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論文名稱(外文):Highly sensitive and flexible strain sensors based on electroplating copper/ laser-induced graphene composites
外文關鍵詞:Ultraviolet laserpolyimide filmcopper/graphenestrain sensor
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本研究旨開發可調整靈敏度撓性高響應之電阻應變感測器,使用高脈衝紫外光雷射加工系統,於可撓性聚烯亞胺薄膜上誘發微/奈米級多孔石墨烯製作應變感測器網柵電極結構,再使用電鍍技術將銅離子還原沉積於撓性微/奈米級多孔石墨烯網柵電極結構上製備銅/石墨烯應變感測器。電極層透過雷射直寫技術(DLW)精確地描繪出電極線寬0.1 mm、0.2 mm、0.3 mm、0.4 mm及0.5 mm之網柵電極結構應用於應變感測器。最終與純石墨烯應變感測器於微拉伸應變、人體關節應變及晶圓搬運手臂微應變進行比較。本研究利用掃描式電子顯微鏡、化學分析電子能譜儀、光繞射分析儀和形狀分析雷射共軛焦兼白光干涉顯微鏡。分別量測純石墨烯及銅/石墨烯複合材料之微觀表面形貌、材料斷面輪廓形狀、材料晶格結構與材料晶向及材料表面成分分析。高精密電訊號量測設備用於量測應變感測器於應變下之電阻變化。本研究開發之銅/石墨烯應變感測器,透過變更四種不同電鍍時間1分鐘、2分鐘、3分鐘和4 分鐘來控制銅離子附著於石墨烯電極結構上之膜厚,最後在將感測器貼附於人體關節上進行動態應變量測和晶圓搬運手臂上進行微震動應變量測,以及於單柱型萬能試驗機進行拉伸實驗。實驗後結果顯示,雷射誘發石墨烯電極線寬為0.1 mm並電鍍1 min之銅/石墨烯應變感測器得到最佳性能表現,當感測器分別於0 - 3%、3 - 5%和5 - 8%應變範圍內,其應變因子分別為7.67、44.29和414.69,且應變範圍可達8%。綜上所述,本研究製備之銅/石墨烯應變感測器具備高靈敏度、良好線性響應和響應穩定性,應用於微小應變檢測,亦能即時且準確地量測晶圓搬運手臂之微震動。未來可應用於各種應變量測場合,如人體運動追蹤和機械健康度監測等,甚至改變電極結構即可應用於其他領域,如生物醫學和超級電容等。
This research aims to develop flexible and high-response resistive strain sensors with adjustable sensitivity. A high-pulse ultraviolet laser processing system was used to induce micro/nano-scale porous graphene on a flexible polyethyleneimine (PI) film to produce strain sensors. The grid electrode structure was then used to deposit copper ions on the flexible micro/nano-scale porous graphene to prepare copper/graphene strain sensors. The direct laser writing technology (DLW) was used to accurately depict grid electrode structures with electrode line widths of 0.1 mm, 0.2 mm, 0.3 mm, 0.4 mm, and 0.5 mm for use in strain sensors. Finally, copper/graphene strain sensors were compared with the pure graphene strain sensor in terms of micro-tensile strain, human joint strain, and micro-strain of the wafer handling arm. This study utilized a scanning electron microscope, an X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, an X-ray diffraction analyzer, and laser confocal microscopy with white light interference to measure the surface morphology, cross-sectional profile, lattice structure, crystal orientation, and elemental content of of pure graphene and copper/graphene composites. High-precision electrical signal measurement equipment was used to measure the resistance change of strain sensors under strain. The film thickness of copper ions attached to the graphene electrode structure was controlled by changing four different plating times of 1 min, 2 min, 3 min, and 4 min for the copper/graphene strain sensor. Finally, the developed sensors were attached to the human joints for dynamic strain measurement, the wafer handling arm for micro-vibration strain measurement, and the single-column universal testing machine for tensile testing. The results after the experiment showed that the copper/graphene strain sensor with a laser-induced graphene electrode line width of 0.1 mm and electroplating time of 1 min achieved the best performance. When the sensor was at 0 - 3% and 3 - 5%, and 5 - 8% strain range, its strain factors are 7.67, 44.29, and 414.69, respectively, and the strain range can reach 8%. In summary, the copper/graphene strain sensor prepared in this study has high sensitivity, good linear response, and high response stability. It can be used to detect small strains and can also used to measure the vibration of the wafer handling arm instantly and accurately. In the future, it can be used in various strain measurement situations, such as human movement tracking and mechanical health monitoring. It can even be used in other fields, such as biomedicine and supercapacitors, by changing the electrode structure.
摘 要 i
誌謝 v
目錄 vi
表目錄 viii
圖目錄 ix
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 製程材料特性概述 3
1.2.1 聚醯亞胺薄膜 3
1.2.2 銅/石墨烯複合材料 4
1.3 紫外光脈衝雷射加工製程技術 6
1.4 研究動機與目的 7
1.5 論文架構 8
第二章 文獻回顧與探討 9
2.1 雷射加工技術於聚醯亞胺基板上誘發石墨烯之應用 9
2.2 複合材料銅/石墨烯感測器之應用探討 18
2.3 應變感測器之應用探討 26
2.4 應變感測器之性能探討 37
第三章 實驗設計與規劃 51
3.1 實驗流程 51
3.2 高脈衝紫外光雷射加工系統 53
3.2.1 高脈衝紫外光雷射之規格 53
3.2.2 雷射加工之掃描路徑與參數計算方式 54
3.2.3 雷射輻照於聚醯亞胺基板上誘發石墨烯之反應機制 56
3.3 應變感測器 57
3.3.1 應變感測器之電極結構設計 57
3.3.2 銅/石墨烯應變感測器製備 59
3.4 應變實驗設計 61
3.4.1 微拉伸應變與環境測試實驗架構 61
3.4.2 人體關節應變實驗架構 63
3.4.3 晶圓搬運手臂微應變實驗架構 64
3.4.4 實驗量測儀器與設備 65
第四章 實驗結果與討論 71
4.1 銅/石墨烯之材料特性分析 71
4.1.1 表面形貌及元素分析 71
4.1.2 XRD 75
4.1.3 XPS 77
4.2 應變實驗 83
4.2.1 微拉伸應變 83
4.2.2 人體關節應變偵測 88
4.2.3 晶圓搬運手臂微震動偵測 89
4.2.4 環境測試實驗 91
第五章 結論與未來展望 95
5.1 結論 95
5.2 未來展望 97
參考文獻 98

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