類結果評估 70
5.3 數據異常檢測結果 78
6 第六章 結論與未來展望 81
6.1 總結 81
6.2 延續發展 82
參考文獻 84


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