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研究生(外文):Chang-Hong Lai
論文名稱(外文):Design and Control of an Anthropomorphic Robot
指導教授(外文):Tsing-Iuan Tsay
外文關鍵詞:look-and-move control structurerobotic binocular headwheeled mobile basehumanoid robotanthropomorphic robot
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With advances in electronics and control technology, robot manipulators have, in the recent decade, been designed not only to perform hazardous or automated tasks, but also to interact with humans in a friendly manner. The function of robotic systems has thus increasingly shifted from industrial automation to human interaction. For instance, robots that assist humans in daily environments such as in offices, homes and hospitals are highly desired. In particular, humanoid robots are widely anticipated to emerge owing to factors such as anthropomorphism, friendly design, and intelligence within human living environments. To fulfill these consumer demands, several humanoid robots have been developed in recent years.
This work constructs an anthropomorphic robot as a preliminary research of humanoid robots. The anthropomorphic robot developed herein comprises mainly a wheeled mobile base, a fixed torso mounted on a mobile base, an 7 D.O.F. robot arm, an 7 D.O.F. robot hand and an 5 D.O.F. robotic binocular head. A coordinated visually guided control structure is then proposed for this anthropomorphic robot. The control structure can be divided into two major parts: (a) the image-based look-and-move control structure integrated with two control strategies used to control the saccade and fixation of the robotic binocular head and (b) the position-based look-and-move control structure integrated with two control strategies employed to control the robot arm to retrieve a target object, using the coordinated robotic head. Image processing algorithms are also proposed to increase the perception capability of rapidly detecting the location of a target object in a natural environment, thus reducing the computational burden for image processing.
Finally, three sets of experiments are conducted to verify the theoretical derivations and the performance of the anthropomorphic robot. Three objects, i.e., a rectangular parallelepiped, a cup with a handle and a bottle-shaded container with square bottom, are placed on a table, with one selected as the target object in each set of experiments. Experimental results indicate that the robotic head and the robot arm of the anthropomorphic robot can coordinate with each other to locate and grasp the target object successfully.
第一章 緒論1
第二章 類人形機器人之設計5
2.1.1 雙眼機械頭之設計8
2.1.2 機械手掌及機械手臂之設計10
2.1.3 輪式移動平台之設計15
2.2.1 視覺感測器16
2.2.2 影像擷取卡17
2.2.3 雙C6X DSP PCI卡18
第三章 類人形機器人之運動模型之建立與軌跡規劃23
第四章 攝影機校正41
4.2.1 參數表示43
4.2.2 估測Homography44
4.2.3 解得內部參數45
第五章 影像處理48
第六章 類人形機器人之頭手協調抓取控制62
6.1.1 靜態雙眼立體幾何架構63
6.1.2 物體的位置及方位65
6.2.1 掃視69
6.2.2 凝視控制:鎖定和追?72
6.3.1 判定手臂工作空間之控制策略76
6.3.2 逼近及抓取物體之控制策略77
第七章 實驗82
第八章 結論97
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