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研究生(外文):CHEN, BO-HONG
論文名稱(外文):Nonlinear System Prediction Using Long Short-term Memory Architecture
外文關鍵詞:Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM)Backpropagation AlgorithmInvasive Weed Optimization Algorithm(IWO)
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The main purpose of this paper's research is to combine Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) neural networks with optimization algorithms to predict nonlinear systems. In this study, an LSTM neural network is utilized, and two optimization algorithms, the Backpropagation Algorithm and the Invasive Weed Optimization Algorithm, are used to optimize the neural network parameters.
In predicting nonlinear system models, MATLAB is used to determine the neural network weights. The optimal parameters are found according to the chosen optimization algorithm. Finally, the optimized parameters are applied to the LSTM neural network architecture to predict the nonlinear system models.
The nonlinear system models used in this paper include the Mackey-Glass system, nonlinear systems, and dynamic time-varying systems. The experimental results are compared and analyzed using Mean Squared Error (MSE).

摘要 i
Abstract ii
誌謝 iii
目錄 iv
表目錄 vi
圖目錄 vii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究動機 1
1.2文獻探討 1
1.3研究方法 2
1.4論文架構 2
第二章 長短期記憶神經網路 3
2.1引言 3
2.2長短期記憶神經網路(Long Short-Term Memory, LSTM) 3
第三章 最佳化方法 5
3.1反向傳播演算法 5
3.2雜草入侵演算法(Invasive Weed Optimization, IWO) 6
第四章 非線性系統模型 8
4.1 Mackey-Glass 系統 8
4.2 非線性系統(Nonlinear plant) 9
4.3 動態時變系統(Dynamical time-varying plant) 9
第五章 實驗過程與結果 11
5.1實驗方式 11
5.1.1最佳化演算法設定參數 11
5.2 Mackey-Glass 系統預測結果 11
5.2.1 Mackey-Glass反向傳播演算法預測結果 11
5.2.2 Mackey-Glass雜草入侵演算法預測結果 12
5.3非線性系統預測結果 13
5.3.1 非線性系統反向傳播演算法預測結果 14
5.3.2 非線性系統雜草入侵演算法預測結果 15
5.4動態時變系統預測結果 16
5.4.1 動態時變系統反向傳播演算法預測結果 16
5.4.2 動態時變系統雜草入侵演算法預測結果 17
5.5最佳化演算法比較結果 18
第六章 結論與未來展望 20
6.1結論 20
6.2未來展望 20
參考文獻 21
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