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論文名稱(外文):Scheduling Model for Resource Allocation Problems in Multiple Building Construction Projects
指導教授(外文):LIU, SHU-SHUN
外文關鍵詞:Linear Scheduling Methodresource allocationoptimizationrepetitive projectshousing constructionConstraint Programming
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Scheduling is a critical step in project management, directly impacting the implementation process. Scheduling large-scale and repetitive projects requires robust resource management and technique. Traditional scheduling methods often struggle when addressing complex repetitive projects. The Linear Scheduling Method (LSM) is frequently employed for repetitive projects by researchers, yet many studies ignore the important aspect of resource relationships within activities, which is essential for efficient scheduling. This paper proposes an optimization model that incorporates these resource relationships, thereby enhancing resource allocation and scheduling precision. The model is applied to a housing project consisting of 5 houses and 17 units, with the objective of minimizing the total project duration and cost. Additionally, it introduces an alternative contract system for resources, reflecting real-world scenarios more accurately. The model is developed using Constraint Programming (CP), chosen for its user-friendly interface and flexibility in representing complex problems and objectives. This approach not only optimizes the scheduling process but also provides a detailed schedule for each resource, ensuring a more efficient and cost-effective project execution.
摘要 i
1.1 Research Background 1
1.2 Research Limitation 4
1.3 Research Contribution 4
1.4 Research Objective 5
1.5 Research Flowchart 6
1.6 Research Framework 7
2.1 Project Scheduling 8
2.2 Resource Allocation in Linear Construction 10
2.3 Non-uniform Multiple Building Project 13
2.4 Constraint Programming 15
3.1 Multiple Building Project Scheduling 17
3.2 Resource Allocation 19
3.3 Constraint Programming for Resource Allocation 22
4.1 Model Concept 26
4.1.1 Project Description 26
4.1.2 Project Characteristics and Assumptions 32
4.2 Model Formulation 34
4.2.1 Input Data 34
4.2.2 Decision Variable 36
4.2.3 Decision Expression 36
4.2.4 Objective Function 37
4.2.5 Constraint 38
5.1 Model benchmark 42
5.2 Scenario 1 (Minimum Project Duration) 48
5.3 Scenario 2 (Minimize resource cost) 52
5.4 Scenario 3 (Minimize total resource costs with alternative contract systems) 56
5.5 Scenario Comparison 59
6.1 Conclusion 63
6.2 Recommendation 65
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