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研究生(外文):Ho, Yu-Chen
論文名稱(外文):Improvement of Learning-based Satellite Image Pan-sharpening for Intensity and Structure Preservation
指導教授(外文):Lin, Shih-SyunLin, Chao-Hung
口試委員(外文):Chi, Ming-TeWang, Ko-ChihLin, Shih-SyunLin, Chao-Hung
外文關鍵詞:pan-sharpeningdeep learningimage fusionsatellite image
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衛星全色態影像銳化(Image Pan-sharpening)作為一種提升多光譜影像空間解析度的技術,是衛星影像處理中的基礎且重要的研究議題。該技術通過融合高空間解析度的全色態(Panchromatic, PAN)影像與低空間解析度的多光譜(Multispectral, MS)影像,生成一幅高空間解析度且多光譜的影像。儘管目前已存在多種先進的全色態影像銳化技術,但仍面臨一些難以解決的問題。首先,現今的全色態影像銳化技術主要依賴深度學習進行影像融合。深度學習模型的複雜性使得不同的全色態影像銳化技術難以輕易地在不同應用場景中移植。不只模型的泛化性能低下,也增加研究成本。其次,原始MS影像和輸出影像之間存在一定程度的光譜強度差異。這種差異在光譜特徵分析中顯而易見。生成影像與原始影像之間的差異過大,如植被區域失去原有特徵。融合影像的可靠性不足。

Satellite image pan-sharpening, a technique used to enhance the spatial resolution of multispectral images, is a fundamental and significant research topic in satellite image processing. This technique generates a high spatial resolution multispectral image by fusing high spatial resolution panchromatic (PAN) images with low spatial resolution multispectral (MS) images. Despite various advanced pan-sharpening technologies, some challenges remain unsolved. First of all, current pan-sharpening techniques rely on deep learning technology for image fusion. The complexity of deep learning models makes it difficult to transfer pan-sharpening techniques easily to various application scenarios. This not only results in poor generalization performance but also increases research costs. Second, there is spectral intensity drift between the original MS image and the output image. This drift is evident in the analysis of spectral features. The resulting image may differ significantly from the original image, such as the loss of original features in vegetated areas. Therefore, the reliability of fused images is deficient.
This work aims to solve the problem of spectral intensity drift and structural preservation. It proposes a new training method to extend the performance of existing models. This method modifies the loss function through three additional terms. The first term globally compares the spectral intensity of each band between the generated images and the ground truth data. It aims to correct spectral intensity drift by minimizing the average intensity difference of each band. The second term calculates the standard deviation of the spectral intensity for each band of both images. This is done to control the range performance of the intensity and prevent the distortion caused by averaging. The third term segments the images into multiple local regions and calculates the correlation of each local region in both images. To maintain structural consistency, the image pyramid concept is introduced, allowing the model to learn high-frequency features, such as detailed textures, at different scales. This work generalizes the training method without significantly modifying the existing pan-sharpening model by modifying the loss function. This can address the rigidity problem of deep learning models.
Experimental results on the Worldview-3 dataset indicate that this training method achieves outstanding qualitative and quantitative outcomes.

摘要 i
Abstract ii
Acknowledgements iii
Content iv
List of Figures v
List of Table vi
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Satellite image 2
1.3 Degradation 3
1.4 Motivation 5
1.5 Contribution 6
Chapter 2 Related work 7
2.1 Traditional method 7
2.2 Deep learning method 8
Chapter 3 Methodology 13
3.1 LPPN Architecture 13
3.2 Loss function of LPPN 15
3.3 Proposed Loss Terms 15
3.3.1 Global Intensity De-drift 15
3.3.2 Standard Deviation Preservation 19
3.3.3 Local Detail Compensation 20
3.4 Proposed Loss function 21
Chapter 4 Experimental Results and Discussion 22
4.1 Experimental Datasets 22
4.2 Model Training details 22
4.3 Metrics 23
4.4 Model training 24
4.5 Model Performance and Comparisons 26
4.6 Ablation experiments 27
4.6.1 Quantitative Analysis 28
4.6.2 Histogram analysis 30
4.6 Statistical Analysis 32
Chapter 5 Conclusions and Future Works 34
Reference 36
Appendix 39

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