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研究生(外文):AKO TAYONE
論文名稱(外文):Strategic Market Segmentation of Pet Insurance in the Japanese Market: A Demographic Approach
指導教授(外文):Jyh-Horng Lin
外文關鍵詞:catDemographic ApproachPet InsuranceJapanDog
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本論文開創性地對日本市場進行了人口統計分析,對寵物保險文獻做出重大貢獻。研究中引入一種創新方法,使用替代的家庭結構來區別不同的寵物飼養目標市場。本研究透過將寵物所有權之參考文獻與保險需求連結,在不依賴複雜模型的情況下提供了詳細的見解。此連結為未來的研究和行業利益相關者應對日本寵物保險領域的複雜性提供了寶貴的建議。另,本研究還強調了針對貓保險量身定制方法的重要性,考慮到不同的背景,例如、單身家庭(60-79歲) 、未婚同居家庭(20-39歲)、沒有孩子的已婚家庭中的女性(20-39歲、60-79歲)、有孩子的已婚家庭(20-39歲)和單親家庭(男性20-39歲、女性60-79歲)等條件,精準的研究入微以確保有效和策略性的市場細分,提高了保險產品在日本多元化寵物飼養環境中的影響力。
This thesis makes a significant contribution to pet insurance literature by pioneering a demographic analysis of Japan’s market. It introduces an innovative approach, using alternative household structures to discern distinct pet breeding segments. By connecting pet ownership literature with insurance demand, the study provides nuanced insights without relying on complex modeling. This connection yields valuable perspectives for future research and industry stakeholders navigating the complexities of the Japanese pet insurance landscape. The research also emphasizes the importance of tailored approaches for cat insurance, considering diverse scenarios such as single status households: (ages 60-79), unmarried cohabitation status households: (ages 20-39), married households without children female (ages 20-39, 60-79), married with children (ages 20-39), and single-parent households (male ages 20-39, female ages 60-79). This nuanced focus ensures effective and strategic market segmentation, maximizing the impact of insurance offerings in Japan’s diverse pet ownership environment.
誌 謝 I
中文摘要 II
英文摘要 III
Table of contents VI
Figure of contents VIII
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Objective 2
1.2 Importance 3
1.3 New development 5
1.4 Methodology 6
1.5 Expected results 7
1.6 Limitations 7
1.7 Structure of the thesis 8
Chapter 2 Literature Review and Research Background 10
2.1 Financial perspective 10
2.2 Characteristic perspective 13
2.3 Market perspective 17
Chapter 3 Demand Theories for Pet Insurance: Ability to Afford Pet Care 20
3.1 Ability to afford veterinary care: Veterinary Economics Division (2018) 20
3.2 Capacity to afford veterinary care: Sprinkle (2019) 22
3.3 Challenge to afford veterinary care: AVMA@Work report (2023) 24
3.4 Influencing to afford veterinary services: Williams et al. (2020) 26
3.5 Financial factors influencing pet insurance demand: Allen (1997) and Chiu et al. (2021) 29
3.6 Market segmentation of pet insurance demand: Our focus on the demographic analysis 31
Chapter 4 Strategic Pet Insurance Market Segmentation in Japan 34
4.1 Engages in annual dog and cat breedings 34
4.2 Engages in annual new dog and cat breedings 41
4.3 Engages in dog and cat breedings by household structures 45
4.4 Future willingness for dog and cat breedings by household structures 54
Chapter 5 Conclusion and Policy Implications 65
5.1 Conclusion 65
5.2 Policy Implications 66
References 68

Table of contents
Table 1: Related pet insurance theories and references for the thesis’ foundation 33
Table 2: Involvement in dog breeding among single-status households from 2017 to 2021 45
Table 3: Involvement in cat breeding among single-status households from 2017 to 2021 46
Table 4: Involvement in dog breeding among unmarried-cohabitation-status households from 2017 to 2021 47
Table 5: Involvement in cat breeding among unmarried-cohabitation-status households from 2017 to 2021 48
Table 6: Involvement in dog breeding among married-without-children-status households from 2017 to 2021 49
Table 7: Involvement in cat breeding among married-without-children-status households from 2017 to 2021 49
Table 8: Involvement in dog breeding among married-with-children-status households from 2017 to 2021 51
Table 9: Involvement in cat breeding among married-with-children-status households from 2017 to 2021 51
Table 10: Involvement in dog breeding among single-parent-status households from 2017 to 2021 52
Table 11: Involvement in cat breeding among single-parent-status households from 2017 to 2021 53
Table 12: Future willingness for dog breeding among single-status households from 2017 to 2021 55
Table 13: Future willingness for cat breeding among single-status households from 2017 to 2021 55
Table 14: Future willingness for dog breeding among unmarried-cohabitation-status households from 2017 to 2021 57
Table 15: Future willingness for cat breeding among unmarried-cohabitation-status households from 2017 to 2021 57
Table 16: Future willingness for dog breeding among married-without-children-status households from 2017 to 2021 58
Table 17: Future willingness for cat breeding among married-without-children-status households from 2017 to 2021 58
Table 18: Future willingness for dog breeding among married-with-children-status households from 2017 to 2021 60
Table 19: Future willingness for cat breeding among married-with-children-status households from 2017 to 2021 60
Table 20: Future willingness for dog breeding among single-parent-status households from 2017 to 2021 62
Table 21: Future willingness for cat breeding among single-parent-status households from 2017 to 2021 62

Figure of contents
Figure 1: The structure of the thesis 9
Figure 2: Dog market in Japan, 2013-2021 (unit: 1,000) 35
Figure 3: Dog breeding rate by household in Japan, 2013-2021 (unit: %) 35
Figure 4: Cat market in Japan, 2013-2021 (unit: 1,000) 38
Figure 5: Cat breeding rate by household in Japan, 2013-2021 (unit: %) 38
Figure 6: New dog breeding in Japan, 2013-2021 (unit: 1,000) 41
Figure 7: New breeding rate in the Japanese dog industry, 2013-2021 (unit: %) 42
Figure 8: New cat breeding in Japan, 2013-2021 (unit: 1,000) 43
Figure 9: New breeding rate in the Japanese cat industry, 2013-2021 (unit: %) 43
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