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論文名稱(外文):Two Essays on Dynamics Connectedness in Financial Markets
指導教授(外文):WU, CHIH-CHIANG
外文關鍵詞:Asymmetry ConnectednessCryptocurrency MarketDynamic ConnectednessExchanged-Traded FundsFinancial Technology (Fintech)Liquidity ConnectednessPortfolio AllocationRisk ManagementU.S.-China Trade WarVolatility Connectedness
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This dissertation examines the dynamic connectedness within financial markets from different perceptions in two essays using the methods developed by Diebold and Yilmaz (2009, 2012) and Baruník et al. (2017). In the first essay, we quantify and examine the effect of directional and asymmetric spillovers emerging from good and bad volatility due to the United States-China trade war on their common trade partners by using the country-specific equity exchange-traded funds (ETFs) from 2013 to 2020. We show that the United States and Japan emerge as significant contributors to spillover transmission, with substantial net spillovers. Conversely, the other trade partners, and even China, exhibit varying degrees of vulnerability to these spillovers. We offer adequate evidence for asymmetric spillover connectivity of markets at a certain level. Similarly, the spillovers of good and bad volatility vary in size and alter widely as time goes by in different markets. We also show that, while negative spillovers are frequently significant, they do not always outweigh good spillovers. We find that the general connectedness of the United States-China trade war and their common trade partners substantially increased during the period of this study.
The second essay investigates the spillover effects of return, volatility, and liquidity within the cryptocurrency market during uncertain times. Furthermore, we analyze the determinants of these spillover effects, with a focus on their variations based on different types of uncertainty variables. The empirical results show that the scale of liquidity connectedness stays much lower than that of return and volatility. Litecoin is the dominant transmitter of return spillovers while Bitcoin is the largest transmitter of volatility and liquidity spillovers. We further apply a regression model to explain such connectedness with common economic and financial market uncertainty. Notably, we show that as economic uncertainty decreases, the connectedness among cryptocurrencies increases. This underscores the potential of cryptocurrencies as a substitute financial instrument for hedging against essential uncertainties.
Title page i
Letter of Approval ii
Abstract in Chinese iii
Abstract in English v
Acknowledgement vii
Table of Contents viii
List of Tables x
List of Figures xi
Chapter 1. Introduction 1
Chapter 2. Directional and asymmetric spillover connectedness effects of the United States-China trade war on their common trade partners. 3
2.1 Introduction and Literature Review 3
2. 2 Methodology 6
2.2.1 Measure realized variance and semivariances 6
2.2.2 Measure of volatility spillovers 7
2.2.3 Measure of asymmetric spillovers 9
2.2.4 Measure of directional spillover asymmetry 10
2.3 Data description and preliminary analysis 11
2.3.1 Summary statistics 12
2.4 Empirical results 12
2.4.1 Full-sample connectedness matrix of the realized spillover of the country ETFs 13
2.4.2 Net directional and pairwise realized volatility spillover analyses of the country ETFs 15
2.4.3 Spillover asymmetry analysis 17
2.4.4 Net directional realized spillovers of the country ETFs 18
2.4.5 Spillover asymmetry of realized spillovers of the country ETFs 18
2.4.6 Directional asymmetry spillovers from/to good/bad volatility 19
2.4.7 The net pairwise realized asymmetry spillovers from the United States to China 20
2.4.8 Net pairwise realized spillovers from the United States and China to their trade partners 21
2.5 Conclusions 22
Chapter 3. Cryptocurrency market spillover in times of uncertainty 23
3.1 Introduction and Literature Review 23
3.2 Methodology 28
3.2.1 Liquidity measure 28
3.2.2 Spillover model 30
3.2.3 Regression model 32
3.5 Data Description and Empirical Results 33
3.5.1 Data Description 33
3.5.2 Daily return, Volatility, and Liquidity of cryptocurrencies analyses 34
3.5.3 Total return, volatility, and liquidity connectedness analyses for cryptocurrencies 36
3.5.4 Full-sample and net pairwise return connectedness analyses for cryptocurrencies 37
3.5.5 Full-sample and net pairwise volatility connectedness analyses for cryptocurrencies 39
3.5.6 Full-sample and net pairwise liquidity connectedness analyses for cryptocurrencies 40
3.5.7 Regression analyses for spillover effects of cryptocurrencies 42
3.6 Conclusion 45
References 47
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