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論文名稱(外文):Primary School Teacher's Perspectives and Uses of Translanguaging
指導教授(外文):LUO, YI-JOU
中文關鍵詞:CLIL 雙語教學跨語言實踐CLIL 雙語體育教師觀點CLIL 4C 2++
外文關鍵詞:CLIL bilingual teachingtranslanguagingCLIL physical educationteacher’s perspectivesCLIL 4C2++
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全球化和國際化強化了英語在教育中的重要性,促使台灣採行了 12 年國教 課程綱要和 2030 雙語政策。這些政策旨在提升學生在真實生活情境中的英語溝 通能力和核心競爭力。CLIL(內容與語言整合學習)方法結合了語言和內容學 習,廣泛應用於台灣的小學教育。然而,由於 CLIL 仍在發展中,面臨了若干 挑戰,特別是 CEFR B2 英語要求,這使得現有教師在推進雙語教育方面感到困 難。儘管如此,強調靈活語言使用的跨語言現象提供了一種潛在的解決方案。
本研究通過質性問卷和課堂觀察,了解一位國小三年級體育教師在實施 CLIL 課程的觀點以及教師和學生的跨語言使用情況。問卷結果顯示,該教師對 自己在描述詞彙、管理課堂、提供反饋和給予指示時的英語使用持積極態度。 這些結果與課堂觀察一致,即教師主要在這些情境中使用英語,表明教師根據 語言重複性和學生的英語水平來使用英語。相反地,該教師在建立與學生的關 係和幫助困惑學生時對自己使用英語的看法較為負面,這可能是由於教師或學 生的語言水平所致。此外,課堂觀察發現,該教師使用了多種肢體語言手勢和 高重複性詞彙。國小三年級的學生仍處於學習英語的初期階段,儘管課程中可 能受限於學生的英語能力或該教師自我的英語能力,但本研究中的兩位觀課專 家均給予正面評價(總分 75 分中平均超過 60 分),表明語言水平並不是雙語 教育的決定性障礙。研究最後提出了增強雙語教學策略的未來研究建議。
Globalization and internationalization have emphasized the importance of English in education, leading Taiwan to adopt the 12-Year Basic Curriculum and the Bilingual 2030 policy. These policies aim to enhance students’ English communication skills and core competencies in real-life situations. The CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) approach, which combines language and content learning, is widely applied in Taiwan's primary education. However, as CLIL is still developing, several challenges have arisen, particularly the CEFR B2 English requirement, which poses difficulties for current teachers in advancing bilingual education. Nevertheless, the concept of translanguaging, which emphasizes flexible language use, offers a potential solution.
This study investigates a third-grade primary school physical education teacher’s perspectives on implementing CLIL and the use of translanguaging by both the teacher and students through qualitative questionnaires and classroom observations. The questionnaire results show that the teacher holds a positive attitude towards using English for vocabulary description, classroom management, providing feedback, and giving directions. These findings align with classroom observations, indicating that the teacher primarily uses English in these contexts, suggesting that language use is influenced by repetition and students’ English proficiency. Conversely, the teacher has a negative view of using English for building rapport with students and assisting confused students, likely due to the language proficiency of both the teacher and students. Additionally, classroom observations reveal that the teacher employs various body language gestures and high-repetition vocabulary. Although the third-grade students are still in the early stages of learning English, and despite potential limitations due to the students' or the teacher's English proficiency, both experts
observing the class gave positive evaluations (scoring an average of over 60 out of 75), indicating that language proficiency is not a decisive barrier to bilingual education. The study concludes with recommendations for future research to enhance bilingual teaching strategies.

Table of Content
Abstract ........................................................................................................................ ii
Table of Content ........................................................................................................... v
Chapter One Introduction .......................................................................................... 1
1.1 Background of the research .............................................................................. 1
1.2 Research purpose ............................................................................................... 6
1.3 Research questions ............................................................................................. 6
1.4 Significance of the study .................................................................................... 6
1.5 Definitions ........................................................................................................... 7
1.6 The structure of study ....................................................................................... 7
Chapter Two Litereature Review ............................................................................... 9
2.1 An introduction of CLIL ................................................................................... 9
2.1.1 The development of CLIL ............................................................................ 9
2.1.2 The 4Cs framework ..................................................................................... 11
2.1.3 CLIL related studies in Taiwan ................................................................... 14
2.2 A Taiwan-tailored framework ........................................................................ 16
2.2.1 Fertile .......................................................................................................... 17
2.2.2 The 4C 2++ framework ............................................................................... 17
2.3 Translanguaging .............................................................................................. 19
2.3.1 Types of Translanguaging ........................................................................... 19
2.3.2 Related studies of translanguaging ............................................................. 23
Chapter Three Methodology ..................................................................................... 33
3.1 The rationale of the Study ............................................................................... 33
3.2 The setting of the case ...................................................................................... 34
3.3 Participant ........................................................................................................ 35
The teacher ........................................................................................................... 36
3.4 Data collection .................................................................................................. 38
3.4.1 Questionnaire .............................................................................................. 38
3.4.2 Class observation ........................................................................................ 40
3.5 Data collection procedure ................................................................................ 41
3.6 Data analysis ..................................................................................................... 43
3.6.1 The observer ................................................................................................ 43
3.6.2 The experts .................................................................................................. 45
Chapter Four Results and Discussion ...................................................................... 47
4.1 The teacher’s perspectives of translanguaging: pre-test and post-test ....... 47
4.2 Class observation results ................................................................................. 61
4.2.1 The first class I can dribble ......................................................................... 63
4.2.2The second class Eagle Catch Chick ........................................................... 69
4.2.3 The third lesson I am the Ace ..................................................................... 72
4.2.4 The fourth lesson I am the Ace ................................................................ 76
4.2.5 Summary of the results and discussion ....................................................... 81
Chapter Five Conclusion ........................................................................................... 91
5.1What are the teacher’s perspectives on translanguaging? ............................ 92
5.2 How does the teacher use translanguaging in the class? ............................... 93
5.2.1 Body language and gestures ........................................................................ 93
5.2.2 Using students’ familiar words and phrases ............................................... 94
5.2.3 High repetition of language use .................................................................. 95
5.3 Limitation of the study .................................................................................... 96
5.4 Suggestions for future studies ......................................................................... 97
References ................................................................................................................... 98
Appendix A ............................................................................................................... 113
Appendix B ............................................................................................................... 116
Appendix C ............................................................................................................... 119
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