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論文名稱:虛擬偶像對購買意願的影響 —— 受眾行為調查
論文名稱(外文):The Impact of Virtual Idols on Purchase Intention: Audience Behavior Investigation
指導教授(外文):JA-SHEN CHEN
外文關鍵詞:Virtual idols’ appearanceVirtual idols’ abilitiesVirtual environmentAudiences’ perceptionAudiences’ engagementPurchase intentionParasocial interactionIdol endorsement
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本文調查了虛擬代理人(特別是虛擬偶像)在娛樂產業中的影響,並研究它們是否透過觀眾感知和參與對購買意願產生正面影響。研究指出了這樣一個問題:虛擬偶像和虛擬環境能否透過受眾感知和參與對購買意願產生正面影響?採用了兩種方法:透過 MTurk對 618 名參與者進行的問卷調查以及來自 YouTube 和 TikTok 平台的評論分析。兩種方法的結果表明,觀眾對虛擬偶像和虛擬環境的感知和參與與購買意願之間存在顯著的正相關關係。然而,擬社會互動、平台類型和偶像認可作為主持人並沒有顯示出顯著的影響。這些發現表明,增強虛擬偶像的外觀、能力和虛擬環境可以提高觀眾的感知和參與度,從而可能增加購買意願。這項研究有助於了解娛樂業中的虛擬代理,並強調他們作為營銷產業有影響力人物的潛力。
This paper investigates the impact of virtual agents, specifically virtual idols, in the entertainment industry and examines whether they positively affect purchase intention through audience perception and engagement. The research points out the question: Can virtual idols and virtual environments positively influence purchase intention via audience perception and engagement? Two methodologies were employed: a survey questionnaire with 618 participants and comment analysis from YouTube and TikTok platforms. The results from both methodologies indicate a significant positive correlation between audience perception and engagement towards virtual idols and virtual environments on purchase intention. However, parasocial interaction, type of platform, and idol endorsement as moderators did not show significant effects. These findings suggest that enhancing virtual idols' appearance, abilities, and virtual environments can improve audience perception and engagement, potentially leading to increased purchase intention. This research contributes to the understanding of virtual agents in entertainment and highlights their potential as influential figures in the marketing industry.
Title Page i
Letter of Approval ii
Abstract in Chinese iii
Abstract in English iv
Acknowledgments vi
Table of Contents vii
List of Tables x
List of Figures xi
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1. Research Background 1
1.2. Research Motivations and Objectives 2
Chapter 2 literature review and hypothesis development 11
2.1. Related Theory 11
2.1.1. Uncanny Valley Theory 11
2.1.2. Technology Acceptance Model 11
2.2. Virtual Idol 13
2.2.1. Virtual Idols’ appearance 13
2.2.2. Virtual idols’ Abilities 14
2.3. Audiences’ Engagement 15
2.3.1. Audiences’ Engagement to virtual idols 16
2.3.2. Audiences’ Engagement expression (social engagement) 17
2.4. Audiences’ perception 18
2.5. Virtual Environment 20
2.6. Purchase Intention 20
2.6.1. Purchase Intention to virtual idol’ product 21
2.6.2. Purchase intention to express supportive to virtual idol 22
2.7. Parasocial Interaction 22
2.8. Type of Platform 25
2.9. Idol Endorsement 26
Chapter 3 research methodology 30
3.1. Operational definition of Variables 30
3.1.1. Virtual Idol 30
3.1.2. Virtual Environment 31
3.1.3. Audiences’ Perception 32
3.1.4. Parasocial Interaction 32
3.1.5. Type of Platform 33
3.1.6. Idol Endorsement 33
3.1.7. Purchase Intention 34
3.2. Sampling and Data Collection 35
3.2.1. Sampling 35
3.2.2. Data Collection 35
3.3. Comment Analysis 36
3.4. Questionnaire Design and Pre-testing 37
3.4.1. Questionnaire Design 37
3.4.2. Pre-testing 39
Chapter 4 data analysis and results 41
4.1. Descriptive Statistics 41
4.2. Exploratory Factor Analysis 43
4.3. Measurement Model 47
4.3.1. First-order Confirmatory Factor Analysis 47
4.3.2. First-order Reliability and Validity Analysis 48
4.3.3. First-order Correlation Analysis 50
4.3.4. Second-order Confirmatory Factor Analysis 52
4.3.5. Common Method Bias 52
4.3.6. Second-order Reliability and Validity Analysis 53
4.3.7. Second-order Correlation Analysis 53
4.4. Structural Equation Model (SEM) 55
4.4.1. Structural Model 55
4.4.2. Hypothesis Testing 55
4.4.3. Moderation Effect Testing 56
4.4.4. Summary of Hypothesis Testing 59
4.5. Comment Analysis Result 59
4.5.1. Live Streaming 60
4.5.2. Videos from YouTube 60
4.5.3. Videos from TikTok 62
Chapter 5 discussion and conclusion 64
5.1. Discussion 64
5.1.1. The effect of virtual idol and virtual environment on audiences’ perception and engagement 65
5.1.2. The effect of audiences’ perception and audiences’ engagement on purchase intention 66
5.1.3. The moderating effect on parasocial interaction, type of platform and idol endorsement 67
5.1.4. In an aspect of Asian individuals 68
5.1.5. Comment Analysis result 72
5.2. Theoretical Contribution 73
5.3. Managerial Implication 74
5.4. Limitation and Future Research 75
References 77
Appendix 84
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