Adaptive antennas can suppress the interference efficiently, when thedirectionvector of the desired signal (steering vector) is correctly set. However, for an imperfect steering vector, the adaptive antenna array tends to suppress not only the interference but also the desired signal. Various kinds of error may exist in the steering vector, for example, error caused by the assumption that the signal source is at the far-field range, while in general, it is not. To alleviate the performance degradation caused by the finite-distance signal source, we first appply the eigenspace-based beamformer to correct the far- field steering vector and analyze its performance. Then, we develop an adaptive array based on the reconstructive Toeplitz structure of the correlation matrix and examine its performance by computer simulations. Finally, we propose a partial adative array which combines the eigenspace-based beamformer and the adaptive array with weights computed by the reconstructive Toeplitz structure of correlation matrix.