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研究生(外文):Rinrada Virojsirasak
論文名稱(外文):Exploring the Influence of Organizational Pet-Friendly Policies on Employee Well-being: A Qualitative Study in Thailand
指導教授(外文):Chiung-Yi Huang
口試委員(外文):Chung-Jen ChienTzu-Ting LinChiung-Yi Huang
外文關鍵詞:Pet-friendly policiesEmployee well-beingJob performanceStress reductionInterpersonal relationshipsOrganizational environment
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After the pandemic, there has been a noticeable increase in pet ownership as individuals sought companionship during periods of isolation. As the situation normalizes and employees transition back to office settings, the reluctance to leave pets at home has prompted many companies to implement pet-friendly policies to attract and retain talent. Thailand, emerging as a significant market for pet ownership, is also witnessing a growing interest in such policies. This study aimed to explore the influence of organizational pet-friendly policies on four dimensions of employee well-being: job performance, stress, interpersonal relationships, and overall organizational environment in Thai workplaces. Through in-depth interviews with six employees from pet-friendly offices and another six employees from non-pet-friendly offices, this qualitative research identifies both the positive and negative impacts of having pets in the workplace. Findings indicate that pet-friendly environments can significantly enhance employee well-being by contributing to job performance, reducing stress, improving social connections, and fostering a positive organizational atmosphere. However, challenges such as distractions, disruptions, and concerns over pet behavior were also identified. To effectively manage these policies, organizations and employees must understand the nature of pets and adopt flexible and inclusive management practices, including clear guidelines on pet-related issues and providing appropriate spaces for pets.
Title Page i
Letter of Approval ii
Abstract in Chinese iii
Abstract in English iv
Acknowledgements v
Table of Contents vi
List of Tables vii
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background and motivations 1
1.2 Previous studies and Gaps in knowledge 3
1.3 Purpose and Research Questions 4
Chapter 2 Literature Reviews 6
2.1 The potential benefit of pet friendly policies in organization 7
2.2 The potential risk of pet friendly policies in organization 10
Chapter 3 Research Methodology 15
Chapter 4 Research Findings 18
Chapter 5 Discussion and Conclusion 41
5.1 Impact on Employee Well-being 42
5.2 Influence of Pet-Friendly Environment Aspects 42
5.3 Moderating Factors: Individual and Organizational 43
5.4 Limitation and Future Research 45
5.5 Conclusion 46
References 48
Appendix 50

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