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論文名稱(外文):Examining the Influence of Work-Life Balance and Career Development on Turnover Intention Mediated by Job Satisfaction among Generation Z in Indonesia
指導教授(外文):CHANG, CHWEN-LI
口試委員(外文):Kung, Chang YuanShyu, Maw-Liann
外文關鍵詞:Work-life BalanceCareer DevelopmentJob SatisfactionTurnover Intention
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員工在人力資源管理實踐的業務發展中起着關鍵作用。 該研究探討了工作場所的責任和個人生活之間的平衡以及職業發展機會如何影響離職決定,以及工作滿意度作爲印度尼西亞Z世代員工的調解作用。 這項研究的想法是看到Z世代員工流動率高的情況,特別是在印度尼西亞西爪哇省。 來自印度尼西亞西爪哇的393名年齡在18-26歲的Z世代員工參加了此次調查。 數據分析使用了SPSS軟件和分析方法,包括調查問題和5點Likert量表。 結果重點:1)工作與生活的平衡影響工作滿意度;2)職業發展影響工作滿意度;3)工作與生活的平衡影響離職意向;4)職業發展影響離職意向;5)工作滿意度影響離職意向;6)工作滿意度對工作滿意度有中介作用 工作與生活平衡與離職意向的關係; 7)工作滿意度對職業發展與離職意向的關係有中介作用. 理論貢獻揭示了工作與生活平衡和職業發展對離職意向的重要性, 此外,這些結果通過提供靈活的工作安排和針對Z世代員工的不同要求和偏好而量身定製的替代安排選項,爲營造工作環境提供了見解。 此外,這項研究加深了我們對工作和生活平衡,職業發展,工作滿意度和離職意向如何與Z世代員工相互關聯的理解.

Employees play a critical role in business development in human resource management practices. The study examines how guiding a balance, between responsibilities at the workplace and personal life and opportunities for career development influences the decision to leave work, and also job satisfaction acts as a mediating role for employees in Indonesia’s Generation Z. The idea of this research was to see the situation with the increase in the high rate of employee turnover among Generation Z, specifically in West Java Province, Indonesia. A group of 393 Gen Z employees aged 18-26 from West Java, Indonesia took part in the survey selected conveniently. The data analysis utilized SPSS software and analysis methods with survey questions and by 5-point Likert Scale. The outcomes highlight points: 1) Work-Life Balance influences Job Satisfaction; 2) Career Development influences Job Satisfaction; 3) Work-Life Balance influences Turnover Intention; 4) Career Development influences Turnover Intention; 5) Job Satisfaction influences Turnover Intention; 6) Job Satisfaction has a mediating effect for the relationship between Work-Life Balance on Turnover Intention; and 7) Job Satisfaction has a mediating effect for the relationship between Career Development on Turnover Intention. The theoretical contribution unveils the importance of work-life balance and career development on turnover intentions, additionally focusing on job satisfaction as a mediator These results provide insights into fostering work environments by offering flexible work arrangements and alternative scheduling options tailored to the diverse requirements and preferences of Generation Z employees. Additionally, this study deepens our understanding of how Work-Life Balance, Career Development, Job Satisfaction, and Turnover Intention are interconnected with Generation Z employees.

摘要 I
Abstract II
Acknowledgment III
Contents IV
List of Figure VI
List of Table VII
Research Background 1
Research Motivation 3
Research Purpose and Contributions 4
Work-Life Balance 5
Career Development 6
Job Satisfaction 7
Turnover Intention 9
Generation Z (Gen Z) 10
Hypothesis Development 11
Work-Life Balance on Job Satisfaction 11
Career Development on Job Satisfaction 12
Work-Life Balance on Turnover Intention 13
Career Development on Turnover Intention 14
Job Satisfaction on Turnover Intention 15
Work-Life Balance on Turnover Intention through Job Satisfaction 15
Career Development on Turnover Intention through Job Satisfaction 16
Research Framework 18
Research Design 18
Sample and Data Collection 19
Measurements 20
Validity and Reliability 24
Analysis Technique 25
Basic Statistics of Sample 27
Validity and Reliability 29
Normality Test 30
Hypothesis Testing 32
Path Analysis and Regression 33
Sobel Test 36
Theoretical Contribution 39
Managerial Implication 39
Recommendations 40
Limitation and Future Research 41
References 42
Appendices 48
Appendix 1: Questionnaire Items in English 48
Appendix 2: Questionnaire Items in Bahasa Indonesia 52

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第一頁 上一頁 下一頁 最後一頁 top
1. 自覺高才低就與才非所用對離職意圖之影響:探討職涯主動行為及晉升力之中介效果與未來時間觀之調節效果
2. 以期望價值理論探討教師自我調節學習之心態、技能與促進績效之關係
3. 探討Z世代員工體驗、敬業度與留任意願之關係
4. 奢侈品使用者經驗、奢侈品價值、消費者價值信念與購買意願之關聯性研究-以Z世代消費者為例
5. 探討Z世代消費者與非Z世代消費者對區塊鏈在奢侈品產業應用之看法
6. 加密貨幣使用者對於去中心化借貸的使用意圖之探討
7. 醫療基層從業人員工作特質壓力、休閒因應策略、休閒參與及離職傾向之影響研究-以東部某區域教學醫院為例
8. 跨越泰國職涯挑戰:人工智慧素養在提升職涯永續性與降低離職意圖中的角色
9. 資訊科技產業工作者的工作與生活平衡對留任意願影響之研究-以不同世代為調節變項
10. 性格特質對衝動性購買、流行涉入和品牌轉換的影響:Y與Z世代的比較
11. 人工智慧如何基於預期違背理論 (EVT) 提升客戶對奢侈品的購買意願
12. 探討新進行員離職原因與因應:以C銀行為例
13. 線上論壇賦能對使用者持續參與意圖的影響:以期望價值理論為理論視角
14. Z世代員工雇主品牌與工作投入之影響:以工作意義感為中介效果及知覺支持型組織氣候為調節效果
15. 奢侈時尚品牌品牌代言人、品牌形象對消費者購買意願之影響—以Z世代為例