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研究生(外文):Nelson Yi Chan
論文名稱(外文):The research of location-based traveling service for handheld devices
指導教授(外文):Jason Hung
外文關鍵詞:Location-based traveling serviceinteractive platformmobile devices
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台灣的地理環境為海島國家,在經濟發展上旅遊是極重要的部份,而旅遊的發展除了實際的地理環境外,旅遊資訊的提供也是一大重要因素。在現今的生活習慣上,人們習慣透過網路來蒐集資料,然而現有的網路旅遊資訊,都是被動的被搜尋,因此我們提出了一個網路結合手持行動裝置的網路互動式平台,讓想前往某地旅行的旅客不單單只是在網路搜索,而可以在出發前透過網路搜尋所需資訊的同時,進而接受由目的地商家或政府單位所提出之任務,在旅遊的途中即可透過手持行動裝置及無線網路來回覆任務,或是開啟下一個任務關卡。當完成任務時,便可透過手持行動裝置及無線網路立即的兌換獎勵。如此一來,可以改變以往單調的旅行模式: 資訊蒐集、前往、到達、返回,走馬看花似的旅遊。我們所提出的互動式平台,可以提升一般網路瀏覽者前往旅行的意願,更可以讓已計劃前往旅遊的網路瀏覽者多了一份樂趣及額外的獎勵。互動平台不僅幫助旅客在旅行中增加樂趣,更可以幫助政府機關或旅遊景點周邊的商家來推廣各地的旅遊景點及歷史古蹟。
Tourism industry is the main part of economic development of Taiwan due to the geographical reason as an island country. In addition, aside from the practical reason of the geographical environment, the supply of the travel information also plays an important role in the tourism development. People are used to finding tourism information through the internet, which
is one-way process. Therefore, we come out with an idea of an interactive platform, which combines the internet and the mobile devices. With the platform, tourists not only find information, but also accept the tasks given
from the local organization. By returning the task results, tourists can open the next mission, and exchange rewards after mission-accomplish. With this interactive platform, we can change the traditional travel mode and increase the tourists’ willing of going abroad. Furthermore, with the interactive platform tourists can enjoy different pleasure and gain extra
bonus when traveling. Our interactive platform not only provides tourists more pleasure, but also helps the local government and the shops around the tourist attractions on their promotion.
目錄i v
圖目錄v i
第一章 緒論1
第二章 相關文獻探討3
2.1 智慧旅遊應用相關探討3
2.2 教育課程應用於手持裝置相關探討4
2.3 GEOCACHING 相關探討5
2.4 SCVNGR 相關探討6
2.5 Foursquare 相關探討6
2.6 FACEBOOK Place 相關探討7
2.7 Game-Based Marketing 相關探討7
2.8 G.P.S. 相關探討8
2.9 G.I.S. 相關探討8
2.10 K.M.L.相關探討9
2.11 第三代移動通訊技術及 WI-FI 相關探討9
2.12 平台相關技術之探討10
第三章 研究方法12
3 .1 問題定義12
3.2 研究步驟16
第四章 系統架構21
4 .1 系統資料庫21
4 .2 系統實作25
第五章 結論31
[1] Ahmed El-Rabbany, Introduction to GPS: the Global PositioningSystem, Artech House Publishers (November 30, 2001)
[2] Borko Furht, A. Ahson, HSDPA/HSUPA Handbook, CRC Press; 1st.edition (October 25, 2010)
[3] Chang-Shing Lee , Young-Chung Chang , Mei-Hui Wanga, Ontological recommendation multi-agent for Tainan City travel, Expert Systems with Applications 36 (2009), 6740–6753
[4] Elizabeth Naramore, Jason Gerner, Yann Le Scouarnec, Jeremy Stolz, Michael K. Glass, Beginning PHP5, Apache, and MySQL Web Development, Wrox (February 4, 2005)
[5] Frank Ohrtman, Konrad Roeder, Wi-Fi Handbook : Building 802.11b Wireless Networks, McGraw-Hill Professional; 1st. edition (April 10, 2003)
[6] Gabe Zichermann, Joselin Linder, Game-Based Marketing: Inspire Customer Loyalty Through Rewards, Challenges, and Contests, John Wiley
& Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey(2010).
[7] Javier Torrente, Pablo Lavín Mera, Pablo Moreno-Ger, Baltasar Fernández-Manj ó n, Coordinating Heterogeneous Game-based Learning
Approaches in Online Learning Environments, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2009, Volume 5660/2009, 1-18
[8] Kenton O’Hara, Understanding Geocaching Practices and Motivations, Hewlett-Packard Labs, ACM 978-1-60558-011-1/08/04
[9] Ming-Yuhe Chang, Li-Cheng Chuang, The Game-like Historical GIS,2010
[10] Mark Dalrymple, Scott Knaster, Learn Objective-C on the Macintosh, Apress; 1st. edition (January 7, 2009)
[11] Paul A. Longley, Michael F. Goodchild, David J. Maguire, David W. Rhind, Geographic information systems and science, Wiley; 2nd. edition (March 22, 2005)
[12] Sterling Udell, Beginning Google Maps Mashups with Mapplets, KML, and GeoRSS: From Novice to Professional, Apress; 1st. edition(November 14, 2008)
[13]Facebook website, http://www.facebook.com/
[14] Foursquare website, https://foursquare.com/
[15] SCVNGR website, http://www.scvngr.com/
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