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論文名稱(外文):A Study of the Recycling, Reuse and Sustainable Development of Wood Waste Materials
指導教授(外文):Chou, Chin-Mei
口試委員(外文):Jen, Hen-YiChen, Ching-Chung
外文關鍵詞:Wood WasteRecyclingSustainability
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Global warming is an issue that must be addressed and resolved. The recycling and reuse of wood waste can be linked to sustainable environmental development. Wood products are integral to our daily lives, yet there is limited research on the resource recycling and reuse of wood waste. This study aims to demonstrate that the recycling and reuse of wood waste can positively contribute to sustainable environmental development.

First, this study will review past literature and collect relevant data, including the import volume of wood in our country and the loss generated during processing, to facilitate the calculation of the carbon footprint. Additionally, we will compare the data collected on recycling and reuse versus fuel conversion to find the best treatment method for wood waste. Expert interviews and surveys will be conducted to collect data, which will then be statistically analyzed. The study will also address issues related to fuel conversion, particularly the particulate matter (e.g., PM2.5) generated during the combustion process, which poses significant risks to human health and the ecological environment.

Finally, we will compile the quantities of existing wood waste in our country and explore the current standard treatment methods. We will calculate the carbon emissions generated from wood transportation. From the perspective of the wood lifecycle, recycling can reduce transportation-related carbon emissions, unlike direct fuel conversion. We will conduct expert interviews and surveys on the recycling and fuel conversion of wood waste, compile the collected data, and perform statistical analysis. The results will be illustrated using radar charts to highlight the advantages of wood waste recycling. This will provide positive arguments related to sustainable development.

Recycling and reusing wood waste is crucial for promoting resource conservation, environmental protection, and sustainable development. Effective management and utilization of wood waste will provide strong support for achieving sustainable development goals.

摘要 I
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VI
表目錄 VII
第一章、 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的 5
1.3 研究限制 6
1.4 研究流程 7
第二章、文獻探討 9
2.1 木材定義 9
2.2 木材餘料定義 13
2.2.1 木材餘料的價值 14
2.2.2 木材餘料利用 16
2.3 木材廢棄物定義 18
2.4 再生利用 20
2.4.1 再生利用特性分類處理 21
2.4.2 物質流分析 (MFA) 24
2.4.3 級聯利用 (Cascading Utilization) 28
2.4.4 廢棄物再生性 (Recyclability) 30
2.4.5 廢棄物再用性 (Reusability) 31
2.5 永續發展 32
2.5.1 永續的定義 35
2.5.2 永續領域的認知與學習 36
2.5.3 永續的實踐與執行 37
2.6 碳足跡指標 39
2.6.1 生命周期評估 (LCA) 41
2.6.2 碳足跡計算 42
2.6.3 碳中和 (Carbon Neutral) 44
2.6.4 淨零排放 (Net Zero Emissions) 45
2.7 文獻彙整與分析方法 47
2.7.1文獻分析法 49
2.7.2專家訪談法 50
2.7.3比較分析法 51
第三章、研究方法 52
3.1 研究步驟 53
3.2 文獻資料比較分析 55
3.2.1 再生利用相關研究文獻 56
3.2.2 廢木材燃料化相關研究文獻 59
3.3 研究資料收集 64
3.3.1 我國木材進口數量 65
3.3.2 木材加工損耗率 67
3.3.3 木材餘料廢棄物流向 68
3.3.4 木材運輸的碳足跡 71
3.4 木質燃料對環境的影響 73
第四章、研究結果 75
4.1 木材餘料廢棄物的來源與數量 75
4.2 處理方式之現狀 77
4.3 碳足跡分析 78
4.4 再生利用與燃料化比較 79
第五章、結論與建議 89
5.1 結論 90
5.2 後續研究建議 92
參考文獻 94
英文部分 94
中文部分 97
附錄 ㄧ 99

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