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論文名稱(外文):Exploring Bone Density In Relation To Dietary Habits Among University Students
外文關鍵詞:Bone densityDietary habitsQuantitative ultrasound
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要。本研究將定量超音波骨質密度儀測量的三種超音波骨質參數值包括傳導速度(Speed of Sound, SOS)、音波衰減值(Broadband Ultrasound Attenuation, BUA)、超音波定量指數(Quantitative Ultrasound Index, QUI),分別與問卷調查的數據對骨質結構和飲食習慣參數進行研究分析。本研究共收集215位大學生,本研究結果顯示,男性服用鈣片與SOS、BUA及QUI有顯著關係(p<0.05)。男性進食奶類及乳製品的SOS、BUA及QUI比沒有進食者高,且在單因子變異數分析、皮爾森相關性檢定和多元迴歸分析中,SOS及QUI有顯著關係(p<0.05)。同時,女性進食晚餐的BUA在皮爾森相關性檢定和多元迴歸分析中,BUA及QUI有顯著關係(p<0.05)。建議大學生每週服用鈣片和每天正常進食晚餐並增加乳製品攝入,對骨質有顯著正面影響。
This study aims to investigate the impact of dietary habits on bone mineral
density (BMD) in university students, emphasizing the importance of nutrition
absorption and bone health. It underscores that healthy eating habits are crucial
for maintaining optimal bone density. The study employs three ultrasound bone
parameters measured by a quantitative ultrasound bone densitometer: Speed of
Sound (SOS), Broadband Ultrasound Attenuation (BUA) and Quantitative
Ultrasound Index (QUI). These parameters are analyzed alongside survey data on
dietary habits and bone structure. A total of 215 university students participated
in the study. The results demonstrate a significant relationship (p<0.05) between
calcium supplement intake and SOS, BUA and QUI in males. Males who
consumed dairy products had higher SOS, BUA and QUI compared to those who
did not with significant correlations (p<0.05) found in one-way ANOVA, Pearson
correlation tests and multiple regression analysis for SOS and QUI. Similarly, in
females, a significant relationship (p<0.05) was found between BUA and QUI
with dinner consumption in Pearson correlation tests and multiple regression
analysis. The study suggests that weekly calcium supplement intake, regular
dinner consumption and increased dairy product intake have a significant positive
impact on bone density in university students.
目 錄
口試委員審定書 ................................................................................................... I
誌謝 ......................................................................................................................II
中文摘要 ........................................................................................................... .III
英文摘要 .......................................................................................................... . IV
目錄 ................................................................................................................... V
圖目錄 ............................................................................................................. VII
表目錄 .............................................................................................................. VIII
第一章 緒論 ........................................................................................................ 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 .................................................................................... 1
1.2 研究問題與目的 .................................................................................... 2
第二章 研究背景 ................................................................................................ 3
2.1 骨骼的解剖結構與功能 ........................................................................ 3
2.1.1骨骼的解剖結構 ............................................................................. 3
2.1.2 骨骼的功能 ..................................................................................... 5
2.1.3 骨骼的成分 ..................................................................................... 6
2.1.4 骨骼細胞組織 ................................................................................. 7
2.2 骨質疏鬆 ................................................................................................ 9
2.2.1骨質疏鬆的定義 .............................................................................. 9
2.2.2骨質疏鬆症的分類 .......................................................................... 9
2.2.3骨質疏鬆的危險因子 .................................................................... 10
2.2.4骨質疏鬆與年齡的關係 ................................................................ 10
2.2.5骨質疏鬆與營養素的關係 ............................................................ 11
2.2.6骨質疏鬆的診斷與分級 ................................................................ 14
2.2.7骨質密度儀器及優缺點比較 ........................................................ 16
2.3飲食習慣 .............................................................................................. 18
2.3.1六大類食物 ................................................................................... 18
2.3.2七大營養素 ................................................................................... 19
第三章 材料與方法 .......................................................................................... 20
3.1 研究對象 .............................................................................................. 20
3.2 問卷設計 .............................................................................................. 21
3.3實驗儀器 ............................................................................................... 22
3.3.1 超音波原理 ................................................................................... 22
3.3.2 定量式超音波原理 ....................................................................... 22
3.3.3定量式超音波儀 ........................................................................... 25
3.4 測量方法和步驟 ................................................................................. 26
3.5 統計軟體與數據分析 .......................................................................... 26
第四章 結果 ...................................................................................................... 27
4.1 基本資料統計結果 .............................................................................. 27
4.2 骨質密度值分析結果 .......................................................................... 28
4.3 不同年齡的骨質密度結果 .................................................................. 29
4.4 整體生活形態統計結果 ...................................................................... 31
4.5 男性生活形態統計結果 ...................................................................... 37
4.6 女性生活形態統計結果 ...................................................................... 41
4.7 整體飲食形態統計結果 ...................................................................... 44
4.8 男性飲食形態統計結果 ...................................................................... 50
4.9 女性飲食形態統計結果 ...................................................................... 54
第五章 討論 ...................................................................................................... 58
5.1 生活形態統計結果討論 ...................................................................... 58
5.5 飲食形態統計結果討論 ...................................................................... 60
5.6 研究限制 .............................................................................................. 62
5.7 未來展望 .............................................................................................. 62
第六章 結論 .................................................................................................... 63
參考文獻 ............................................................................................................ 64
附錄一 人體與人類行為研究倫理委員會證明 .............................................. 68
附錄二 骨質密度問卷 ...................................................................................... 69


圖 目 錄
圖2-1 骨骼構造 .................................................................................................. 3
圖2-2 紅骨髓 ...................................................................................................... 4
圖2-3 骨骼細胞組織 .......................................................................................... 7
圖2-4 骨形成機制 .............................................................................................. 9
圖2-5 骨質疏鬆與年齡的關係........................................................................ 11
圖2-6 不同骨質的骨質縱切面圖 ................................................................... 14
圖2-7 雙能量X光分析儀(DXA) ................................................................... 17
圖2-8 定量式超音波掃描(QUS) ..................................................................... 17
圖2-9 定量式電腦斷層掃描(QCT) ................................................................. 18
圖3-1 男性與女性的年齡分佈圖 ................................................................... 20
圖3-2 定量式超音波SOS測量示意圖(跟骨) ............................................... 23
圖3-3 音波頻寬衰減(BUA)斜率對比-正常骨頭與骨質流失的骨頭 ............ 24
圖3-4 Sahara Hologic, Bedford, USA超音波儀 ............................................. 25
圖3-5 測量流程圖 ...........................................................................26
圖4-1 骨質密度值在不同性別的分佈圖 ....................................................... 29


表 目 錄
表2-1 有機物和無機物的比例.......................................................................... 7
表2-2 骨骼功能與營養素的關係 ................................................................... 12
表2-3 骨質密度T-Score分類 ......................................................................... 15
表2-4 骨質密度Z-Score分類 ......................................................................... 15
表2-5 骨質密度測量法之比較........................................................................ 16
表2-6 六大類食物分類 .................................................................................... 19
表4-1 男性及女性的基本資料統計 ............................................................... 27
表4-2 男性及女性的骨質與定量式超音波參數 ........................................... 28
表4-3 不同年齡的男性及女性的骨質參數 ................................................... 30
表4-4 生活習慣定量式超音波參數(全部) ..................................................... 32
表4-5 營養補充品定量式超音波參數(全部) ................................................. 33
表4-6 生活習慣與定量式超音波參數單因子變異數分析(全部) ................. 34
表4-7 生活習慣與定量式超音波參數皮爾森相關性檢定 ........................... 35
表4-8 生活習慣與定量式超音波參數的多元線性迴歸分析 ....................... 36
表4-9 生活習慣定量式超音波參數(男性) ..................................................... 38
表4-10 營養補充品定量式超音波參數(男性) ................................................ 39
表4-11 生活習慣與定量式超音波參數單因子變異數分析(男性) ............... 40
表4-12 生活習慣定量式超音波參數(女性) ................................................... 42
表4-13 營養補充品定量式超音波參數(女性) ............................................... 43
表4-14 生活習慣與定量式超音波參數單因子變異數分析(女性) ............... 44
表4-15 飲食形態定量式超音波參數(全部) ................................................... 45
表4-16 飲食形態與定量式超音波單因子獨立變異數分析(全部) ............... 47
表4-17 飲食形態與定量式超音波參數皮爾森相關性檢定 ......................... 48
表4-18 飲食形態與定量式超音波參數多元線性迴歸分析 ......................... 49
表4-19 飲食形態與定量式超音波參數(男性) ............................................... 51
表4-20 飲食形態與定量式超音波參數單因子獨立變異數分析(男性)....... 53
表4-21 飲食形態與定量式超音波參數(女性) ............................................... 55
表4-22 飲食形態與定量式超音波單因子獨立變異數分析(女性) ............... 57

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