Nowadays, Ministry of Interior has done the minimun constraintadjustment of 105 first order statellite control points with GPSmeasurement. But, it has not identified GPS datum definition andTaiwan datum definition. Thus, the datum transformation plays akey role, if we want to apply GPS measurement result in commongeodetic measurement directly. In datum transformation methods, except we analyze andexperiment the characters of 7-parameters method. Due to theincrease of common points, we wish to expand the datumtransformation method. Based above, it is reffered that unionVeis model and least square prediction as well as minimumcurvature method can be used to manipulate datum transformation. Based on the experiments, it is recommoned to use union Veismodel and least square prediction method for detecting error ofdata firstly (abandom common points or not) in Taiwan, thenminimum curvature method can be utilized to form mesh fortransforming According to above advice, common points can notonly complete fitting well, but also keep the plane absoluteaverage of datum shift of check points at about 30 cm.