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研究生(外文):Ting-Yun You
論文名稱(外文):Research on modern material perception and Attation
指導教授(外文):Chih-Chun Lai
口試委員(外文):Chih-Chun Lai
外文關鍵詞:modern material perceptionvisual attentionvisual colorvisual shape
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實驗研究以形狀及色彩兩項視覺因素對視覺注意力有無影響進行研究設計。實驗結果以K-W(Kruskal-Wallis Test )進行統計,驗證形狀上的設計能否引導視覺注意力對再設計原型產品產生舒適性的實驗。客觀實驗中顯示形狀上的注意力轉移能提升舒適性;主觀實驗裡不同的筷子對操作階段三(p=0. 031),及操作階段四(p=0.005)皆具顯著性差異。實驗用筷在手掌上有用力大於一般用筷的實驗感受,其餘皆以實驗用筷的施力感受較小。

色彩因素實驗對立體斑馬線使用色彩上的設計增加視覺注意力來影響駕駛感受。實驗以多變量進行統計,結果顯示性別對注意程度具顯著影響(F= 4.905, p= 0.29),受測者有無駕駛經驗也會對想煞車程度產生顯著影響(F= 7.043, p=0.009)。有駕駛經驗對具色彩的立體斑馬線想煞車程度都比沒有駕駛經驗的受試者來說感覺較高。注意力部分與想煞車程度表現最佳為樣本A。兩種視覺因素的驗證結果,說明了以視覺為主的現代物質感知模式以設計能對生活帶來正面的幫助。
The modern perception of material is focused on visual elements. Among these, the impact of visual attention has been widely discussed in research. Literature review reveals that visual cognition can be explored from both objective cognitive science and subjective cognitive psychology perspectives. Through examining these two areas, it is found that cognitive science and cognitive psychology approach the formation of visual cognition through two methods: one being the general cognitive state and the other being the direct cognitive state. In both states, visual attention involves visual factors such as shape and color.

The experimental study was designed to investigate the impact of visual factors, specifically shape and color, on visual attention. The results were analyzed using the Kruskal-Wallis Test (K-W) to verify whether the design of shapes could guide visual attention to enhance comfort in redesigned prototype products. Objective experiments demonstrated that attention to shape could improve comfort. In subjective experiments, significant differences were found between different chopsticks in operation phases three (p = 0.031) and four (p = 0.005). The experimental chopsticks exerted more force on the palm compared to the general use of chopsticks, while the force felt with the experimental chopsticks was generally smaller in other cases.

The experiment on color factors investigated how the design of colored 3D crosswalks can increase visual attention and affect driving experience. Multivariate analysis was used for statistical evaluation. The results indicated that gender had a significant impact on the level of attention (F = 4.905, p = 0.029), and the presence or absence of driving experience significantly influenced the degree of braking intention (F = 7.043, p = 0.009). Participants with driving experience had a higher braking intention for colored 3D crosswalks compared to those without driving experience. The optimal performance in terms of attention and braking intention was observed with Sample A. The results of the validation of both visual factors demonstrate that a visually-oriented modern material perception model can provide positive benefits to daily life through design.
誌謝 1
摘要 i
目次 iii
表次 v
圖次 vi
第貳章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 2
第二節 研究目的 4
第參章 文獻探討 5
一、 傳統與現代物質感知模式界定 5
二、 視覺認知 8
三、 視覺注意力 23
四、 一般認知的視覺注意力 29
五、 直接經驗認知的視覺注意力 38
六、 小結 46
第肆章 研究設計 48
七、 視覺形狀作為視覺因素會對視覺注意力產生影響 49
八、 視覺顏色作為視覺因素會對視覺注意力產生影響 51
第伍章 研究結果 55
九、 視覺注意力之於形狀 55
十、 色彩之於視覺注意力 59
第陸章 結論與建議 66
第一節 、視覺形狀作為視覺因素會對視覺注意力產生影響 66
第二節 、視覺色彩作為視覺因素會對視覺注意力產生影響 67
第三節 、討論與建議 68
參考文獻 70
中文部份 70
英文部份 72
附錄一 視覺之於安全受試者問卷 81
附錄二 視覺之於舒適受試者問卷 86
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