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研究生(外文):LEE, YUAN-YU
論文名稱(外文):Development and Implementation of AC/DC Converter for Light Electric Vehicle Charger
指導教授(外文):LIN, BOR-REN
外文關鍵詞:CLLC resonant converterphase shift full-bridge converterlight electric vehiclebidirectional converter
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A two-stage converter that can be used in charging systems for light electric vehicle (LEV) will be developed. The first stage will be a power factor correction (PFC) boost converter suited to a wide range of input AC voltages, drastically improves the input current harmonics, and provides high DC voltage to DC bus. The second stage is a bidirectional full-bridge CLLC resonant converter. In forward mode, the converter charges the LEV battery. In reverse mode, the battery transmits power to the high-voltage side through the converter. Moreover, another second stage converter will be designed. As a phase-shifted full-bridge converter, it will be designed for unidirectional LEV charging. The converter specifications will be based on Gogoro LEV battery voltage.
The bidirectional full-bridge CLLC resonant converter will be controlled with pulse-frequency modulation to allow higher output flexibility. By changing its resonance gain curve, the voltage gain of the system can be increased by up to two times. Under full load, the primary side power switches will achieve zero-voltage switching (ZVS). When CLLC converter is operating in the second region, the rectifier diode can achieve zero-current switching to reduce switching loss and improve efficiency. Both the high-voltage and low-voltage sides are full-bridge structure with low current stress and suitable for high-power transmission applications. The phase-shifted full-bridge converter uses phase-shifted pulse width modulation to adjust its phase-shift angle and thereby stabilize its output voltage. The leading leg switches are capable of ZVS, and the lagging leg switches can achieve ZVS for some load conditions to reduce switching loss.
Analyses and designs will be performed using numerical and circuit simulation software, and a converter prototype circuit will then be produced in the laboratory to verify the feasibility of the system. The first-stage PFC circuit specifications will be an AC voltage of 85–265 V and an output voltage of 390 V. The second-stage converter specifications are as follows: In forward-charging mode, the input voltage is 350–400 V, the output voltage is 35–50 V, and the maximum load current is 28.57 A. In reverse-discharging mode, the input voltage is 40–50 V, the output voltage is 390 V, and the rated power is 1 kW.

摘要 i
誌謝 iv
目錄 v
表目錄 x
圖目錄 xi
符號說明 xviii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究內容 2
1.3 論文大綱 4
第二章 電動機車與充電架構介紹 5
2.1 諧波規範IEC 61000-3-2 5
2.2 電動機車充電器 6
2.3 電動機車電池介紹 6
2.4 電池充電法介紹 7
2.5 直流微電網介紹 7
2.6 電池充電電路架構 8
2.7 整流電路架構 12
第三章 主電路架構動作原理分析 13
3.1 主電路架構介紹 13
3.2 功率因數改善電路 14
3.3 功率因數改善電路動作原理分析 14
3.3.1 階段一[t0~t1] 15
3.3.2 階段二[t1~t2] 16
3.4 全橋CLLC諧振轉換器 16
3.5 順向充電模式電路動作原理分析 17
3.5.1 階段一[t0~t1] 19
3.5.2 階段二[t1~t2] 20
3.5.3 階段三[t2~t3] 21
3.5.4 階段四[t3~t4] 21
3.5.5 階段五[t4~t5] 22
3.5.6 階段六[t5~t0+Ts] 23
3.6 反向放電模式電路動作原理分析 25
3.6.1 階段一[t0~t1] 26
3.6.2 階段二[t1~t2] 27
3.6.3 階段三[t2~t3] 28
3.6.4 階段四[t3~t4] 29
3.6.5 階段五[t4~t5] 30
3.6.6 階段六[t5~t0+Ts] 31
3.7 全橋相移轉換器 32
3.8 相移控制技術 33
3.9 全橋相移轉換器動作分析 34
3.9.1 階段一[t0~t1] 36
3.9.2 階段二[t1~t2] 37
3.9.3 階段三[t2~t3] 38
3.9.4 階段四[t3~t4] 38
3.9.5 階段五[t4~t5] 39
第四章 電路元件設計 41
4.1 電路規格 41
4.2 升壓型PFC參數設計 42
4.2.1 升壓電感LPFC設計 42
4.2.2 直流輸出電容CH設計 43
4.2.3 功率開關設計與選用 44
4.2.4 二極體設計與選用 45
4.3 全橋CLLC諧振轉換器參數設計 46
4.3.1 諧振網路特性分析 46
4.3.2 諧振元件參數設計 51
4.3.3 變壓器鐵芯材質與設計 51
4.3.4 諧振電感設計 53
4.3.5 諧振元件應力分析 54
4.3.6 功率開關應力分析與選用 57
4.3.7 整流開關應力分析及選用 59
4.3.8 輸出電容設計 60
4.3.9 反向模式增益曲線驗證 61
4.4 全橋相移轉換器參數設計 63
4.4.1 功率變壓器匝數比設計 63
4.4.2 變壓器鐵芯材質與設計 63
4.4.3 激磁電感設計 64
4.4.4 輸出濾波電感設計 65
4.4.5 諧振電感設計 65
4.4.6 功率開關元件選用 66
4.4.7 整流二極體元件選用 67
第五章 損耗分析與效率預估 69
5.1 功率變壓器Tr1、Tr2損耗分析 69
5.2 功率開關元件損耗分析 71
5.3 整流開關及整流二極體損耗分析 71
5.4 升壓電感LPFC損失 73
5.5 諧振電感損失 74
5.6 輸出濾波電感損失 76
5.7 效率預估 77
第六章 模擬與實驗數據成果 80
6.1 轉換器之設計規格與實際電路 80
6.2 PSIM模擬波形 82
6.2.1 功率因數改善升壓型轉換器模擬波形 83
6.2.2 全橋CLLC轉換器之順向充電模式模擬波形 84
6.2.3 全橋CLLC轉換器之反向放電模式模擬波形 86
6.2.4 全橋相移轉換器模擬波形 88
6.3 轉換器實驗波形 91
6.3.1 升壓型功率因數改善轉換器 91
6.3.2 全橋CLLC轉換器操作於順向充電模式 94
6.3.3 全橋CLLC轉換器操作於反向放電模式 106
6.3.4 全橋相移轉換器 113
6.4 轉換器實際操作頻率 123
6.5 轉換器實測效率 124
第七章 結論與未來展望 127
7.1 結論 127
7.2 未來展望 127
參考文獻 129

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