The analysis for ionic channels is a very essential problem in the biomedical studies. From the past studies, the physiologists believe that the properties of the currents flowing in the ionic channel satisfy a Markov chain; therefore, the Markov model is used mostly often as the model for the underlying ionic channel kinetics. As there are distortions and noises accompanying with the sampled current signals, the problem can be re-addressed as searching for an appropriate approach of signal processing to build up the optimal Markov model for the underlying channel current signals. Approaches of maximum likelihood estimation of the model parameters have been widely applied to ionic channel analysis problem; and the hidden Markov model (HMM) is the most popular method. However, there still exists some problems if the algorithms associated with the traditional HMM are used without any practical considerations and modifications. In this thesis, from extensive simulation experiments, we have a more complete study of the applicability and limits of the proposed approaches to the ionic channel problems. In this thesis, we investigate (1) the maximum likelihood estimation on the kinetics domain by a local optimizer, Steepest Descent, and a quasi- global optimizer, Simulated Annealing, respectively; (2) the restoration of underlying ideal channel signal based on the maximum likelihood estimation on the transition probability matrix by HMM. In the experiments, we compute the errors of estimation and/or restoration according to various RMS of noise and kinetic rates. The results of experiments show that (1) the performance of the quasi-global optimizer on estimating the kinetics matrix is better than the local optimizer; (2) the restoration based on the estimation on the transition probability matrix is a good alternative, but further error analysis for kinetics matrix is not implied from the error of restoration.