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研究生(外文):Hui-Chen Wang
論文名稱(外文):Customer Complaints, Service Recovery and Customer Response in the Life Insurance Industry
指導教授(外文):Chia-Ling Ho
外文關鍵詞:Customer complaintsService recoveryCustomer response
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Life insurance companies provide intangible insurance products to customers. In the service process involving human interaction, it is difficult to completely avoid service failures. Therefore, it is crucial to effectively handle customer complaints, provide service remedies, manage customer responses, and interact with customers to regain trust and ensure customer satisfaction.
This study employs in-depth interviews to research and explore the topic. It interviewed Seven Division Managers from F Life Insurance Company, focusing on the top five dispute types handled by life insurance companies in the past two years according to the Financial Ombudsman Institution. The study examined customer complaints, service recovery, and customer response management. According to this study, common reasons for customer complaints in claims-related disputes include differences in customer understanding and awareness of policy terms, insurance fraud, competition among peers, and low professional ethics among physicians. Non-claims-related disputes typically involve issues such as disputes over business solicitation, such as situations where documents are not personally signed by customers or where policy details are not clearly explained.
In terms of service recovery and customer responses, it is important to ensure frequent interaction with customers to maintain good relations. Providing timely responses to customers, using empathy and perspective-taking to offer warm service, is essential. Implementing education and training to enhance insurance expertise, and utilizing electronic service tracking systems, are crucial steps to improve service quality.
This study aims to provide guidelines for frontline marketing sales representative on how to actively and promptly handle service recovery and respond to customer complaints, thereby maintaining high-quality customer relationships as a reference.
第一章 緒論1
第一節 研究動機與目的1
第二節 研究範圍與限制5
第三節 研究流程7
第二章 文獻回顧9
第一節 評議中心申訴處理爭議類型分析9
第二節 顧客抱怨13
第三節 服務補救14
第四節 顧客回應處理15
第三章 研究方法18
第一節 深度訪談研究方法18
第二節 研究受訪者19
第三節 訪談大綱19
第四章 訪談資料分析21
第一節 受訪者基本資料21
第二節 訪談內容21
第三節 深度訪談歸納分析41
第四節 小結50
第五章 結論與建議54
第一節 結論54
第二節 建議55
第三節 研究限制與後續研究建議56

圖1-1 評議中心評議申訴暨評議案件數折線圖(全部業別)2
圖1-2 評議中心申訴暨評議案件量折線圖(全部業別)3
圖1-3 評議中心申訴案件數折線圖(全部業別)3
圖1-4 評議中心評議案件數折線圖(全部業別)4
圖1-5 評議中心人壽保險業申訴暨評議案件數趨勢圖(季)4
圖1-6 評議中心2022年~2023年保險業理賠爭議類型案件比率(%)6
圖1-7 評議中心2022年~2023年保險業非理賠爭議類型案件比率(%)6
圖1-8 研究流程圖8
圖2-1 銀行業申訴暨評議案件數趨勢圖(季)9
圖2-2 人壽保險業申訴暨評議案件數趨勢圖(季)10
圖2-3 產物保險業申訴暨評議案件數趨勢圖(季)10
圖2-4 保險輔助人申訴暨評議案件數趨勢圖(季)11
圖2-5 人壽保險業(理賠類)常見爭議圓形圖12
圖2-6 人壽保險業(非理賠類)常見爭議圓形圖12

表3-1 訪談架構19
表4-1 受訪人員資料表21
表4-2 問題一專家訪談歸納表21
表4-3 問題二專家訪談歸納表25
表4-4 問題三專家訪談歸納表27
表4-5 問題四專家訪談歸納表29
表4-6 問題五專家訪談歸納表30
表4-7 問題六專家訪談歸納表31
表4-8 問題七專家訪談歸納表33
表4-9 問題八專家訪談歸納表34
表4-10 問題九專家訪談歸納表38
表4-11 問題十專家訪談歸納表39



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