The relationship of macro biomolecular structure and function is veryimportant in the biological and biochemical system. Because of macrobiomolecular complexity, it is difficult to observe and analyze their threedimension conformations and quaternary structures. In order to solve theseproblems, we can use picture presentation to study and compare the structuresof macro biomolecules such as proteins and nucleic acids. The Protein Data Bank (PDB) archive of the Brookhaven National Laboratory( BNL) is a computer-based archival file for macromolecular structures. The Bankstores in a uniform format atomic coordinates and partial bond connectivities,as derived from crystallographic and NMR studies. For a number of years, thePDB has been available on the internet for access via FTP, more recentlythrough Gopher, and now via WWW. These tools provided access to the individualentries of PDB and allowed limited searches of the data bank. We develop a personal computer based program which can read in molecularcoordinate files in PDB formats and interactively displays the molecule on themonitor screen. This program is written in the Visual Basic language and usesthe Windows graphics user interface. The Program can run on IBM PC compatiblepersonal computers under Microsoft Windows 3.X, Windows 95 and Windows NTsystems.
This program uses chromatic anaglyph method to display stereo macrobiomolecular structures. Using this program, each macro biomolecule can beviewed in three dimensional model and can be moved, scaled and rotated aboutthree orthogonal axes.