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研究生(外文):CHEN, YU-REN
論文名稱(外文):The European Union’s Protection of Right to Privacy in the Digital Environment
指導教授(外文):KANG, SU-JU
外文關鍵詞:Digital EnvironmentPrivacyPersonal Data ProtectionFundamental Rights of the European UnionGeneral Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
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The digital environment in the European Union is expanding and people are affected by it, not only because of the technological advances to their lives, more importantly, the digital environment is causing privacy and personal data protection harms that can easily be overlooked. These issues are not only surfacing in today's society, but will also have an impact on the European Union's legislation. The Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union protects both as fundamental rights. In addition to emphasizing the fundamental rights of citizens in the digital environment, these rights can be also protected by General Data Protection Regulations. The study aims to examine the protection of privacy and personal data in the EU under the digital environment, explores the challenges of privacy protection nowadays, and analyzes the key points of personal data protection in the EU. Therefore, the first major theme of this study focuses on the right to privacy, understanding its related characteristics and incorporating the factors of the digital environment into the study. Then, the second major theme focuses the impact of the digital environment on personal data and privacy rights in light of the EU's efforts in personal data protection. The findings show that EU citizens need to autonomously enhance their awareness of protection. In addition, the EU achieves privacy protection through a multi-layered protection framework in the digital environment.
中文摘要 ........................................................................................... i
ABSTRACT ...................................................................................... ii
誌謝 ................................................................................................. iii
目錄 ................................................................................................. iv
圖目錄 ............................................................................................. vii
中英文對照表 .................................................................................. viii
第壹章 緒論 ...................................................................................... 1
一、研究背景 ................................................................................... 1
二、研究動機與目的 ........................................................................ 3
三、研究問題 ................................................................................... 5
四、研究範圍與方法 ........................................................................ 6
五、研究限制 ................................................................................... 8
第貳章 文獻探討 .............................................................................. 9
一、歐盟數位策略 ............................................................................ 9
二、隱私權 ..................................................................................... 13
三、資料保護與個人資料保護 ........................................................ 17
第參章 歐盟隱私權保障 .................................................................. 20
一、隱私權概念發展 ....................................................................... 20
二、歐盟隱私權之基本權利保障 ..................................................... 25
(一)、歐盟機構保護立場 ............................................................ 25
(二)、歐盟法之保護 ................................................................... 27
三、數位環境中隱私權之個人權益 ................................................. 29
(一)、隱私權之「控制權」與「自主權」要素 ............................ 30
(二)、隱私權與個資保護關係 ..................................................... 33
(三)、個人保護意識不足問題 ..................................................... 36
第肆章 歐盟一般資料保護規則(GDPR)與隱私權保護 ................. 39
一、個人資料保護之相關法規發展 .................................................. 40
二、GDPR與數位環境 .................................................................... 46
(一)、歐盟於數位環境的「約束」............................................... 46
(二)、數位環境中個資保護問題 ................................................. 48
(三)、GDPR對隱私與個資保護的重視 ....................................... 51
三、GDPR對隱私權與個資之保護 .................................................. 53
(一)、從個資到隱私權的界限 ..................................................... 53
(二)、GDPR對隱私權之影響 ..................................................... 56
(三)、GDPR對隱私權之保護仍不足 .......................................... 59
第伍章 數位環境隱私權保護之未來發展 ......................................... 61
一、歐盟保護數位隱私之趨勢 ........................................................ 61
(一)、建構安全數位環境之必要性 ............................................. 61
(二)、歐盟加強對數位平台之規範 ............................................. 63
二、電子隱私指令於數位環境之侷限 ............................................. 66
三、電子隱私指令保護之不足 ........................................................ 67
(一)、指令對隱私之規範不足 .................................................... 67
(二)、Cookies保護隱私效力不足 .............................................. 68
四、電子隱私規則草案(e-Privacy Regulation)........................... 70
(一)、加強數位隱私之保護 ....................................................... 70
(二)、未來擴大數位環境之隱私規範 ......................................... 72
第陸章 結論 ................................................................................... 75
參考文獻 ........................................................................................ 78
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