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論文名稱(外文):Research on optimal parameters and characteristics of UV laser dicing 6H-SiC
外文關鍵詞:6H-SiCsilicon carbide3rd semiconductor materialslaser dicingUV laserparameter analysismaterials characteristics analysis
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本研究使用355 nm波長之奈秒紫外光脈衝雷射,針對厚度350 μm之6H-SiC(0001)材料進行雷射切割。實驗透過參數變更法,變更不同之雷射平均功率、雷射脈衝頻率、掃描速度與掃描次數等參數,進行加工前後之表面形貌及切割道表面元素及結構變化進行分析,同時與使用鑽石輪刀切割技術之試片進行了比較。最終使用灰色關聯分析法進行參數最佳化,求得最佳之切割參數。實驗結果顯示,雷射功率與掃描次數增加,以及掃描速度降低,將使得雷射切割槽之寬度及深度增加。而單獨改變雷射脈衝頻率,則因雷射能量與兩發脈衝之間距互補,使切割槽尺寸無明顯變化。最終使用灰色關聯分析,發現使用雷射平均功率6 W、雷射脈衝頻率60 kHz與掃描速度5 mm/s之雷射切割參數進行3次分層切割,可得最佳之表面形貌與結構完整度。其切割槽寬度為18.6 μm,相較鑽石輪刀切割槽寬度減少15.1 μm。同時具有最佳之深寬比17.68及斷面角度88.45°。在橫向及軸向之殘餘應力分別為2.1 GPa與8.11 GPa,氧化程度36.18 at%則為完整切割之最低數值。證明奈秒紫外光脈衝雷射用於切割碳化矽等第三代半導體材料之可行性。
This study aims to use a nanosecond ultraviolet pulse laser with a wavelength of 355 nm to perform laser cutting on 6H-SiC(0001) material with a thickness of 350 μm. Through the parameter variation, different parameters such as the average laser power, laser pulse frequency, speed, and scanning times were adjusted to analyze the surface morphology and changes in surface elements and structures before and after processing. A comparison was also made with samples cut using diamond wheel cutting technology. Finally, grey relational analysis was used to optimize the parameters and determine the best cutting parameters. The experimental results showed that increasing the laser power and scanning times and decreasing the scanning speed would increase the width and depth of the laser cutting groove. However, changing only the laser pulse frequency did not significantly alter the size of the cutting groove due to the complementary relationship between laser energy and the spacing between two pulses. Through grey relational analysis, it was found that using a laser average power of 6 W, a laser pulse frequency of 60 kHz, and a scanning speed of 5 mm/s for laser cutting resulted in optimal surface morphology and structural integrity. The width of the cutting groove was 18.6 μm, which was 15.1 μm less than that of the diamond wheel cutting. It also exhibited an optimal aspect ratio of 17.68 and a cross-sectional angle of 88.45 °. The residual stresses in the transverse and axial directions were 2.1 GPa and 8.11 GPa, respectively, and the degree of oxidation was 36.18 at%, representing the lowest values for complete cutting. This demonstrates the feasibility of using nanosecond ultraviolet pulse lasers for cutting third-generation semiconductors such as silicon carbide.
摘要 i
致謝 iv
目錄 vi
表目錄 ix
圖目錄 x
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 碳化矽材料性質概述 3
1.3 奈秒紫外光雷射加工技術概述 3
1.4 研究動機與目的 4
1.5 論文架構 4
第二章 文獻回顧 6
2.1雷射切割應用 6
2.2剝蝕移除材料與HAZ關係 15
2.3碳化矽切割探討 16
2.4重鑄層及移除方式 17
2.5鑽石輪刀切割研究 21
第三章 實驗設備與細節 22
3.1實驗規劃 22
3.2紫外光加工設備 24
3.3測量儀器 25
3.4 實驗試片 26
3.5單次切割 28
3.5.1雷射切割道深寬度量測 29
3.5.2雷射剝蝕閥值 30
3.6完整切割 31
3.7實驗參數 31
3.8灰色關聯分析 33
(3.8.1)灰關聯實驗規格表 33
(3.8.2)結果序列正規化 34
(3.8.3)灰色關連生成 34
(3.8.4)灰色關連係數與序列 35
(3.8.5)灰色關連反應表/反應圖 36
第四章 結果與討論 37
4.1雷射剝蝕閥值 37
4.2雷射切割參數對剝蝕深度與寬度之影響 38
4.3雷射切割參數對加工時間之影響 42
4.4加工參數對切割槽深寬比與斷面角度比較 44
4.5雷射切割後之SiC形貌和成分分析 45
4.6 切割後SiC試片XPS分析 49
4.7 切割後SiC試片之XRD分析 55
4.8 Raman殘留應力分析 56
4.9 灰色分析 59
第五章 結論與未來展望 63
5.1 結論 63
5.2 未來展望 64
參考文獻 65
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