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研究生(外文):Wei-Bang Gao
論文名稱(外文):Toward Platforms and Applications of Wireless Sensor Network Systems in Cloud
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無線感測網路是藉由一到數個無線資料收集器及眾多的感測器所構成的網路系統,藉由感測裝置我們可以針對所想監控的事物(如環境、溫度等)進行偵測行為,而後將所收集的資料透過無線傳輸將資料傳給收集器,最後依照收集器所收集之資料了解監控事物的狀態,然而無線感測網路運用於大範圍 (如環境感測、居家照護等)的監測時,解決龐大資料量處理問題,我們卻仍欠缺一套有效率的方法。
A wireless sensor network (WSN) is a network system consisting of one (or several) radio transceiver(s) and numerous sensors. Through these sensor devices, people can detect and collect information from monitoring the target conditions, e.g., environment, temperature, etc., with collected data delivered to the transceiver via wireless transmission. Nonetheless, there is yet an efficient approach to handle the enormous amount of data when WSN is applied to the monitoring of a large area, e.g., wireless environmental sensing, home health-care, etc.
This study offers a strategy and procedure for data access and computation via cloud computing, to meet the needs of massive data processing of WSN. By integrating the data processing capability of cloud computing into WSN, the system efficacy would be improved effectively, and the defects of WSN data processing could be amended as well. In addition, expansion to more applications would be expected. For researchers in related fields, this study could also provide references to a variety of WSN applications, their system structure designs, as well as strategy and decision making.
誌謝 iii
摘要 iv
Abstract v
目錄 vi
表目錄 viii
圖目錄 ix
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機與背景 1
1.2 研究目的 1
1.3 預期成果與貢獻 2
1.4 論文架構 3
第二章 文獻探討 4
2.1 無線感測網路 4
2.1.1 WSN的特點與通訊標準 5
2.1.2 WSN的平台架構 7
2.1.3 WSN的應用 8
2.2 雲端運算 10
2.3 雲端運算的定義 13
2.3.1 雲端運算的5個基本特徵: 13
2.3.2 雲端運算的3個服務模式: 14
2.3.3 雲端運算的4個部署模式: 15
2.4 雲端運算的應用 15
2.4.1 雲端作業系統 16
2.4.2 雲端文書與繪圖處理 18
2.4.3 雲端防毒軟體 22
2.4.4 伺服器與雲端存取 24
2.5雲端結合無線感測網路之相關應用發展 26
第三章 研究方法 28
3.1 系統架構 28
3.2 架構規劃 30
3.2.1系統流程架構 30
3.2.2雲端服務架構 31
3.2.3 用戶端架構 32
3.3系統操作流程 34
第四章 應用平台實作架構 36
4.1居家照護系統設計 36
4.1.1系統元件 38
4.2環境感測系統設計 42
4.2.1 系統元件 43
4.2.2 系統原理及架構 47
第五章 雲端平台實作 52
第六章 結論與未來展望 62
6.1結論 62
6.2未來展望 63
文獻參考 64
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