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論文名稱(外文):Research on the Effects of Hip Joint Massage on Lower Limb Extremity Functional Fitness and Gait Stability in Middle-aged and Older Adults
外文關鍵詞:Conditioning and Health CareFlexibilityWalking SpeedDynamic Balance
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摘 要
Purpose: Global population aging has made the health and quality of life of middle-aged and elderly individuals an important issue. Aging has an adverse effect on hip joint function, leading to poor balance and gait, which not only affects daily activities but can also increase the risk of falls and injuries. This study aimed to explore the effects of hip joint massage on lower limb functional fitness and gait stability in middle-aged and elderly individuals. Methods: The study included 50 middle-aged and elderly, who were randomly divided into an experimental group 25 participants.(average age 65.00±4.06 years) and a control group 25 participants.(average age 66.12±4.01 years).The experimental group received 20 minutes of hip joint massage intervention once a week for 12 weeks, while the control group maintained their daily routine. Before and after the intervention, all subjects underwent assessments including the 30-second chair stand (to evaluate lower limb muscle strength), chair sit-and-reach (to evaluate lower limb flexibility), 2.44-meter up-and-go (to evaluate dynamic balance), and gait analysis. Paired sample t-tests and independent sample t-tests were used to analyze within-group and between-group differences, respectively (α = .05).Results: After 12 weeks of hip joint massage intervention, the experimental group significantly improved in the 30-second chair stand, chair sit-and-reach, and 2.44-meter up-and-go tests (p<.05), while the control group showed no significant changes. The experimental group also showed significant improvements in gait parameters such as walking speed, cadence, step length of both feet, and step length difference between feet (p<.05), while the control group showed no significant changes.Conclusion: Hip joint massage can improve lower limb muscle strength, flexibility, and dynamic balance in middle-aged and elderly individuals, thereby optimizing gait stability. This can help reduce the risk of falls, maintain the ability to perform daily living activities, and improve the overall quality of life for middle-aged and elderly individuals. It is recommended that massage techniques be applied in community care for middle-aged and elderly individuals as a simple and economical health promotion program.
目 錄
論文口試委員審定書 I
誌 謝 II
摘 要 III
Abstract IV
目 錄 VI
圖 目 錄 VIII
表 目 錄 XI
第一章 緒 論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的與問題 2
1.3 名詞解釋 2
第二章 文獻探討 4
2.1 推拿發展歷史及作用原理 4
2.2 髖關節的生理構造與推拿效應 6
2.3 老化影響及下肢功能性體適能檢測 10
2.4 髖關節活動度對動態平衡的重要性 15
2.5 文獻小結 16
第三章 研究方法 17
3.1 研究架構與假設 17
3.2 研究對象與期間 18
3.3 研究工具與方法 19
3.4 資料處理與分析 34
3.5 研究流程 35
第四章 研究結果與討論 36
4.1 受試者基本資料 36
4.2 髖關節推拿對中高齡者下肢功能性體適能影響 37
4.3 髖關節推拿對中高齡者步態穩定性影響 40
4.4 討論 46
第五章 結論與建議 48
5.1 結論 48
5.2 建議 48
5.3 研究限制 48
參考文獻 50
一、英文部分 50
二、中文部分 54

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