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論文名稱(外文):Frailty severity and dietary diversity on mortality in Taiwanese older adults
指導教授(外文):CHANG, HSING-YI
外文關鍵詞:FrailtyDietary DiversityMortalityOlder AdultsNutrition and Health Survey in Taiwan (NAHSIT)
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衰弱症特色為身體功能及多項系統衰退,其生理儲備能力和對抗壓力事件的抵抗能力下降,與跌倒、認知衰退、失能、住院、入住機構與死亡風險有關。老年人飲食品質較佳,可改善或降低衰弱症及死亡風險,然飲食品質良好的衰弱症老年人是否有較低死亡風險仍然未知。以國際營養及老化協會所提出的FRAIL量表作為衰弱判斷標準,臺灣2014-2016年國民營養健康調查中65歲以上老年人衰弱症盛行率為4.9%。為進一步探討飲食多樣性與衰弱症對死亡風險之聯合影響,本研究分為橫斷面與前瞻性世代研究。以24小時飲食回憶計算營養素攝取量及飲食多樣性分數 (Dietary diversity score, DDS;範圍0-6分),分數愈高,飲食品質愈佳;食物項目攝取頻率則來自飲食頻率問卷。本研究以FRAIL量表作為判斷衰弱標準。橫斷面研究使用 2005-2008年臺灣營養健康狀況變遷調查資料庫中968名65歲及以上的社區老年人為研究對象,結果指出,相較於正常老人,衰弱老人攝取較低的熱量及營養素,麵食製品、菇蕈類、茶及咖啡的攝取頻率也顯著較低。前瞻性世代研究共330名參與者有身分證字號,以其串聯至衛生福利部死因統計檔至2020年1月31日止。經過中位數11.7年的追蹤後,衰弱症與衰弱症前期且DDS分數較低者,其死亡風險較高 (調整之HR: 2.30,95% CI: 1.11–4.75);反之DDS分數較高者,死亡風險較低。多樣化飲食有助於降低衰弱症或衰弱症前期老年人的死亡風險。
Frailty is characterized by a decline in physical function and multiple systems, associated with a decline in physiological reserves and resistance to stressors and an increased risk of falls, cognitive decline, disability, hospitalization, institutionalization, and mortality. Better dietary quality in the elderly can improve or reduce the risk of frailty and death, yet it remains unknown whether elderly individuals with frailty who have good dietary quality have a lower mortality risk. Using the FRAIL scale proposed by the International Association of Nutrition and Aging for frailty assessment, the prevalence of frailty among the elderly was 4.9% in the Nutrition Health Survey in Taiwan (NAHSIT) from 2014 to 2016. This study consists of a cross-sectional and a prospective cohort study to investigate the combined effect of dietary diversity and frailty on mortality risk. Nutrient intake and dietary diversity scores (DDS; range 0-6 points) were calculated based on 24-hour dietary recalls, with higher scores indicating better dietary quality; food item intake frequency was derived from a food frequency questionnaire. The cross-sectional study used data from 968 community-dwelling individuals aged 65 and over from the 2005-2008 NAHSIT Database, indicated that, compared to their non-frail counterparts, frail elderly individuals consumed lower amounts of calories and nutrients, and had significantly lower intake frequencies of grain products, mushrooms, tea, and coffee. The prospective cohort study included 330 participants with national identification numbers, which was linked to the Ministry of Health and Welfare’s Data Science Center until January 31, 2020. After a median follow-up of 11.7 years, those with frailty or pre-frailty and lower DDS had a higher risk of death (adjusted HR: 2.30, 95% CI: 1.11–4.75); conversely, those with higher DDS had a lower risk of mortality. We conclude that a diversified diet may reduce the risk of mortality in elderly people with frailty or pre-frailty.
中文摘要 V
Abstract VII
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與重要性 1
第二節 研究目的 5
第二章 文獻回顧 6
第一節 衰弱症之流行病學 6
一、 衰弱症的概念與研究 6
二、 衰弱症評估工具 31
第二節 飲食營養與衰弱症 40
一、 飲食營養與衰弱症 40
二、 飲食評估方法 45
三、 飲食型態與飲食品質 52
四、 研究假說 57
第三章 研究方法 58
第一節 研究設計 58
第二節 資料來源及研究對象 58
第三節 研究工具 60
第四節 統計分析 63
第四章 結果 67
第一節 橫斷研究 67
第二節 前瞻性世代研究 70
第五章 討論 73
第一節 橫斷研究 73
第二節 前瞻性世代研究 87
第六章 研究優勢與限制 93
第七章 結論 94
第八章 政策建議 95
參考文獻 96

Participants in a cross-sectional study
Table 1. Variable definition in statistical analysis 118
Table 2. Baseline characteristics by frailty severity among NAHSIT 2005–2008 older adults (n = 968). 119
Table 3. Compared to DDS, food intake frequency among frailty severity in the NAHSIT 2005-2008 older adults (n = 968). 122
Table 4. Comparisons of nutrient intakes among frailty severity in the NAHSIT 2005-2008 older adults (n=966). 125
Table 5. Comparison of nutrient density among frailty severity in the NAHSIT 2005-2008 older adults (n = 966). 128
Table 6. Baseline characteristics by DDS among NAHSIT 2005-2008 older adults (n = 966). 131
Table 7. Food intake frequency by DDS among the NAHSIT 2005-2008 older adults (n = 966). 135
Table 8. Compared DDS and nutrient intakes among the NAHSIT 2005-2008 older adults (n = 966) 136

Comparing cross-sectional study tables based on sex
Table 2A Baseline characteristics by frailty severity among NAHSIT 2005–2008 older men (n = 482). 120
Table 2B. Baseline characteristics by frailty severity among NAHSIT 2005–2008 older women (n = 486). 121
Table 3A. Compared to dietary diversity score (DDS), food intake frequency among frailty severity in the NAHSIT 2005-2008 older men (n = 482). 123
Table 3B. Compared to dietary diversity score (DDS), food intake frequency among frailty severity in the NAHSIT 2005-2008 older women (n = 486). 124
Table 4A. Comparison of nutrient intakes among frailty severity in the NAHSIT 2005-2008 older men (n = 482). 126
Table 4B. Comparison of nutrient intakes among frailty severity in the NAHSIT 2005-2008 older women (n = 486). 127
Table 5A. Comparison of nutrient density among frailty severity in the NAHSIT 2005-2008 older men (n = 482). 129
Table 5B. Comparison of nutrient density among frailty severity in the NAHSIT 2005-2008 older women (n = 486). 130
¶Cognitive impairment was defined by a SPMSQ with ≥3 errors.Table 6A. Baseline characteristics by DDS among NAHSIT 2005-2008 older men (n = 481). 132
Table 6B. Baseline characteristics by DDS among NAHSIT 2005-2008 older women (n = 485). 134

Participants in a prospective cohort study
Table 9. Compared the demographic characteristics with the ID card numbers and the original database. 137
Table 10. Baseline characteristics by frailty severity among NAHSIT 2005–2008 older adults (n = 330). 138
Table 11. Comparisons of dietary diversity score (DDS), and food intake frequency among frailty severity in the NAHSIT 2005-2008 (n=330). 139
Table 12. Food intake frequency by DDS among NAHSIT 2005–2008 older adults (n = 329). 140
Table 13. Association between frailty severity and risk of all-cause mortality in 2005–2008 NAHSIT older adults (n = 330). 141
Table 14. Association between prefrailty and frailty stratified by DDS and all-cause mortality in 2005–2008 NAHSIT older adults (n = 329). 141
Table 15. Sensitivity analysis of frailty status stratified by DDS and all-cause mortality in 2005-2008 NAHSIT older adult (n = 319). 142

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