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論文名稱(外文):Heat pipe for human body
指導教授(外文):SU, CHUN-HSI
外文關鍵詞:Heat pipehuman body heat dissipationacrylic
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熱管在現代熱管理技術中的應用日益廣泛,其高效的熱傳導性能使其在各個領域中發揮重要作用。熱管通過相變化過程和毛細作用迅速傳遞熱量,已成為電子設備散熱和能源管理的關鍵技術。本文希望將熱管應用於於人體散熱。特別是在可穿戴裝置利用熱管有效帶走熱的特性將人體產生的熱量帶走,從而維持皮膚表面的舒適溫度。本文使用壓克力作為熱管材料再將其結合在運動頭帶上。壓克力材料的使用不僅滿足了結構輕便和易於加工的需求,壓克力的透明性在測試時可觀察管內工作流體相變化的過程驗證其有效性。本文共以11支熱管進行實測並以加熱片做為模擬人體溫度的對象,PMMA熱管在最終帶走相當於0.23~0.28 W功率的熱量(約3.3~3.4 ℃),相當於加熱片25%的效率。
Heat pipes are increasingly used in modern thermal management technology, and their efficient heat conduction properties make them play an important role in various fields. Heat pipes rapidly transfer heat through phase change processes and capillary action, and have become a key technology for the heat dissipation and energy management of electronic equipment. This article aims to apply heat pipes to human body heat dissipation, especially in wearable devices. Heat pipes can effectively take away the heat generated by the human body, thereby maintaining a comfortable temperature on the skin surface. This study uses acrylic as the heat pipe material and then combines it with a sports headband. The use of acrylic materials not only meets the needs of a lightweight structure and easy processing, but the transparency of acrylic allows the phase change process of the working fluid in the tube to be observed during testing to verify its effectiveness. In this study, a total of 11 heat pipes were used for actual measurement, and a heating plate was used to simulate human body temperature. The PMMA heat pipe ultimately dissipated heat equivalent to 0.23~0.28 W (approximately 3.3~3.4°C), which is equivalent to 25% of the heating plate's efficiency.
摘要 i
誌謝 iii
目錄 iv
表目錄 vii
圖目錄 viii
1 第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機 2
1.3 研究大綱 3
2 第二章 原理與相關研究 4
2.1 熱管類型及相關原理 4
2.1.1 重力熱管與毛細熱管 4
2.1.2 振盪熱管 5
2.1.3 環路熱管 6
2.1.4 旋轉熱管 7
2.2 人體發熱與散熱機制相關研究 8
2.2.1 人體體溫調節 8
2.2.2 人體散熱機制 9
2.2.3 人體外加式散熱 10
3 第三章 實驗 11
3.1 PMMA熱管製作流程圖 11
3.2 PMMA熱管整體尺寸 12
3.3 PMMA熱管內部壓力設定及模擬 12
3.3.1 Ansys Fluent模擬模型設計 13
3.3.2 Ansys Fluent模擬參數設定 15
3.3.3 Ansys Fluent模擬結果 16
3.4 PMMA熱管加工 18
3.4.1 PMMA熱管粗加工 18 PMMA熱管加工溫度 19 PMMA熱管加工切削速度 20
3.4.2 PMMA熱管細加工(後處理) 21
3.5 PMMA熱管封管(底部) 23
3.6 PMMA熱管封管測漏 23
3.7 PMMA熱管填充工作流體 24
3.8 PMMA熱管抽真空及封管 25
3.9 實驗測試架構 27
3.9.1加熱片溫度曲線 28
第四章 結果與討論 29
4.1 先貼上PMMA熱管再開啟加熱片-實驗結果 29
4.1.1 無銅片與加銅片溫度測試結果 30
4.1.2 實際觀管內水位變化 31
4.1.3 熱阻值計算 31
4.2 先開啟加熱片再貼上熱管-實驗結果 32
4.2.1先開啟加熱片再貼上熱管(42℃) 32
4.2.2先開啟加熱片再貼上熱管(40℃) 33
4.2.3先開啟加熱片再貼上熱管(38℃) 34
4.2.4先開啟加熱片再貼上熱管(36℃) 35
4.2.5實際觀察管內相變化過程 36
4.2.6 熱阻值計算 37
4.3先開啟加熱片再貼上11支熱管-實驗結果 38
4.3.1 先開啟加熱片再貼上11支熱管(42℃) 39
4.3.2 先開啟加熱片再貼上11支熱管(38℃) 40
4.3.3 先開啟加熱片再貼上11支熱管(37℃) 41
4.4 熱管散熱量與重量比較 42
第五章 結論 43
第六章 未來展望 44
參考文獻 45

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