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論文名稱:Skin Care Purchase Behaviors and Marketing Recommendations for the Chinese, Indonesians, and Filipinos in Taiwan
論文名稱(外文):Skin Care Purchase Behaviors and Marketing Recommendations for the Chinese, Indonesians, and Filipinos in Taiwan
指導教授(外文):HSU, YI-HSIN
中文關鍵詞:skin carepurchase behaviorsmarketingChineseIndonesiansFilipinosTaiwanskin care product
外文關鍵詞:skin carepurchase behaviorsmarketingChineseIndonesiansFilipinosTaiwanskin care product
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Objective: Understanding the skin care purchase behaviors of Chinese (Republic of China or Taiwan), Indonesians, and Filipinos contributes to dermatology, pharmacy, and marketing. This research aims to study their skin care purchases in Taiwan to identify the right products, places, and promotions for the subcultures.

Study Design: Following the standard practice in cross-cultural consumer behavior studies, convenience non-probability sampling was used in the research. The survey form was distributed online through messaging apps and social media. Street survey was also conducted. The survey was done in May 2024, and the data of 180 Taiwan residents, a mix of Chinese (ROC), Indonesian, and Filipino respondents aged 22-56 (born 2002-1968), were analyzed.

Results: The research showed that the skin concerns addressed (acne, dryness, dark skin, unhealthy skin), skin care products purchased (sunscreens, lip care), purchase channels (online, drugstore), purchase influences (products addressing multiple problems, specializing in one problem, relieving stress and anxiety, environmentally friendly, local, or foreign; recommendations of skin care experts, brand advertisements, or celebrities), and purchase barriers (too expensive price, none of the products being effective) significantly varied between the subcultures.

Conclusion: Businesses or marketers must adjust the products, places, and promotions and consider the different purchase barriers when marketing skin care products to Chinese (ROC), Indonesians, and Filipinos. The paper discussed recommendations for marketing skin care products to the different subcultures in Taiwan.

Objective: Understanding the skin care purchase behaviors of Chinese (Republic of China or Taiwan), Indonesians, and Filipinos contributes to dermatology, pharmacy, and marketing. This research aims to study their skin care purchases in Taiwan to identify the right products, places, and promotions for the subcultures.

Study Design: Following the standard practice in cross-cultural consumer behavior studies, convenience non-probability sampling was used in the research. The survey form was distributed online through messaging apps and social media. Street survey was also conducted. The survey was done in May 2024, and the data of 180 Taiwan residents, a mix of Chinese (ROC), Indonesian, and Filipino respondents aged 22-56 (born 2002-1968), were analyzed.

Results: The research showed that the skin concerns addressed (acne, dryness, dark skin, unhealthy skin), skin care products purchased (sunscreens, lip care), purchase channels (online, drugstore), purchase influences (products addressing multiple problems, specializing in one problem, relieving stress and anxiety, environmentally friendly, local, or foreign; recommendations of skin care experts, brand advertisements, or celebrities), and purchase barriers (too expensive price, none of the products being effective) significantly varied between the subcultures.

Conclusion: Businesses or marketers must adjust the products, places, and promotions and consider the different purchase barriers when marketing skin care products to Chinese (ROC), Indonesians, and Filipinos. The paper discussed recommendations for marketing skin care products to the different subcultures in Taiwan.

Acknowledgments I
Abstract II
List of Tables VI
List of Figures VIII
Appendices IX
Chapter 1: Introduction 1
Section 1: Background and Motivation 2
Section 2: Purpose and Importance 4
Chapter 2: Literature Review 6
Section 1: The Importance of Comparing Consumer Behaviors Across Cultures 8
Section 2: Examples of Studies that Compared Consumer Behaviors Across Cultures 9
Section 3: Comparing Consumer Behaviors Across Cultures 11
Section 4: Skin Care in Taiwan 13
Section 5: Skin Care in Indonesia 15
Section 6: Skin Care in the Philippines 17
Section 7: Skin Care in Other Southeast Asian Countries 20
Section 7.1: Skin Care in Thailand 20
Section 7.2: Skin Care in Vietnam 22
Section 9: Skin Care Purchase Behaviors in Taiwan and Southeast Asia 24
Chapter 3: Research Methods 29
Section 1: Research Design Framework 29
Section 2: Variables 30
Section 3: Hypotheses 36
Section 4: Data Collection 37
Section 5: Data Processing and Analysis Methods 39
Chapter 4: Results 40
Section 1: Demographics 40
Section 2: Product-Related Data 44
Section 3: Place-Related Data 49
Section 4: Promotion-Related Data 51
Section 5: Marketing Message-Related Data 59
Section 6: Regression 61
Chapter 5: Discussion 64
Section 1: Skin Care Purchase Behaviors of Chinese, Indonesians, and Filipinos in Taiwan 64
Section 2: Marketing Skin Care Products to Chinese (ROC) in Taiwan 70
Section 3: Marketing Skin Care Products to Indonesians in Taiwan 73
Section 4: Marketing Skin Care Products to Filipinos in Taiwan 75
Section 5: Limitations 77
Chapter 6: Conclusion and Suggestions 79
Section 1: Conclusion 79
Section 2: Suggestions 81
References 83

List of Tables
Table 1. Research Background, Motivation, Purpose, and Importance 1
Table 2. Research Questions 5
Table 3. Reviewed Topics and Their Sources 7
Table 4. Skin Care Purchase Behaviors in Taiwan and Southeast Asia 24
Table 5. Supporting Data for the Set Independent and Control Variables 31
Table 6. Supporting Data for the Selected Dependent Variables 32
Table 7. Hypotheses 36
Table 8. Data Collection Details 37
Table 9. Data Processing and Analysis Steps 39
Table 10. Age, Gender, Occupation, and Income by Nationality/Ethnicity 40
Table 11. Skin Concerns Addressed, and Skin Care Products Purchased by Nationality/Ethnicity 44
Table 12. Skin Concerns Addressed by Twenty Percent and Above of a Nationality/Ethnicity 46
Table 13. Skin Care Products Purchased by Twenty Percent and Above of a Nationality/Ethnicity 47
Table 14. Purchase Channels by Nationality/Ethnicity 49
Table 15. Purchase Channels of Twenty Percent and Above of a Nationality/Ethnicity 50
Table 16. Product-related Purchase Influences by Nationality/Ethnicity 51
Table 17. Degree of Agreement to Product-related Purchase Influences by Twenty Percent and Above of a Nationality/Ethnicity 54
Table 18. Promotion-related Purchase Influences by Nationality/Ethnicity 56
Table 19. Degree of Agreement to Promotion-related Purchase Influences by Twenty Percent and Above of a Nationality/Ethnicity 58
Table 20. Barriers to Consumption by Nationality/Ethnicity 59
Table 21. Barriers to Consumption to Twenty Percent and Above of a Nationality/Ethnicity 60
Table 22. Regression of Significant Dependent and Independent/Control Variables 61
Table 23. Skin Care Purchase Behaviors of Chinese (ROC), Indonesians, and Filipinos in Taiwan 64
Table 24. Recommendation for Marketing Skin Care Products to Chinese (ROC) in Taiwan 70
Table 25. Recommendation for Marketing Skin Care Products to Indonesians in Taiwan 73
Table 26. Recommendation for Marketing Skin Care Products to Filipinos in Taiwan 75
Table 27. Limitations of the Research 77
Table 28. Conclusion 80
Table 29. Suggestions for Future Research 81

List of Figures
Figure 1. Model of Buyer Behavior 29
Figure 2. Independent, Control, and Dependent Variables 30

Appendix I. Survey Questions Submitted to the TMU-JIRB 85

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