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研究生(外文):YI-TE CHIANG
論文名稱(外文):A Study of Implementing Robotic Process Automationon on Customer Due Diligence
指導教授(外文):Yucheng Kao
口試委員(外文):Yucheng Kao
外文關鍵詞:Customer Due DiligenceRobotic Process AutomationAnti-Money Laundering
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金融機構業務發展項目和複雜度日益增加,為了保護客戶和防範洗錢行為,確認客戶資料和身分的客戶盡職調查(Customer Due Diligence, CDD),是近年來金融機構業務的重點。CDD檢核內容項目繁多且資料量大,需要耗費許多人力和作業時間進行作業,如何借助資訊系統或科技,讓CDD可以減少人工作業、增加自動化,是近年來金融機構業務發展上數位化的重點。RPA(Robotic Process Automation)機器人流程自動化是近年很來熱門的資訊軟體工具,適用於有規則性、重複性高及跨不同系統平台的作業流程,有助於企業降低人工成本提高工作效率。本研究將CDD流程重新設計規劃,將原有的作業流程標準化,再導入RPA軟體取代原有人工作業的流程步驟。標準化的CDD查核流程包括四項主要作業:客戶背景調查、客戶交易歷史調查、客戶交易風險評估、以及客戶盡職調查結果填寫。最後一項作業是依據前三項調查結果回答10個客戶資料查核問題,再交由主管依據此調查結果決定是否拒絕與該客戶維持業務關係。本研究結果顯示,導入RPA軟體可大幅節省CDD流程作業工時,並提升作業效率,避免人工操作錯誤及降低機敏資料外流的風險。本研究依據業界實務專題案例進行研究,因此其結果也可提供金融業界導入RPA軟體時的決策參考。
The increasing complexity and expansion of financial institutions business development projects have emphasized the importance of Customer Due Diligence (CDD) for protecting clients and preventing money laundering. CDD involves extensive and labor-intensive processes, requiring significant human resources and operational time. Recently, the digitalization focus in financial institutions has shifted towards utilizing information systems and technology to reduce manual operations and enhance automation in CDD. Robotic Process Automation (RPA) has emerged as a popular technology suitable for repetitive, rule-based tasks across different system platforms, helping organizations lower labor costs and improve operational efficiency.
This study redesigns and standardizes the CDD process, integrating RPA to replace traditional manual steps. The standardized CDD verification process includes four main tasks: customer background investigation, customer transaction history review, customer transaction risk assessment, and completion of the CDD results. The final task involves answering ten verification questions based on the previous three investigations, with the supervisor making the final decision on maintaining business relations with the customer.
The study's findings indicate that implementing RPA significantly reduces the CDD process's operational time and enhances efficiency, minimizing manual errors and the risk of sensitive data leaks. This research, based on industry case studies, provides valuable insights for financial institutions considering the adoption of RPA software.
致謝 I
摘要 II
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VI
表目錄 VIII
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的 2
1.3 論文架構 2
第二章 文獻探討 4
2.1 洗錢防制 4
2.2 機器人流程自動化RPA 5
2.3 機器人流程自動化在金融產業應用 6
第三章 系統分析 7
3.1 CDD作業流程分析 7
3.2 人工作業流程模型 10
3.4 IT系統架構 17
3.5 查核資料相關輸入與輸出檔案及表單設計 18
第四章 RPA系統實作 23
4.1 UIPATH工具簡介 23
4.2 UIPATH執行中高風險客戶查核作業 25
4.3 初始化設定 25
4.4 變數設定與客戶資料彙整 26
4.5 主要查核作業 30
4.6 客戶背景調查 33
4.7 客戶交易風險評估-信用卡交易國家查核 35
4.8 客戶交易歷史調查-管制帳戶 36
4.9 客戶交易歷史調查-問題帳戶 46
4.10 調查彙整報告 51
第五章 客戶盡職調查案例驗證 54
5.1 案例驗證簡述 54
5.2 案例驗證結果 54
第六章 結論與建議 61
6.1 結論 61
6.2 未來研究建議 62
參考文獻 63
中文部份 63
英文部份 63
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