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研究生(外文):WU, MENG-XUAN
論文名稱(外文):Experimental Validations and Field Applications of an Accurate Tension Estimation Method for Two Linked Suspenders without Untying the Intersection Clamp
指導教授(外文):WU, WEN-HWA
外文關鍵詞:tension estimationambient vibration methodmode shapelinked suspender system of arch bridgelaboratory test of linked pre-stressed strandsrope clipout-of-plane and in-plane measurementssystematic sifting algorithm for mode selection
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In modern bridge engineering, cables are crucial components in structures such as cable-stayed bridges, prestressed box girder bridges, and arch bridges. Due to the continuous development of these bridge structures, the regular inspection and real-time monitoring of cable forces have become essential tasks. Traditional methods for estimating cable forces include direct measurement and indirect measurement. Among the indirect measurement methods, the ambient vibration method has been most commonly applied in practical engineering due to its cost-effectiveness and high operational flexibility. Our research team has developed a cable force estimation algorithm based on the ambient vibration method, which integrates mode shapes and natural frequencies. This approach further addresses challenges related to the complex boundary conditions of cables and the difficulty in accurately determining the cross-sectional area moment of inertia. The current study focuses on extending the application of this method to the case of two suspenders linked by an intersection clamp. Field validations with the out-of-plane and in-plane measurements on an arch bridge are conducted to verify the corresponding accuracy of tension estimation.
Based on the results of this research work, it is first observed that the tension estimation errors with the out-of-plane and in-plane measurements using the new type of intersection clamps are both quite low. This demonstrates the influence of different intersection clamps may have on the tension estimation. The laboratory results further indicate that the slenderness parameter of the suspenders significantly affects the accuracy of tension estimation. When this parameter is above 600, the estimation error can be kept below 0.5%. However, when it decreases to around 250, the corresponding error may be increased to the level between 2% and 3%. Regarding the measurements on actual bridges, the results show that the signals obtained from connected suspenders are much more complicated than those associated with the experimental system. This complexity is likely due to various factors for the actual contacts between the intersection clamps and the suspenders at the site. Such a problem may significantly deteriorate the identification accuracy of modal frequencies and shapes. Therefore, a systematic sifting algorithm, for mode selection is developed to improve the accuracy of tension estimation. According to the results from the three cases of actual linked suspenders, it is verified that the error of tension estimation can be kept under 1% if all the desired measurements are obtained. This demonstrates an exceptional value in practical applications.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
目錄 iv
表目錄 vi
圖目錄 viii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 相關研究進展 2
1.3 研究動機與目的 3
1.4 論文架構 4
第二章 基於多點量測決定有效振動長度之索力估算法 6
2.1 纜索振動方程式與理論解 6
2.2 基於擬合振形正弦分量之有效振動長度 8
2.3 點位布設的重要考量 9
2.4 僅依局部多點量測之有效振動長度決定 11
第三章 推廣至聯結吊索之應用 14
3.1 數值模型探討 14
3.1.1 各振態振形峰谷值之觀察 15
3.1.2 不同量測範圍對有效半波長精度之影響 17
3.1.3 面內與面外量測之有效半波長精度比較 18
3.1.4 纜索細長度參數對有效半波長精度之影響 19
3.2 實驗室預力鋼絞線驗證 20
3.2.1 面內與面外量測之索力估算精度比較 21
3.2.2 纜索細長度參數對索力估算精度之影響 23
第四章 進一步實驗室預力鋼絞線驗證 40
4.1 實驗系統、量測儀器與相關規劃 40
4.2 以Case A案例重新檢視不同索夾對面內量測之影響 42
4.3 Case B與Case C案例之索力估算精度 43
第五章 興同橋聯結吊索之實際應用 73
5.1 興同橋簡介及其R6與R7吊索解開聯結之單根量測分析 73
5.2 R6吊索聯結下之面外量測分析 74
5.3 R6吊索聯結下之面內量測分析 77
5.4 R7吊索聯結下之面外量測分析 78
第六章 結論與建議 113
6.1 結論 113
6.2 建議 114
參考文獻 115

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