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研究生(外文):WONG, TSZ KWAN
論文名稱(外文):Facilitate Leadership in Virtual Teams: A Systematic Review
指導教授(外文):LIU, YU CHIH
外文關鍵詞:Virtual TeamLeadershipSystematic ReviewCovid-19
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虛擬團隊在當今全球化和技術先進的工作環境中越來越普遍。成員們來自不同地點,依賴電子媒介通信渠道進行合作,以實現共同目標。這給領導者在團隊內促進領導力帶來了新的挑戰,尤其是在 COVID-19 疫情導致全球意外轉向虛擬工作之後。許多領導者不得不從傳統的面對面團隊合作轉向虛擬環境,這對他們的傳統 領導風格的有效性產生了挑戰。儘管虛擬團隊中的領導力至關重要,但學術界對 於虛擬團隊領導的最有效領導風格為何尚未達成共識。這個多方面的主題在不同 學科中產生了分散的研究。目前研究者們試圖從 COVID-19 疫情前的虛擬團隊文獻中汲取見解;而疫情也為虛擬團隊領導的研究帶來了新的機會。
本文旨在通過對虛擬團隊領導領域的演變進行全面分析,提升學術討論的清晰度和一致性。本文集中研究 2013 年至 2023 年間有關促進虛擬團隊領導的研究,採用系統文獻綜述方法來評估這些研究的分佈、條件和背景。這篇綜述努力提供對 當前虛擬團隊領導實踐研究的清晰理解,同時提供對關鍵發現、共同主題和趨勢的洞見,並強調COVID-19 對該研究主題的影響。

Virtual teams are increasingly common in today's globalized and technologically advanced work environment. Members collaborate from different locations, heavily relying on electronic-mediated communication channels to achieve shared goals. This presents new challenges for leaders facilitating leadership within the team, especially with the unexpected transition to virtual working worldwide due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Many leaders have had to shift from traditional face-to-face teamwork to a virtual setting, raising questions about the effectiveness of their conventional leadership styles. While leadership in virtual teams plays a crucial role, there is no consensus among academia regarding the most effective approach for leading virtual teams. This multifaceted topic has generated fragmented and dispersed research across different disciplines. Despite this uncertainty, researchers have attempted to draw insights from existing literature on virtual teams before the COVID-19 pandemic while also considering newly reconfigured aspects of leading virtual teams during these challenging times as a result of opportunities brought by the pandemic for research in this area.
This paper aims to enhance the clarity and coherence of the academic discourse by conducting a thorough analysis of the evolving field of leadership in virtual teams. It concentrates on examining studies related to facilitating leadership in virtual teams from 2013-2023 using a systematic literature review approach. The review will assess the distribution, conditions, and contexts of these studies. This review strives to offer a clear understanding of current research on leadership practices in virtual teams while providing insights into key findings, common themes, and trends, and highlighting the impact of COVID-19 on this research topic.
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Background & Motivation
1.2 Aims & Research Questions
1.3 Limitations & Contributions
1.4 Thesis Structure
Chapter 2 Literature Review
2.1 Virtual Teams
2.1.1 Virtuality
2.1.2 Virtual Teams, Globally Distributed Teams And Remote Teams
2.1.3 Reconfigured Virtual Team During Pandemic
2.2 Leadership In Virtual Team
Chapter 3 Methodology
Chapter 4 Descriptive Analysis
4.1 Typologies, Publications' Years, And Fields
4.2 Keywords
Chapter 5 Content Analysis
5.1 Conceptual Map
5.2 Leaders’ Challenges And Current Strategies
5.3 Leadership Traits And Competencies
5.4 Leadership Styles, Behaviors And Consequences
5.5 Concepts And Theories
5.5.1 Significant Theories And Concepts
5.5.2 New Proposed Theories & Concepts
Chapter 6 Discussion
Chapter 7 Conclusions
7.1 Research Findings
7.2 Limitations
7.3 Future Research Opportunities
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