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研究生(外文):CHO, YU-CHIEN
論文名稱(外文):The Feasibility Study of Effluent from Public Sewage Treatment Plants on Irrigated Paddy Field
指導教授(外文):CHEN, SHIH-KAI
外文關鍵詞:Wastewater Treatment PlantsReclaimed WaterIrrigationNitrogenPaddy Field
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研究結果顯示引灌楊梅水資源回收中心放流水可能造成水稻重金屬污染、鹽害(EC、氯鹽)及鈉害(硫酸鹽、SAR)之風險應低於引灌原有灌溉水源-社子溪;而本研究試驗田區採用間歇灌溉方式之1日內氨氮平均削減率約為75 %且未造成相關不良影響。此外,試驗田區之湛水NO3--N幾乎僅於灌溉當日檢出,雖然湛水為氧化環境,有利NO3--N之產生,但在進入泥濘根系層之還原環境後將導致脫硝作用發生,而銨離子之高吸附性,使其在進入泥濘根系層後,亦不易進行硝化作用。亦證實灌溉水體中的氨氮應可取代部分化學氮素肥料,達到減少施肥量及降低成本之效果。並建立放流水氨氮濃度對應氮肥施用量的速查表,農民僅需掌握灌溉水的平均氨氮濃度及田區土壤類別,即可快速查詢本研究建議之氮肥合理施用量。本研究期能增進臺灣公共污水處理廠放流水之再利用率,達成提高用水韌性、促進農業合理化施肥、保護農地、維護食安及節能減碳等多贏目標。

The global climate change and scarcity of water resources have led to unstable agricultural irrigation water supply in Taiwan, which in turn affects agricultural production. Meanwhile, the total daily public wastewater treatment volume in Taiwan has reached about 3.74 million tons, but the treated effluent from public wastewater treatment plants has not been utilized as an agricultural water resource. This study aims to appropriately utilize this vast reclaimed water resource for agricultural irrigation. First, the successful experiences and limiting factors of reclaimed water use for agricultural irrigation were collected and summarized through literature review and relevant regulations. Then, through field experiments in the test plot area of the Yangmei Water Resource Recovery Center, the study explored the factors for nitrogen reduction and related water quality changes in paddy fields under reclaimed water and traditional water source irrigation, and further analyzed the impact of intermittent irrigation with reclaimed water and reduced chemical fertilizer application on rice cultivation. The research results show that the irrigation with the effluent from the Yangmei Water Resource Recovery Center may pose a lower risk of heavy metal contamination, salinity (EC, chloride) and sodium hazard (sulfate, SAR) to rice plant compared to the original irrigation water source - Shezi Creek. The average ammonia nitrogen reduction rate within one day in the test plot area using intermittent irrigation was about 75% without causing relevant adverse effects. Furthermore, nitrate-nitrogen was almost only detected on the irrigation day in the ponding water of the test plot area. Although the ponding water is an oxidizing environment favorable for the generation of nitrate-nitrogen, the denitrification process will occur when it enters the reduced environment of the muddy root zone, and the high adsorption of ammonium ions also makes it difficult for nitrification to occur after entering the muddy root zone. This study also confirmed that the ammonia nitrogen in the irrigation water can replace part of the chemical nitrogen fertilizer, achieving the effect of reducing fertilizer application and lowering production costs. A quick reference table has been established for the correspondence between the ammonia nitrogen concentration in the effluent and the recommended nitrogen fertilizer application rate, allowing farmers to quickly determine the reasonable nitrogen fertilizer application rate based on the average ammonia nitrogen concentration of the irrigation water and the soil type of the paddy fields. This research aim to increase the reuse rate of public wastewater treatment plant effluent, and achieve the multiple goals of improving water resilience, promoting rational fertilization in agriculture, protecting farmland, maintaining food safety, and reducing energy consumption and carbon emissions.
摘要 i
致謝 v
目錄 vi
表目錄 ix
圖目錄 xi
1 第一章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 研究動機與目的 2
1.3 研究流程架構 3
2 第二章 文獻回顧 5
2.1 國內外廢污水再生利用於農業之近況 5
2.1.1 國內污水再生利用於農業之現況 5
2.1.2 國內污水再生利用於農業之法規 7
2.1.3 全球污水再生應用於農業之近況 9
2.1.4 全球污水再生應用於農業之相關規範 11
2.2 田間氮循環相關文獻 13
2.3 水稻之灌溉水氮濃度容忍度相關文獻 18
2.4 楊梅水資源回收中心基本資料盤點 22
3 第三章 研究場域與方法 24
3.1 研究場域 24
3.1.1 試驗田區配置及灌溉水源 24
3.1.2 水稻品種選定及灌溉方式 27
3.1.3 本研究施肥方法 31
3.1.4 試驗田區稻作栽培紀錄 33
3.2 試驗田區灌溉水源及田間湛水水質檢測 34
3.2.1 試驗田區灌溉水源水質檢測 34
3.2.2 試驗田區田間湛水水質檢測 39
4 第四章 結果與討論 41
4.1 灌溉水源水質探討 41
4.1.1 灌溉水質基準值 41
4.1.2 硝酸鹽氮及磷酸鹽 61
4.2 田間湛水水質探討 64
4.2.1 試驗田區全期湛水水質探討 70
4.2.2 歷次引灌湛水期間水質探討-氫離子濃度指數(pH) 115
4.2.3 歷次引灌湛水期間水質探討-導電度(EC) 117
4.2.4 歷次引灌湛水期間水質探討-溶氧(DO) 120
4.2.5 歷次引灌湛水期間水質探討-氧化還原電位(ORP) 124
4.2.6 歷次引灌湛水期間水質探討-氨氮(NH3-N) 129
4.2.7 歷次引灌湛水期間水質探討-硝酸鹽(NO3--N) 132
4.2.8 歷次引灌湛水期間水質探討-磷酸鹽(PO43-) 136
4.3 田間氮素分析 139
4.3.1 田間氮素來源分析 139
4.3.2 作物氮素吸收量分析 142
4.3.3 灌溉後湛水氨氮削減分析 145
4.4 放流水灌溉氮肥減用估算方式之建立 151
4.5 綜合討論 161
4.5.1 試驗田區水質變化探討 161
4.5.2 國內公共污水處理廠放流水應用於農業灌溉之水質可行性 163
4.5.3 國內公共污水處理廠放流水應用於農業灌溉之進程 166
4.5.4 本研究試驗田區應用放流水灌溉水稻之成果 167
4.5.5 國內再生水應用於農業灌溉之政策及法規研擬建議 169
5 第五章 結論與建議 171
5.1 結論 171
5.2 建議 173
參考文獻 175
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