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研究生:Phan Minh Nhan
論文名稱:Applying Online Text-based AI-Mediated Communication Methods for Mentor Seeking
論文名稱(外文):Applying Online Text-based AI-Mediated Communication Methods for Mentor Seeking
中文關鍵詞:Online Text-based CommunicationMentor SeekingAI-Mediated CommunicationSelf-Determination TheoryDesign Thinking
外文關鍵詞:Online Text-based CommunicationMentor SeekingAI-Mediated CommunicationSelf-Determination TheoryDesign Thinking
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Mentorship plays a critical role in fostering personalized development, motivation, and self-confidence for learners. However, a successful mentorship experience hinges on a strong initial pairing between mentor and mentee. While research has explored various aspects of mentor matching, the communication and matching process within the online platform's initial phase remains under-investigated. This gap is particularly relevant in the digital age, where online mentorship platforms offer vast connection potential. This research addresses this gap by leveraging technology to enhance online text-based communication and personalize the online mentor-seeking journey. Utilizing an interactive simulated prototype named SparkGrow, the research explores user experiences with online text-based communication during the initial stages of mentorship. The research aims to (1) Understand user experiences during online text-based communication with potential mentors, (2) Explore the potential of Artificial Intelligence-Mediated Communication (AI-MC) to create a more efficient, effective, and accessible online mentor-seeking experience. In this study, user behavior is explored through the lens of Self-Determination Theory (SDT), and the Design Thinking framework is applied to develop user-centric solutions. Through interviews, questionnaires, user analysis, Quality Function Deployment (QFD), and prototype testing, the research investigates user perceptions of online mentor communication and explores how AI-MC can improve these interactions. The research findings indicate that integrating AI-MC tools into the chat design significantly enhances online communication with potential mentors. The platform effectively addresses communication challenges and supports users' psychological needs for competence and autonomy, although further improvements are needed to foster relatedness. While the "Suggesting Content Using Conversational/Background Information" feature positively influences technology adoption and user experience, the impact of "Translation" and "Adjusting Tone and Content" features requires further investigation. Moreover, user feedback emphasizes the importance of transparency regarding AI involvement and suggests design improvements to streamline interactions and enhance user experience. These findings highlight areas for future research to improve the relatedness aspect of users' psychological needs, refine the tone-adjusting and translation features to better align with user needs, and investigate the impact of visual design elements on user engagement. Furthermore, expanding the sample size, testing in diverse contexts, assessing non-verbal communication, exploring multiple social dilemma scenarios, and developing a fully functional AI-MC platform for real-world testing are potential avenues for future implementation. This research provides insights into user mentor-seeking behavior and the applications of AI-mediated communication in online mentorship, which could improve the overall user experience, as well as user interaction and perceptions of using AI in communication.
Table of Contents iii
List of Tables vii
List of Figures ix
List of Acronyms and Abbreviations xi
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Research Background 1
1.2 Research Motivation 4
1.3 Research Objective, Scope, And Limitation 4
1.4 Research Structure 6
1.5 Research Questions 7
1.6 Research Importance 8
Chapter 2 Literature Review 9
2.1 Mentorship 9
2.1.1 Mentorship in Online Environment 9
2.1.2 Mentor-Mentee Matching Process and Communication 10
2.1.3 Criteria For Identifying A Good Match 11
2.1.4 Technological Advancements in Supporting Mentorship 13
2.2 AI-Mediated Communication (AI-MC) 14
2.2.1 The Rise of AI-Mediated Communication 14
2.2.2 The Power of Large Language Models (LLMs) for AI-MC 15
2.3 Theory And Methods 16
2.3.1 Self-Determination Theory (SDT) 16
2.3.2 Design Thinking 18
2.4 Evaluation Metrics 20
2.4.1 Quality Function Deployment (QFD) 20
2.4.2 Metux Model 20
2.4.3 Interview 22
Chapter 3 Methodology 23
3.1 Research Framework 23
3.2 Data Collection (Pilot Study) 24
3.2.1 Study Area 24
3.2.2 Participant Recruitment 25
3.2.3 Interview and Survey Structure 25
3.3 Prototype Development 26
3.3.1 Persona 27
3.3.2 User Journey Map 28
3.3.3 Quality Function Deployment 30
3.3.4 Prototype Development 35
3.4 Experiment Design 43
3.4.1 Case Study 43
3.4.2 Participants Recruitment 44
3.4.3 Research Instruments 45
3.4.4 Experimental Process 47
Chapter 4 Research Results 50
4.1 Pilot Study Results 50
4.2 Main Study Results – Survey Results 58
4.2.1 Overall User Perceived Usefulness 60
4.2.2 The Relations Between Individual Features and The Overall Perceived Usefulness 63
4.2.3 Comparison Of Perceived Usefulness Based on Prior Online Mentorship Experience 65
4.2.4 Comparison Of Perceived Usefulness Of AI-MC Features Across Different Levels of Feature Familiarity 66
4.2.5 The Design's Usefulness in Addressing Challenges and Facilitating Mentor-Seeking 69
4.2.6 The Relations Between AI-MC Features and Aspects of User Experience 72
4.2.7 The Design's Support of Autonomy, Competence, Relatedness, And Its Driving of Motivation and Engagement 83
4.3 Main Study Results - Interview Results 90
4.3.1 Theme 1 - Effective Communication: How the chat design fosters clear communication and a sense of connection between mentees and potential mentors 91
4.3.2 Theme 2 - Informed Mentor Selection: How the chat design helps mentees make informed decisions about choosing the right mentor 92
4.3.3 Theme 3.1 - Perceived Value of AI-MC Features: Suggesting content using conversational/background information 94
4.3.4 Theme 3.2 - Perceived Value of AI-MC Features: Adjusting tone and content 95
4.3.5 Theme 3.3 - Perceived Value of AI-MC Features: Translation 97
4.3.6 Theme 4 - Design Improvement 98
Chapter 5 Discussion and Limitations 100
5.1 Discussion 100
5.1.1 Online Mentor Finding Navigation Process and Challenges 100
5.1.2 Facilitation of Online Communication with AI-MC Integration 101
5.1.3 Support of Psychological Needs by AI-MC Integration 103
5.1.4 Impact of AI-MC Features on User Experience in Online Text-Based
Communication with Potential Mentors 106
5.1.5 User Perceptions and Ethical Considerations 107
5.2 Limitations 109
Chapter 6 Conclusion and Future Work 111
6.1 Conclusion 111
6.2 Future Work 114
References 116
Appendix A: Interview Questions (Pilot Study) 127
Appendix B: Questionnaires (Pilot Study) 129
Appendix C: Questionnaires (Main Study) 131
Appendix D: Interview Questions (Main Study) 137
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