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研究生(外文):Hui-Yan Huang
論文名稱(外文):Combustion Efficacy of Medical Waste IncineratorI
指導教授(外文):Yi-Chang LinChun-Pao Kuo
外文關鍵詞:Combustion EfficiencyDestruction and Romoval EfficiencyBurning Rate
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The Environmental Protection Administration, the Executive Yuan, began to enforce laws for the proper treatment of medical waste in 1990. No medical infectious has been allowed to be disposed in sanitary landfill since 1997. Faced with the lack of available landfills at any price, incineration of solid wastes has become the primary police of solid waste treatment, included infectious waste disposal. After one decade of effort from all associated parties, 36 incinerators are currently available at hospitals and other organizations for the disposal of medical wastes.
With the lack of experience and technology of waste incineration, many medical waste incinerators of middle and small scales were not properly operated or not functioned to the conditions as originally designed. This study attempted to review literature on incineration theory and mechanism, to compile available data and information based on available regulations, literature and to develop a proper model incinerator for medical waste.
By the basic combustion equations, a waste incineration model with essential parameters such as temperature and pressure can be established. This model also can establish relationships between flue gas composition, waste composition, heating values of waste, auxiliary fuel and excess air used. A laboratory scale medical waste incinerator was built to test the findings generated from the model. We have generated data using this model incinerator from 5 sets of experiments. In the experiments of gasoline combustion, it took about 1.5 sec between the mixing of gasoline and air, and the completion of gasoline combustion. At the completion of gasoline combustion, the temperature of the combustion chamber was 924℃. The results also showed that the best pyrolysis temperature of waste was about 620℃. The combustion conditions fulfill the existing regulation that requires a temperature of 1000℃ in the secondary combustion. And the optimal temperature for pyrolysis operating mode ( to avoid excess combustion ) in primary chamber should be designed at 750℃ after consider the heat loss caused by heat conduction from incinerator body and the heat carried out by ash.
By simulating to the composition of the waste generated from two hospitals (hospital A and hospital B) and feeding in with proper amount of air to the incinerator by considering the heating value of waste and the auxiliary fuel we completed the experiment. The optimum temperature, residue oxygen and the content of fuel in the secondary combustion chamber were determined. And by the model generated, the energy loss due to the combustible content and the heat carried away due to the non-combustible content in waste were calculated. Energy balance, and the flue gas temperature from secondary combustion were thus obtained, and the function of incineration treatment was evaluated.
This research has simulated the incineration treatment facility using a small-scale medical waste incinerator. The simulation was conducted by varying the combustion parameter and combustion procedures, and by measures the flue gas, main component composition, and temperature to calculate the destroying condition of hazard materials in combustion. This model can be used to improve the combustion condition for medical waste incineration, and to establish the optimal operation condition.
一、 研究緣起
二、 醫療廢棄物管理現況
三、 醫療廢棄物焚化處理之簡介
四、 文獻回顧
第貳章 台灣地區現有焚化爐的設計分析及燃燒模式16
一、 現有醫療廢棄物焚化爐的種類
二、 焚化爐廢氣中排放污染物種類與來源
三、 燃燒理論依據
第參章 焚化爐操作處理模式33
一、 醫療廢棄物組成成分的模擬處理模式
二、 熱分解模式
第肆章 焚化爐處理實例結果與討論37
一、 實例說明
二、 實例討論
三、 實際醫療廢棄物焚化爐的處理模式
四、 排放標準討論
五、 實驗模擬
第伍章 結論與建議80
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