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論文名稱(外文):Establishing Norms for the Functional Communication Assessment for Adults with Aphasia and Exploring Influencing Factors on the Performance
指導教授(外文):Chih, Yu-Chun
口試委員(外文):Hsu, Cher-WeiChang, Chih-Ting
外文關鍵詞:aphasiafunctional communication assessmentnorms
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The purpose of this study was to establish the norm of the "Functional Communication Assessment for Adults with Aphasia" and explore the impact of aphasia-related factors on the scores of the "Functional Communication Assessment for Adults with Aphasia". The study included 30 healthy adults and 50 individuals with aphasia to take the test of the "Functional Communication Assessment for Adults with Aphasia". The researchers set the cut-off score of the "Functional Communication Assessment for Adults with Aphasia" at 72 points based on the functional communication scores of healthy adults, and then established the norm based on the "Functional Communication Assessment for Adults with Aphasia" scores of individuals with aphasia. Results indicated that the functional communication scores of individuals with severe aphasia were significantly lower than those with mild aphasia. In addition, it was also found that the functional communication scores of the fluent aphasia group was significantly higher than the non-fluent aphasia group. However, there was no significant difference on functional communication scores between aphasic adults with an onset period of more than six months and aphasic adults with an onset period of less than six months.
In summary, the norm of "Functional Communication Assessment for Adults with Aphasia" established in this study can be used as a reference for future evaluation of the functional communication ability of individuals with aphasia. Evaluators can more quickly understand the relative position of individuals with aphasia in the group. In addition, through the analysis of aphasia-related factors, we had a deeper understanding of the factors that may affect the daily communication of individuals with aphasia.

第一章 緒論1
第一節 研究動機1
第二節 研究目的和研究問題3
第二章 文獻探討5
第一節 溝通組成的要素與功能5
第二節 失語症的功能性溝通8
第三節 失語症溝通障礙的影響面向11
第四節 功能性溝通測驗的重要性15
第五節 國內與國外的功能性溝通評估工具介紹18
第六節 建立常模的必要性27
第三章 研究方法31
第一節 研究對象31
第二節 研究工具39
第三節 研究流程43
第四節 資料分析與統計方法46
第四章 研究結果48
第一節 受試者於「成人失語症功能性溝通評估工具」之表現48
第二節 切截分數和常模數據52
第三節 失語症相關因子對個案於功能性溝通測驗表現之影響54
第五章 討論60
第一節 「成人失語症功能性溝通評估工具」之分數表現60
第二節 失語症相關因子對個案於功能性溝通測驗之表現差異61
第三節 研究限制69
第四節 未來研究方向69
第五節 臨床意義70
第六節 結論71
附錄一 童綜合醫院 人體試驗委員會審查證明書82
附錄二 成人失語症功能性溝通評估工具同意授權使用電子郵件83
附錄三 成人失語症功能性溝通評估工具例題84
圖3-1 健康成人組之施測流程圖45
圖3-2 失語症組之施測流程圖45
圖4-1 不同嚴重度組的失語症個案在功能性溝通測驗總測驗之平均分數55
圖4-2 不同類型的失語症個案在功能性溝通測驗總測驗之平均分數57
表2-1 美國聽力語言學會成人溝通技巧評估之測驗領域和例題21
表2-2 日常生活溝通能力評估─第三版之測驗領域和例題23
表2-3 功能性溝通活動量表之測驗領域和例題26
表2-4 成人失語症功能性溝通評估工具之分測驗和例題27
表3-1 健康成人組受試者基本資料表33
表3-2 失語症組受試者基本資料表36
表3-3 受試者基本資料摘要表39
表4-1 健康成人組於成人失語症功能性溝通評估工具之描述性統計49
表4-2 失語症組於成人失語症功能性溝通評估工具之描述性統計50
表4-3 失語症成人失語症功能性溝通評估工具的百分等級常模53
表4-4 不同嚴重度組的失語症個案在功能性溝通測驗總測驗和分測驗之平均分數55
表4-5 不同嚴重度的失語症個案在功能性溝通測驗之分數變異數分析摘要表55
表4-6 不同類型的失語症個案在功能性溝通測驗總測驗和分測驗之平均分數57
表4-7 不同發病時長的失語症個案在功能性溝通測驗總測驗和分測驗之平均分數59

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