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研究生(外文):LING, TSZ-FUNG
論文名稱(外文):Integrating Life Cycle Assessment and Remote Sensing to Quantify the Environmental Impacts of An Automated Factory Service Operation - A Case Study from a Large Car Maintenance Factory in Hong Kong
指導教授(外文):TU, MIN-CHENG
中文關鍵詞:汽車保養服務生命週期評估遙感探測常態化差異植生指標Sentinel 2 MSI+
外文關鍵詞:Automotive Maintenance ServiceLife Cycle AssessmentRemote SensingNormalized Difference Vegetation IndexSentinel 2 MSI+
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本研究利用生命週期評估關注汽車保養業全球暖化潛勢(GWP)和生態系統的間接足跡,示範場域位於香港的某個大型汽車保養廠。另使用Sentinel 2 MSI+衛星圖像配合遙感探測技術分析大型汽車保養廠的直接足跡,即常態化差異植生指標,並以實驗區和對照區的對比分析,探討出研究範圍的運作影響植被覆蓋面積之損失度,以及計算植物單位面積碳儲量評估吸收該工廠服務時所直接釋放二氧化碳的強度。
The automotive industry is one of the world's five major industries, significantly impacting the global economy and societal development. Within this sector, the automobile maintenance industry plays a crucial role, aiming to extend the lifespan of vehicles and improve people's quality of life. Consequently, it is closely linked to the overall automotive industry. In Hong Kong, the increasing lifespan of automobiles and the shortage of local practitioners in the automotive maintenance industry have highlighted the need for greater efficiency in the maintenance service system. To address this, automated automotive maintenance factories have gradually been established since 2015, replacing manual labor. This shift aims to enhance service efficiency, cater to the high mobility of Hong Kong residents, expand the automotive maintenance service industry, reduce manpower needs, and save time. However, the expansion of this model poses environmental challenges that need to be addressed, necessitating an assessment of the environmental impacts of this industry.
This study utilizes life cycle assessment (LCA) to focus on the Global Warming Potential (GWP) and ecosystems of the automotive maintenance industry. The demonstration site is located at an automotive maintenance facility in Hong Kong. Sentinel 2 MSI+ satellite imagery with remote sensing technology was used to analyze the direct footprint of a large-scale automotive maintenance plant. The study employed the Normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and conducted a comparative analysis between experimental and control areas to investigate the impact of plant operations on the loss of vegetation area. Additionally, the carbon stock of plants per unit area was calculated to assess their CO2 absorption capacity during their service life. The study found that the facility uses fossil fuels for high-pressure electricity generation, leading to high CO2 emissions equivalent to the weight of an average small car per day, as indicated by the GWP data. Analysis of vegetation health and loss in both the experimental and control areas suggested that ecosystem damage is linked to human activities (i.e., plant operations). The plants near the study area were unable to fully absorb the CO2 emissions from the plant, leading to increased human health risks.
In conclusion, the study offers comprehensive data analysis, conclusions, and recommendations. It proposes establishing applicable carbon reduction strategies for the automotive maintenance industry through scenario analysis and conducting studies on carbon offsetting and biodiversity. These findings aim to inform the planning and management of forest land policies near the study area and serve as a reference for industry stakeholders, the government, and others in assessing the environmental impacts of factory operations.
摘要 i
誌謝 v
目錄 vi
表目錄 ix
圖目錄 x
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機與目的 2
1.3 研究架構 3
第二章 文獻回顧 6
2.1 汽車保養業 6
2.1.1汽車保養業的定義及業務範圍 6
2.1.2汽車保養業發展之重要性 7
2.1.3汽車保養業常見的環境污染及相關問題 9
2.2 生命週期評估 11
2.3 碳排放之介紹 14
2.4 遙測資料的應用 16
2.5 LCA配合遙測量化環境衝擊影響相關研究 17
第三章 研究方法 21
3.1 研究流程 21
3.2 研究目標之生命週期評估 23
3.2.1研究目標 23
3.2.2範疇邊界設定 23
3.2.3盤查項目 24
3.2.4環境衝擊評估方法 26
3.3 碳排放評估方法 30
3.4 情境假設 31
3.5 衛星遙測資料 32
3.5.1 Sentinel 2 32
3.5.2 衛星資料的篩選 34
3.5.3 實驗區與對照區的選定 34
3.5.4 常態化差異植生指標 36
3.5.5 碳儲量評估方法 37
3.6 數據彙整 38
3.7 研究限制及假設 39
第四章 結果與討論 41
4.1 環境衝擊計算結果 41
4.1.1 汽車保養服務之環境衝擊 41
4.2 碳排放計算結果 45
4.3 情境假設結果 47
4.4 遙測數據相關性分析整理 48
4.4.1 實驗區相關性分析 48
4.4.2 對照區相關性分析 49
4.4.3 碳儲量計算結果 50
4.5 討論 51
4.5.1 環境衝擊計算結果討論 51
4.5.2 碳排放計算結果討論 52
4.5.4 情境假設結果討論 52
4.5.4 遙測數據資料整理討論 53
4.5.5 小結 53
第五章 結論與建議 55
5.1 結論 55
5.2 建議 57
參考文獻 58
附錄 68
A. 附錄A本研究實驗區之情況 69
B. 附錄B本研究對照區之情況 72
C. 附錄C本研究實驗區每個位置NDVI土地分類數值 75
D. 附錄D本研究對照區每個位置NDVI土地分類數值 84
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